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English tests for Entrance General Exam 11th grade

1. Noun
A.Circle the most appropriate word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.
1. A number of police officers here___ with dogs.
(A) has

(B) work

(C) works

(D) have

(C) have

(D) is

(C) is

(D) do

(C) has

(D) did

(C) is

(D) do

2. A lot of people ___a wrong image of police work.

(A) has

(B) are

3. One of our jobs ___ to help prevent crime.

(A) are

(B) does

4. Someone ___ just reported a robbery.

(A) had

(B) have

5. Ten miles ___ quite a long way.

(A) are

(B) does

6.Three tourists ___ waiting for the museum to open.

(A) is

(B) have

(C) has

(D) are

7. Please accept this gift as an expression of our ___ .

(A) thank

(B) thanking

(C) thankses

(D) thanks

8. The woman is demanding ___ for her injuries.

(A) damaging

(B) damage

(C) damages (D) damagins

9. Were going to spend all our ___ on a new car.

(A) save

(B) saving

(C) savings

(D) saves

10. The old man carried his few ___ in a plastic bag.
(A) belong

(B) belonging (C) belongings

(D) belongs

11. The man twisted Toms left ___ behind his back.
(A) arms

(B) arm

(C) armed

(D) arming

B. Circle the letter of the underlined part which is not correct.

1.The countrys population are increasing rapidly, mainly because of immigration.
2. The ICB board knows that they have some difficult decisions to take.

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