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Kimberly Gonzalez
Professor Rosenfeld
English 113B
February 21, 2016
The Intentionality of a College Education
In todays society, it is common for teens and young adults to enter college in order to
pursue a degree of their choice. For instance, some students may choose to pursue a degree in
medicine, a degree in accounting, or a degree in any professional field. Doing so, helps them
reach their career goals more quickly, compared to not attending college. In addition, college
does not only help prepare students with their career, it also helps them mature as individuals.
Furthermore, a college education leads individuals to obtain college degrees, for those who
major in more than one subject. Obtaining such degrees can open up many job opportunities in
life and allow for students to be more independent. College prepares students both intellectually
and socially for their career and adult life. In the article Student, Staff Talk What College Means
to Their Lives, career by Kwon Chan, he argues about the benefits of having a college
education. Chan uses many peoples perspectives about when they were in college and how
many alumni college educators had difficulties .However, this article expresses college
graduates experiences and their results after getting a college degree .Some people argue that
there are no benefits from reaching a college education; however, I find it to be useful because a
college education helps the students economically and also socially, as it improves their
interactions with society. Therefore, a college education helps to expand peoples knowledge of
the real world and its purpose is imparting academic knowledge.
Some may argue that a college education is not beneficial; it can be expensive for those

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who cannot afford it, and quite challenging. In addition, there is no guarantee that a student can
get a job right away after graduating from college. Obtaining a college degree can be quite
intimidating due to time management. However, some college students who are attending college
and pursuing a degree end up not getting the career path they desired. For example, according to
Hartjen, a health administration major, he received a job in accounting even though it was not
related to his field of study (Chan). College is too pricy, and later it may result in debt. Many
individuals in college suffer emotionally due to the academic and financial challenges
(Pharinet680). Some argue that college is not for everyone because not many students have the
analytic knowledge they need in order to succeed in college. However, their chosen occupation
forces them in that direction. In my opinion, students would prefer to work than go to school
because a job gives individual needed skills, money and networking opportunities. Many college
students have been in situations where emotional strains occur due to their exams, homework,
and outside social lives. College has negatively impacted society due to lack of career,
overpopulation, and lack of administration.
While college can have some negative impacts, a college degree does provide individuals
with a more lucrative career path and accomplishments. The benefits of a college education
include education and skills for career opportunities in better paying jobs. Studies have shown
that it also leads to overall happiness and stability. Studies have shown that it also leads to
overall happiness and stability. According to the United States Census Bureau, a researcher
claims that individuals achieving the following degree levels earned the following median
annual salaries: PhDs, $100,000 or more; Masters, $63,000; Bachelors, $55,700; Associates,
$42,000; High School Diploma, $32,500(web). In other words, young adults with bachelor's

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degree earn twice as much as a student who has a high school diploma. Today, many companies
are hiring college graduates quicker than job seekers who just have a high school diploma A
college degree does, in fact, open access to jobs that are closed to people without one (Murray
678). Therefore, with a college degree many individuals will have no problem paying for their
basic expenses, for example rent, car, food, etc.
College education allows students to network with different kinds of groups worldwide.
Today, many individuals who are currently in college meet new people and develop culture. In
college there are various ways to connect with one another. For example, clubs, leadership, and
group study. According to Eickhoff, College education allows students to understand different
people and form friendship, Eickhoff said. It is one of the biggest things for not going to
college that students miss out that experience (Chan). However, networking is one of the best
standards to experience because many students can meet other people who can have the same
interests and ability as he/she has. Also, many students do studying abroad and foreign exchange
type of program.
Colleges offer many classes that can help individuals in their future careers. There are
various subject to take and learn from. However, thats where individuals start to think and know
where their career stands. For example, if a person is going for a biology major, he/she will need
to take classes that fit into their major. Indeed, students who go to college need to start off by
finishing their general education classes, then their major classes. General education classes are
the basic requirements that are needed in order to go to the next step, which would be major
requirements. For example, lets say I am majoring in Accounting. My general education classes
would be Math, English, Science, Arts and Humanities, History and my major classes would be

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Business, Accountant 1, etc. Major classes give an opening door to students to know what they
will be expecting to know in their future career or know where their career stands.
Furthermore, not only does a college education offer classes for students future reference
but also allows students to have job opportunities. College graduates have various jobs to choose
from and the education they need to succeed. Today, individuals attending college are more
likely to get a job right away because most jobs require education beyond high school. There are
many internships that are offered in college that can help students gain professional skills and a
first-hand credibility in career choices. In college, there are various job opportunities open for
students such as work-study programs .Work study provides part-time job for undergraduate and
graduate students with financial need, allowing them earn money to pay for college duties.
Academic knowledge can successfully open up individuals status and credible skills that jobs
require; the papers students have to research and write in college are valuable and marketable
experiences to future employers who need workers who can craft memos, reports, and strategic
plans, all valuable skills in the knowledge economy (Perry 672).College students who have
academic knowledge are most likely to have a stable job due to their skills they have learned in
Colleges offer financial aid for students who are in need of money for college tuition and
other stability. Financial aid is offered to students in the form of grants scholarships, or loans, to
help his or her college expenses. Many individuals tend to have difficulty getting into college
because he or she do not have access to a job or because their parents income is too low and they
do not have enough money to pay for college. Financial aid is there to help students find a way to
pay for school. From my own perspective, I am currently receiving financial aid. Although I

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dont work nor do my parents have enough money to pay for my tuition, financial aid has helped
me pay for my books, tuition and necessities. Also, there are scholarships that are offered for
students to help them pay for college expenses such as tuition fees, supplies, dorm, meal etc. A
scholarship is an award of financial aid to a student to support their education. In addition, there
are also work study programs that help students get a job in school.
College education had increased many individuals knowledge and which allows them to
become more powerful in their daily lives. Individuals who attend college are more likely to
plant their ability of knowledge and increase academic knowledge skills; higher education
allows people of all backgrounds to hone their writing, reading, cognitive, and critical thinking
skills that enable them to actively participate as citizens (Perry671). Analytic Knowledge can
open up many doors to individuals, which can give them better chances to get a job, recognize
their status and range knowledge in subjects individuals are mostly interested in.
Although many students critique that college is not for them due to money management,
being too time consuming, and analytic knowledge, a college education gives opportunity. For
example, financial aid helps many students that need money for college expenses and
necessities .Scholarships are also money that awards students who are continuing through their
education. College has various spots to study and do homework. Individuals believe college is
time consuming but at the end it will be worth the investment. Some students in college may be
slow learners and others can be fast learner but it is totally normal. Personally, I am a slow
learner and make many mistakes but as I push myself trying, my academic knowledge keeps on
growing rapidly and the faster my knowledge can be placed.
Overall, many students have various opportunities in college that will benefit them in

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their active lives. College has access to many occupations for students such as analytic
knowledge, networking, job opportunity, career fairs and more. College education benefits
individuals economically and socially. Students get to know many topics that will last them a
long time. In college, there are many individuals that connect with other kinds of people
worldwide. Also students get to meet many career opportunities they might have interest in.th
best part is that college offers financial that can v given to students that need money for tuition,
fees, dorm and supplies.

Work Cited

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Murray, Charles. On Education: Whats Wrong with Vocational School? Wall Street
Perry, Robert. On real education. Practial Argument. Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and
Stephen R. Mandell. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin, 2014. 670-671. Print.

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