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Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

Motor differences in higher & lower skilled students
School Site: Cleveland Elementary

Date: 2/29/16

Activity Observed: Throwing a ball

Grade/Age Level: 2nd

DIRECTIONS: You will observe many children performing many different kinds of
skills. Select 8 (or as many as you can) different tasks and describe how the high skilled
students and the low skilled students are performing.


Higher Skilled

Lower Skilled

1. Shanashi

Does not step to throw

Does not follow through

2. Alexis

Throws chest facing target

Does not step to throw

3. Denise

Does not step to throw

Ball does not reach partner

4. Jose

Steps to throw
Non-dominate shoulder to target
Does not step to throw

5. Jesus
6. Jonathan

Steps to throw

Does not step to throw

7. Hector
8. Malayna

Teacher: Logan Lazaro

(Date) 2/29/16

Steps to throw
non-dominate shoulder faces target

Time spent @ site: 1 Hr

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