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Brandon Kinnaird

Las formas matemticas

Context: The students of this classroom will be first-year, middle school Spanish. This lesson is
best taught to a medium sized classroom (approx. 20 students). This class meets every day for 50
minutes at a time. Students in the class are usually eager to learn Spanish. They are just starting
out in Spanish so they have not learned much.
Content Area: Students will be exploring shapes and sizes just like they would in Geometry
class. They will be using various methods to create and explore different shapes.
Overall Goal: Students will be able to identify different shapes and sizes in Spanish.
1. Students will be able to label at least 4 shapes in Spanish.
2. Students will be able to label the number of sides that a shape has in Spanish.
3. Students will be able to compare and contrast shape sizes using que and como.
a. Esta forma es ms grande que esa forma.
Standards Addressed:
Indiana Academic Standards
o Communication: Present information in a language other than English.
1.1.2: Make basic requests and ask simple questions.
1.1.3: Exchange basic information, simple feelings and preferences with
1.3.1: Speak in simple, complete sentences to describe objects, self, and
1.3.2: Write in simple, complete sentences to describe objects, self, and
o Connections: Make connections to other content areas
1.5.1: Describe basic objects and concepts form other content areas in
simple terms.
1.5.2: Implement content area concepts and skills through relevant
ISTE Standards
a. 1: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
i. A: Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and
b. 3: Model digital age work and learning.
i. A: Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current
knowledge to new technologies and situations.
Materials: This lesson requires the teacher to have access to a computer that can be shared with
the students to access the website: The

Brandon Kinnaird
teacher will also provide handout geoboards to the students to use for a different activity.
Students will need pencils and paper.
1. Warm-up (2-3 minutes)
a. Students will be introduced to the numbers 1-20. The teacher will go through each
number with the students quickly while writing them on the board. Most of the
students might already know this through outside experience.
2. Presentation (7-8 minutes)
a. The teacher will present a list of basic shapes with the students in Spanish. The
shapes will include el crculo, el tringulo, el rectngulo, el cuadrado, el
diamante y la estrella. The class with then have to repeat the name of the shape
and tell the teacher how many sides it has.
b. The teacher will then present the grammar concept of comparing and contrasting.
The students will be presented with a formula for each that will be written on the
board. The formula for que and como is ms(menos)+palabra+que,
tan+adjectivo/adverbio+como, tanto(a, os, as)+sustantivo+como
3. Practice 1 (8-10)
a. Students will be given a picture of a painting. Students will then label the
different shapes in the picture that they learned about previously. The teacher will
then ask the students what shapes they found and how many sides they have. The
teacher will then ask the students comparative questions about the shapes based
on the the grammar concepts that were presented before and the new vocabulary.
For example, Es la triangulo aqu ms grande que el cuadrado?
4. Practice 2 (8-10 minutes)
a. Students will then be separated into two teams for a game. The teacher will pull
up a geoboard on the computer ( The teacher will proceed to draw a shape on the geoboard and
the students will have to create that shape using their bodies. The first team to
create the shape gets a point. The teacher will ask comparative questions similar
to the ones in the previous activity throughout. The winning team gets first choice
for a piece of candy and the losing team gets the candy the winning team does not
5. Creation (7-8 minutes)
a. Students will create their own shape using the geoboards that the teacher
provides. The students will have to label how many sides their shape has as well
as give it a name. The name can be in English because it is a shape that they
created on their own and not something that already exists.
6. Compare/Closing (16-17 minutes)
a. Students will then share their shape with the class by (1) telling the class the name
of the shape, (2) the number of sides and (3) one comparative fact using their
shape and the student who went before thems shape.
Evaluation: Students will be assessed through their ability to answer questions when called

Brandon Kinnaird
upon in parts 1-4 of the lesson. Students will be called upon to label shapes, compare shapes and
sizes, and count sides. There will be a lot of formative assessment like this throughout.

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