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Jane Eyre Presentation

Group 6 Handout
Gothic elements, mother figures, journey, religion, and character
1. The gothic genre is a _________ type of _________ popular
in the ____ and ____ centuries characterized by (list three
examples) ____________, ____________, and _____________.
2. List examples of gothic elements.

3. What is the primary role of a vampire in fiction?

4. Who are three mother figures in the text?
5. How is Jane treated differently at these different homes
throughout the book?
6. List some qualities of a strong mother figure.

7. How does Jane change by the end of the book?

8. How does Rochester evolve throughout?

9. True or False In Jane Eyre, Mr. Brocklehurst and Mr.

Rochester represent christian figures.
True or False A mother figure is seen as influential
and intelligent.
True or False Ms. Fairfax acts as a mother figure
towards Jane.
True or False In the end, it is Jane who creates her
own happiness.
Jane Eyre progresses in response to the _________
________ of the Victorian society.
The novel Jane Eyre ultimately traces Janes
____________and ____________ as she searches to find love,
although not solely romantic.
What type of character is Jane Eyre?
A. A static character who generally holds similar beliefs and
practices throughout the novel.
B. A dynamic character who adjusts her character and attitude
based on experiences she faces.
C. A round character because she transitions between several
different living arrangements as she grows up.
D. A static character because she maintains the same bland
clothing, hairstyle, and personality throughout her life.
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