Environment Observation Ece 251

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Jaime Hoonsan

Physical Environment Observation

ECE 251
School: Lighthouse Academy
Phone Number: 702-616-6767
Teachers: Ms. Alexandra, Ms. Kari, Ms. Kylie
Age/Grade Level: Children Ages 3-4 Years
Number of Children Enrolled in the Class: 35 (20 children present each day)
List of Centers and Number of Children Each Center Accommodates:
Blocks: 4 Children

Math and Science: 4 Children

Home Living: 4 Children

Puzzles: 4 Children

Library: 4 Children

Art: 4 Children

*See Attached Environmental Checklist and Floor Plan

Diversity in the Classroom
The majority of the children in this classroom come from upper middle class families. However,
approximately 1/3 of the children in the class are exceptional. Because of this, the teachers have
arranged the physical environment with extra wide spaces to allow children who use walkers to
move around freely. Within the actual physical environment, the teachers have several posters on
display which depict children with differing abilities. The classroom library contains books
which would be considered higher quality. The books explore diversity in multiple ways
including race, ethnicity, social/emotional concepts and physical abilities. The classroom did not

Jaime Hoonsan
Physical Environment Observation
ECE 251
contain any other items such as cultural clothing, food, pictures or displays that would help the
children further explore diversity.
Classroom in Action: Room Arrangement and its Effect on Social Interactions
Through observing interactions in the various learning centers, it is obvious that each learning
center provides an opportunity for children to interact on various social levels. Some activities,
such as painting, are meant to be enjoyed individually. Other activities such as blocks may be
enjoyed in a larger group, a smaller group or individually. Each learning center is valuable and
important as they allow children to explore and interact with the material present in that center,
and also with each other in various social situations. This room is large enough that there is
plenty of room for the number of children allowed to be present in each center. The room could
be arranged in a more purposeful manner that would further facilitate the learning occurring in
the interest centers. The classroom is arranged in such a way that the learning centers are clearly
defined. The learning centers are spread throughout the classroom which gives the children
ample space to explore and play without being overcrowded. The teachers have implemented a
classroom management system which allows the children to actively choose which learning
center they would like to participate in. I observed the children choosing their learning centers.
About 6 of the children seemed to coordinate their center choices with each other. After the
children chosen their learning centers, I observed their interactions. The children who had chosen
to go to the same center as a classmate worked together to build train tracks. The children who
went to the Home Living center and the Math and Science center all interacted with each other
during center time. The children who went to the Library and Puzzle centers did not have the
same type of social interactions with each other. They sat quietly, turning the pages of the books

Jaime Hoonsan
Physical Environment Observation
ECE 251
that they were holding. The children who chose to go to the art center painted at the easel side by
side, but did not really interact with each other.
Evaluation of the Learning Environment
Rating: Using a 1-5 scale to rate the environment, I would rate this classroom as at a level 3.
There some great things happening in this room however, there is definitely room for
improvement. I like how the classroom is arranged, but there are a few things that I would have
the teachers do differently if I were the Facility Director. I would ask the teachers to have more
of the childrens artwork throughout the room. I would also ask that the teachers change the
location of the teacher desk, the art center and the library to incorporate a more aesthetic feel and
flow. As the Facility Director I would also add more unit blocks to the block center, as well as
some block accessories. I would be sure that the classroom had a sensory table that would
provide various types of sensory play each week.
Strengths & Weaknesses

The room is clean and in good repair.

The room is very large. This allows ample room for the children to move about without

spatial restrictions.
The teachers have set up interest centers which contain natural items and manipulatives

for the children to explore.

The teachers have implemented a classroom management system which creates
boundaries on the number of children permitted in each learning center.

Jaime Hoonsan
Physical Environment Observation

ECE 251
The arrangement of the room allows the children opportunities to practice making

The books in the library are what one would consider high quality childrens books.

These books allow the children to explore culture and diversity.

The Cozy Corner/Library is very large and contains soft items.


Because the room is so large, it could use more shelving. This would allow the teachers
to add more interest centers to the learning environment, and to organize the classroom in

a more efficient way.

Although there are 20 children present each day, the overall group size of 35 is too large.
The children are not able to reach their own cubbies because they are located too high on

the wall.
Very little artwork is displayed in the room. No art displayed at childrens eye level.
Music was not used purposefully during my observation. Loud, music which was not

theme related or created for children was playing. No musical instruments were evident.
The classroom lacked a variety of living items.
The classroom lacked technological components.
The classroom is not labeled.
Many of the books in the library were worn or not maintained.

As an administrator I would like to see the following improvements in this classroom:
Labeling: First and foremost, the classroom needs a labeling system. All items should be labeled
using the dual labeling system. Each container should be labeled with its contents picture and
name. Its place on the shelf should be labeled in the same way as well.

Jaime Hoonsan
Physical Environment Observation
ECE 251
Sensory: This classroom needs sensory play. Even if they do not have a functioning sensory
table, the children would benefit greatly from sensory play on trays or in tubs.
Art: The children had a few items to choose from on the easel however, they need a larger
variety of items to express themselves with. The majority of the art items are kept in the cabinets
and not accessible to the children. As Facility Director, I would require that the teachers have
these items accessible to the children. Also, I would love to see more of the childrens art work
displayed throughout the classroom.
Writing Center: Adding a writing center to this classroom would be beneficial for the creative
expression of the children. The writing center should include things such as various types of
paper, various types of writing instruments including colored pencils, regular pencils, crayons,
large and small markers, stamps, stickers, envelopes, glue sticks, and childrens scissors.
Listening Center: I would like to see a listening center in this room. A listening center would
give the children an additional place to go for solitude. Children in this center might listen music
or to a book on CD. This would take care of the missing technological aspect to the classroom as
noted in the attached environmental checklist.
Addition of Living Things: The class has a betta fish, which they named Polka Dot. The
children would gain much knowledge if the teachers incorporated a few other living things to the
environment. Non-poisonous plants are a wonderful addition to any classroom. They help to
make the environment more home-like, as well as create an additional classroom helper job.

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