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1.- Fill in the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

a) We couldnt play yesterday. The rain WAS FALLING (fall) heavily all day long.
b) What WERE YOU DOING ( you, do) when I called you last night?
c) While Rooney WAS STUDYING ( study) for his exam, Sandra WAS WATCHING (watch) TV
d) I WAS GOING (go) to the library when it started to snow.
e) Who WAS DRIVING (drive) when police stopped you?
f) They WERE NOT TALKING (not, talk) about that. They WERE PLAYING ( play) video games instead
g) Why WERENT YOU PAYING ( you, not, pay) attention while I WAS EXPLAINING (explain) the
grammar structure?

1.- Fill in the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
a) When I GOT (get) home, everybody WAS WATCHING TV ( watch) TV
b) Why DID YOU DECIDE (you. decide) to stay at home on Friday?
c) Strong winds WERE BLOWING (blow) all day.
d) Nobody HEARD (heard) anything while we WERE SLEEPING (sleep).

As she WAS DESCRIBING (describe) her feelings, I BEGAN (begin) to understand everything


Why DID YOU TELL (you, tell) her those nasty words last night?

g) He SKIPPED HIS CLASSES (skip) his classes and LIED (lie) to all of us.
The whole family WAS SITTING (sit) at the table when they HEARD (hear) the news

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