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Best Practices for Report and Shared Folder Design

Shared Folders:
1. Each project or business unit will be given a dedicated shared folder on the catalog the
corresponding report developments.
2.Any project specific work is not supposed to be saved in My Folders.
3.Dashboard, Page Name , Report Name , Web Groups should be saved to relevant shared
folders with proper and easily identifiable naming conventions
4.Each Dashboard , Page , Report should have descriptions
Interactive Dashboard:
1.Compact and balanced and Feature Rich
2.Do not use any special characters($,'%,'&,'_, etc.) for naming convention in 3. Try to avoid
complex pivot tables.
4. Its not recommended to use Guided Navigation which effects the report performance.
5. Use single GO button for g all the prompts in the report
6.Apply the hidden column format as the systemwide default for these preservation 7.Name
should be meaningful for business
8. Each report can have title definition
9. Do role based personalization wherever applicable
10. Answers access should be restrictive to group of users via privilege control by 11. Apply filter
with some default value to avoid high response time
12. Avoid drop down list for filters for large set of distinct values
13. For date calendar column place it in pivot rather tabular data show
14. Always try to put a single Go
15. Make Drill in place in dashboard for Drilled down reports
16. Put the Download ,Refresh , Print link across all reports
17. 2D charts are easier to read than 3D counterpart typically for bar charts
18. Use standard dashboard layout across all pages
19. Try to keep only 3 to 4 messages per page
20. Remember people read from left to right & top to bottom
21. Always keep dashboards symmetrical, balanced and visually appealing
22. Augment basic reports with Conditional Formatting
23. Always leverage Portal Navigation, Report Navigation & Drilldown
24. Create Visibility Roles
25. Place Filter Views underneath Title views
26. Dont Show Detailed Filters (They look cluttered)
27. Use standard saved templates to import formatting and apply the layout
28. Use region/section collapsible features .
29. Use View selector to allow same data to be replicate across several View.
30. Avoid horizontal scrolling of dashboard page
31. Remember that you can embed folders or groups of folders
32. Always Drill/Navigate from summary to detail, top to bottom
33. Always try to leverage each request view within an application or demonstration Table,
Ticker, Narrative,Filter, etc.)

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