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Running Head: Lesson Plan

Teaching Demonstration
Lesson Plan
Briana Munoz
College of Southern Nevada

Running Head: Lesson Plan


Describe the class

There are twenty- three 6th grade students. Five have exceptionalities (Darwin,
Mateo, Rosaline, Jordan, and Melody), three are gifted (Denise, Ernesto, Ricky),
and fifteen are English Language Learners (Juan, Melanie, Jayden, Evelynn, Max,


Brandon, Natalie, Carla, Victor, Betty, Bryan, Mia, Mila, Andrea, and John).
PE/ Swimming Breaststroke
Students will be able to learn a new swimming stroke. Students will be put in
Think Pair Share with the person sitting behind them. The students will be able


to identify the 7 steps with their partners with 90% accuracy.

1. Okay settle down everyone and please take out a notebook because you will
be taking notes on a swimming stroke today before we go into the swimming pool
next week
On the board I will have the word swimming stroke
Students yesterday we learned about one of the four swimming stroke which was
free style and today we will learn breaststroke".
I will walk around the classroom and make sure that everyone is taking notes
efficiently and help students that need some guidance to understand the stroke.

2. Okay students I am going to show you a video that shows you exactly how
breaststroke is swam

Swimming is one of the four strokes that is used in swimming.

3. Modeling/ the presentation will begin

The teacher will explain to the students one more time how to swim breaststroke
in their own words and then will give instruction to the students to get in think
pair share groups with the person behind them.

Running Head: Lesson Plan

4. The students will learn the concept with a series of photos which include the
seven steps of how to swim breaststroke. The students will be put into think pair
share with the person behind them to get the activity done.
- The students will work independently when they have the task to swim on lap of
breaststroke at a local pool and have a parent record for that will be thier


homework assignment.
In order to complete my lesson I will be using the computer and the white board. I
will also be using markers and a worksheet during class which the students are
going to review with their partners. The homework assignment of the student
trying to swim a lap which should be recorded and shown to me a week after the


lecture will be worth 10 points.

Grouping Structure
For this lesson the students will be taught in the Think -Pair -Share method. The
students will listen to the lecture then think to themselves if they understood the


lesson and then share their idea with the person sitting behind them.
This lesson plan includes many modifications. It has discussions, and the power point
also included many picture for the ELL students. Also the students were able to work in
teams so nobody was left it while learning the stroke of the day (breaststroke). For my
gifted student I will be giving them the step that is with the longest paragraph (Daniel) ,
for my ELL student I will give her the step with the shortest paragraph( Melisa). For my
LD student I will give her step number one which has a very descriptive photo and I will


make sure that she is not left behind (Alejandra).

I believe that for this lesson plan it is best for students to participate in class with a
partner as they go up to the board and do the example in front of the class the step that

Running Head: Lesson Plan

they got. Students are able to share their ideas and feed off each other and maybe answer
each other's questions if they had any.
This lesson plan has a video home work assignment. The homework assignment will be
worth 10 points. The assignment will be called Show me how to breaststroke" which
should be E Mailed to the teacher to the E mail provided during class. The video has to be
a minimum of a minute.

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