Dwyer Melinda - Educ 250 - Professional Development Activity

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I proposed a professional growth action plan to study the standards for kindergarten, ask my

service learning teacher (Mrs. Mariah Hinderliter) more questions about assessments, work hard on the
final lesson plan, and present it to the kindergarten class. I was able to successfully complete most of the
above plan, not just one.
I did some research on the kindergarten standards. I found out that they just updated the science
standards for 2016. Some of the other subjects were updated in 2014 and 2015. I was looking through
the kindergarten standards and got excited about teaching some lessons. It will be nice to plan my first
school year. But, it is going to take some time preparing for lessons.
I believed that Luci, Linh, and I spent a good amount of time on preparing for the final lesson
about electrical circuits. We met up one Thursday evening about 7:00 pm. Linh and I didnt leave until
security kicked us out at 10:30 pm. I will always remember how much effort it took to create and plan a
lesson. But, because the lesson plan was for 4th graders I did not present it to Mrs. Hinderliters
kindergarten class. I did present a new instructional strategy game for kindergarten sight words called
Popcorn. I put the sight words on printed popcorn cutouts and the students picked sight words from the
popcorn bucket to read. They had fun with it the day I introduced it.
That day I also got to talk more with Mrs. Hinderliter about assessments. She even demonstrated
a few examples for me. She had the student read nonsense words and she kept track. Then, she looked at
the previous records and praised the students growth. She said it was summative assessment because
they work on this all year. The student did improve and he was so happy. That is want I want to do. Not
only teach, but show the students how much they have grown in understanding. Teaching is so powerful!

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