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EDU 4203

Curriculum Design
Project Output
Prepared by: Basma Esmaeel
ID: H00224506
Teacher: Colleen menichini

The curriculum I choose to talk about is for grade two which

is the grade I thought during my teaching practice in
semester 7, this curriculum include 9 units. The first unit,
my class which focus on introduce oneself and exchange
greetings and classroom objects, unit 2 my family which
focus on family member, unit 3 my body the focus of this
unit is to identify and describe parts of the body, unit 4 my
clothes which about clothing , unit 5 my house which focus
on rooms and furniture to identify action and family member,
unit 6 animals which about the animals to identify and
describe animals action and sounds, unit 7 my birthday
which about parties, foods and say ones age , unit 8 my
toys the focus of this unit is to identify and describe toys
unit 9 having fun which is outdoor activity.

One month Curriculum Map: Unit 5 (My house)

Week (1)

The objective of the first week is to identify rooms and objects

in the house. These objectives take around 45 minute every
day for 4 days. The focus of first two lessons is on introducing
the new vocabulary, which are the house rooms (dining room,
bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and living room) also some of
the objects in each room (closet, lamp, chair, table, bath tap,
bed, TV, and sofa). the teacher use different tasks, first for
the engagement she but a song about the house rooms (a
bee in my house) the purpose of using music is According to
Don McMannis, an expert on children's music he said that
the "Music has positive effects on people's emotions and
creativity which he add also that the music helps the
students and encourage them for learning and retaining
information which effect on three things of the students brain:
language, hearing and rhythmic motor control, moreover the
music is very easier to retain and remember the information.
The second task is (Put me in my place), so the teacher will

put big picture of the house on the board and she have the
cards of the objects, so each time she will choose one
students to take cards and put it on the correct place. This
activity help the students to remember the objects and where
do they see them on which rooms also it helps the other
students that they may confuse on the name of objects or the
place of it to remember whenever they see it.
Third lesson, first part of the lesson was on reviewing the
vocabulary by using pig poster in front of the board that
include the unit name (my house) The teacher have to kind of
the cards, one that includes the pictures of house rooms and
the objects and the other cards include name of these objects
so the teacher will ask one students each time to take picture
and find the name of this picture from the cards and put it on
the poster.
the pervious lesson review is very important especially for the
students which help the teacher and the students on the
same time, for the teacher it help her to make sure that the
students understand the lesson or they still need some help,
and for the students it help them to remember what they
learn and if they are confuse or forget they can remember .
According to the fading theory he said that you learn are
forgotten when you don't review them.
Anther task was about counting and coloring its individual
activity which each students have a worksheet that include
house picture and the things they need to count so first they
need to count and then write the number and color it. The
purpose of doing it individual is that working individual has
many benefit, Its great chance to let the students think
through on their own and to improve confidence and be
comfortable in working, even when they don't feel certain
about every step, also to work at their own level, rather than
having to adapt to suit their group members. (

Week (2)

The fourth lesson, the teacher use variety of tasks the first
task, (show me game) which is competition between two
students on the board the teacher put house picture and
choose two students to come on the board and she ask them
to show her something from the house, for example the
teacher says: show me bed room! And the students should
point in the house the first students point he is the wiener.
This activity is like Competition between two students to
assess the students if they are understand also to encourage
the students learn because all children like the competition so
its grate way to encourage them to learn.
Resource: data show, PowerPoint, picture cards, music,
colors, pencils
The objective of this week is to identify action in a house and
learning grammar (I am, he, she, theyre). These objectives
will take around 45 minute every day for 4 days. So first the
teacher will review the vocabulary and teach the students the
new vocabulary which is the action ( playing, reading,
sleeping, cooking, washing my face, watching TV) and ask the
students were they do these things in which rooms, then the
teacher will start to teach the students the grammar (I am,
he, she, theyre) and for who we use each one and when we
want to say a sentence we use is with it for example, he is
sleeping, she is reading.
The teacher use different activities to teach the students. First
activity was on the board by using PowerPoint which the
teacher put picture and question about it so the students
need to circle to correct answer.
The second activity is group activity which the teacher will
give each group picture of a house with rooms and picture
cards that include the action so the students need to take the
action and stick it on the correct place in the house rooms
they do this action, for example picture of boys washing his

face so they have to stick it on the bathroom. The purpose of

doing this activity as group is it gives students the
opportunity to learn from each other and help each other,
which the group work teaches the students communication
skills and helps them develop interpersonal relationship skills.
( dpspanwar, 2011)

Week (3)

anther activity is (password game), its group activity which

the teacher put picture on the PowerPoint with time 10
second for each picture so the teacher each time choose
group and show them a picture and they have 10 second to
give the answer by tiling the action and using grammar and
give full sentence before the time finish and wen the time
finish and they didnt answer they lose. This activity is very
grate for the student which is computation between the grope
so each group try to give the correct answer and the entire
group member try participate to let their grope win.
Resource: data show, PowerPoint, picture cards, house
picture printed, pencils
The objective of this week is to describe house and identify
family member with reviewing the vocab and the action as
will. These objectives will take around 45 minute every day
for 4 days. This week the focus will be on speaking and
writing to develop the students on these two learning skills by
using their prior knowledge and the new vocabulary they
learn, students already have background about family
member the teacher will do quick review to let the students
use it on their speaking. The teacher use different kind
activity to encourage the students writing and speaking.
First, for the speaking the teacher use two activity the first
activity is (My house) which the students need to talk about
their house and describe it by using simple sentence, so
before the lesson the teacher will ask the students to bring

picture of their house and family member as will and talk

about them, for example what the color of your house? Its
big or small? How many rooms in your house? Describe your
family how many sister and brother you have and more of this
kind of question. This activity will encourage the students
speak which they talk about their prior knowledge and about
something they know.
The second activity for speaking is the teacher have some of
the card picture that include actions they do in house or the
house rooms the teacher put it in a box and she ask the
students to take one picture and talk about it by using the
grammar they learn (he is, she is, they are) and giving full
sentence. This speaking activity is to develop the students
speaking and help them to say full sentence.

Week (4)

Second, for the writing there are two different activities that
the teacher uses to develop and encourage the students in
writing. The first activity is each student has a picture of
house rooms and the actions so they need to write full
sentence about it for example, I sleep in the bedroom or I eat
in the dining room, which also they can use the he, she they
are. The second activity is (Drawing) which let the students
draw a house and color it and when they finish they need to
write sentence, for example I have big house or my house is
blue or any simple sentence. This activity will develop the
students writing by let them write a simple sentence
according to their level.
Resource: data show, PowerPoint, picture cards, students
house picture, pencils, color, Wight paper.
The objective of last week is reviewing the house rooms and
objects, review the actions and grammar and reading. These
objectives will take around 45 minute every day for 4 days.
So the focus of this week is reviewing everything they learned
and do some reading to develop the student in reading.

Teacher do different task for reviewing, first tasks is (acting)

game which the teacher have a box with picture that include
action she choose one students and he need to take a picture
from the box but he need to hid the picture and act for the
students and the other students have to guess which action is
he doing by giving full sentence. This activity is will
encourage the students to participate and to help the other
students that still confuse about the meaning to understand
while seeing someone acting so it will be on their mind.
The second task is reorder the picture its group activity each
group have a messy picture of the house rooms and the first
group who reorder the picture first and say the name of the
rooms he is the wiener.
Also the teacher do an formative assessment for the students
as group to create a poster of a house as group she bring pig
picture of house and picture of objects so the students need
to put each object on the correct place in the house and then
they have to color it. This assessment is to encourage all
students in group to work as its something they like to do
and to make sure that the students know the objects of the
house and where his place.
For the reading in their curriculum they have a story that
related to the house (fluffy is missing) each students have
example of the story so the teacher first put the story on the
board and read it for the students by using puppets for the
characters on the story then let the students rebate with her
and then she lest each students read.
There are many reasons of reading this story first because its
related to the unit My house so the students understand the
vocabulary, the second reason is to develop and encourage
the students reading.
Last day of week four and for this unit is the summative
assessment which the teacher gives the students exam

about the whole unit that includes the things they learn
Resource: data show, PowerPoint, box include picture cards,
missy picture of house rooms, pencils, A3 picture of house,
objects cards, storys (fluffy is missing), puppets

Pinkley,D. (2000).New English Parade 2;Teacher Edition. United State of
America. Longman
Maurice J. Elias (2009) Use Music to Develop Kids' Skills and Character.
Retrieved 4-may-2016

(N,n) (N,d) Memory and the importance of review. Retrieved 4-may-2016 from

Dpspanwar (2011) Group work is important Retrieved 5-may-2016 from

(N,n) (N,d) Group Work vs. Individual work Retrieved 5-may-2016 from

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