ST Pride

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Dear all,

The current state of affairs in our society, which includes the revitalization of the
Ustaa Movement, right-wing extremism, limitation of human rights and liberties
(be it cultural, artistic, sexual, those of minorities or the media) is being reflected
on each and every one of us.
A city without questions is a city that is silent, stagnant and decaying.
Silence is not golden (anymore).
Let's declare it on the behalf of all of those who feel like a minority.
A better society needs loud messages.
Be a part of a larger question: Is it any of my business? If not today, will it be
For a better tomorrow, let's ask ourselves, the city and the country this very
question because it IS my own business, as well as yours and ours.
The protection of minorities is a mirror of a healthy society.
In the name of LGBT people, in the name of Ante, Oliver, Rene, Nina, in the name
of the evicted, Dalmacijavino, the workers, the curriculum, the pensioners, the
artists, the freedom of the media, our children, and the human rights.
IT IS MY OWN BUSINESS! Let's change our attitudes for a better tomorrow.
Let's say it loud and clear,and in great numbers, at Split Pride.
ardin, June 4th 2016, the gathering starts at 5 PM.
The well-known route will proceed as follows: ardin-Tomislavova- MarmontovaRiva- Voni trg- raising the rainbow flag on the city flagpole at Pjaca squareBosanska- ardin.
Flomaster is in charge of the entertainment: a Nipplepeople and Rolo concert,
starting at 8 PM, and accompanied by Kockin letei ank.

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