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Natasha Estep

Professor Deadrick
English 102
May 05, 2016
This school semester, I enrolled in English 102. In this course, students learn to identify,
critically read, analyze and evaluate, and write arguments using logic and appropriate rhetorical
techniques (Syllabus). In this class students were required to complete multiple assignments, a
reflection and goal setting paper, rhetorical analysis paper, visual argument evaluation,
exploratory essay, annotated bibliography, research paper, midterm exam and e-portfolio
(Syllabus). These assignments were not easy but they did help me developing my argument
skills. Although this class was difficult, I have met most English 102 objectives.
The goal setting assignment was one of the easiest assignments I did in this course. I
always find it easier to write about myself. In this assignment I did have run-on sentences, I
moved to Poolesville Maryland from Richmond Virginia a few years ago (Estep). In this one
sentence, I am missing four commas. Professor Deadrick states, You have 4 run-on sentences. I
also had fragments, I do not know what I want to do in the future, but I know I want to major in
business management. Mainly because a business management degree will give me a wide
selection of jobs to choose from (Estep). The fragment begins when I said mainly because.
Professor Deadrick expresses in the comments, when you write a paper, watch out like a hawk
for run-ons and fragments. I am aware of the run-ons and fragment sentences, I am more
cautious of it. Other than the few mistakes made in this essay, I did well. I had a well-developed
argument and went into detail.

My rhetorical analysis paper was the most difficult for me to compose. I struggled
throughout this assignment. I was unaware what the professor expected in this paper and it
showed in my grade. This was one of the most difficult assignments for me. In this paper, it was
understood that I needed a claim and rhetorical context. In my rhetorical analysis paper, the
claim was gender inequality is changing directors narrating style (Estep). It was not understood
that the claim had to be my own and not the claim of the article Hipster Misogyny: The Betrayal
of The Hateful Eight. Other than, messing up the claim. I also have a few fragments, one
reason being that Laura Bogart uses rhetorical strategies such as pathos, this helps persuade and
appeal to the audience emotions (Estep). Starting my sentences with one reason being started
the fragment. This assignment helped me think critically and see different viewpoints. Although I
still do not completely understand this assignment. I do realize the mistake I have made.
In the visual argument essay, students had to identify if an E-portfolio was effective or
not effective. In my option, this was my best essay. I argued that the E-portfolio was effective. I
started off my essay very strong, an e-portfolio is an electronic portfolio generally used to
storage information about oneself (Estep). I noticed in this essay that I improved my grammar. I
made less particle mistakes and it showed in my grade. My professor stated in the comments that
I was improving. I did still make a few mistakes such as structure, using in conclusion, over
quoting and not explaining the quote enough. Although I got a good grade on this assignment, I
know where I messed up and I know where I can approve. Therefore, I resubmitted the
assignment for a better grade.
The most time consuming argument I wrote was my research argument. The research
argument was an eight to ten page paper with eight to ten sources. The requirements consisted of
a clear identification of the issue, a well developed claim, logical and clearly stated reasons

(ENGL 102 Researched Argument). I have never worked on an essay as hard as I worked on this
research essay. My main focus was to develop my argument, consider that I have struggle with
development in the past. It was difficult stretching my paper to nine pages. This research paper
taught me how to create a good argument. This assignment also helped me with my development
skills. Something I know I need to work on is explaining quotes. Although I did not get my paper
or grade back, I believe I did well on this assignment.
In English 102 I learned to critically read, use rhetorical techniques, analyze and create a
well-developed argument. Although this class is mainly argument based, it also helped improve
my grammar skills, fragments sentences, run-on sentences, and structure. I now elaborate after
citing a source, go into more detail, use better words, watch for misspelling, look out for
fragments and run-on sentences. This class taught me very good writing skills that I will carry

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