Godhumai Halwa: Ingredients Needed

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Godhumai Halwa

Ingredients needed
Wheat flour 1 cup
Sugar 2 1/2 cups
Ghee 3/4 cup
Milk 1/4 (cows milk or aavin or any company)
Cornflour -1 tbsp
Cashew nuts -10
Chop cashew nuts into small pieces, fry it in ghee and keep it aside.
Grease a tray or a shallow vessel with ghee and keep it ready.
Take 1 cup of wheat flour and make a stiff dough with approximately 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp of water.
Now take 2 cups of water and soak the stiff dough in it for 2-3 hours. (see pic 1 below)
After 2-3 hours
Mix the dough with your hands, until it dissolves well in the water and becomes milky.There should
be no lumps.(pic -2)

Filter the milk (wheat flour milk) using a soup or juice strainer. Add 1 tbsp of cornflour to it and
mix well. Also add a pinch of kesari powder to it.

Heat a heavy bottomed vessel or uruli, melt 1/4 cup of ghee, add the cows milk and the wheat
flour milk. Keep the flame low and stir it continuously.

When it becomes slightly thick, (jam consistency) add sugar and mix well. Then add the rest of the
ghee little by little stirring continuously.

Your hands will pain but you have to stir continuously without stopping in medium or low flame
until the halwa starts leaving the sides of the pan. (See picture below).Then immediately pour it on
a greased vessel.

Grease the bottom of a cup with ghee and even the surface. Sprinkle fried cashew nuts on the
top.It will stick to the halwa in the heat. Allow it to cool. Once it cools, it will set a little.You will not
be able to make slices, as it will be of scooping consistency.

Note The halwa will be glazy on the top when done.

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