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Mathematics lesson plan

Lesson Topic:


Year Level(s): 3

60 minutes

Mathematical Focus A focus on bringing together all of the three measurement concepts and
to evaluate students new knowledge and understanding.

Australian Curriculum (AC): Measurement and geometry

Year level(s): 3
Content strand(s): Using units of measurement
Content descriptors(s): Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of
length, mass and capacity.
Proficiency strand(s) and statement: Understanding and fluency: students will understand
that each concept of measurement is different. They will be able to explain with fluency, what
each measurement concept is, when given the definition and the unit that matches to each
measurement concept.

Students prior knowledge:

The students understand/know already that:
Mass, length and capacity are different and that different units are used, eg. g/kg, mm/cm, ml/L

Key questions to guide learning and prompt student thinking:

On the game ask students, which item will fill up the container the most and which the least?
What makes you say that?
How do you know?
What assessment strategy or strategies will you use in this lesson?
-Evaluating their explanations from the app explain everything.
-Observing who contributes to the tuning in task and has a thorough understanding of the
measurement concepts- that is; the definitions and units and where they are used in everyday life.
-Siting that students have made an estimation prior to playing the online game.

What will you look for, and analyse, in the evidence found in the assessment?

Looking for the application of new knowledge and understanding.

The students ability to identify where each of the measurement concepts are used in everyday

Interactive whiteboard
Butchers paper to write the measurement concepts, definition and units.
Game link:
Laptops for game
iPads for explain everything app
Organisation for learning:
Paired work

Lesson actions:
Lesson introduction (Whole TUNING IN):
On butchers paper, have prepared a table with each of the measurement concepts definitions
written already. Leave blank the unit name and concept name for students to fill in. Select students
to name the concept and unit that matches to the information provided.- This is to elicit prior
knowledge and to enable students for their explanation of the measurement concepts, which they
complete later in the lesson on the explain everything app.
Next on the smartboard, display the game to students via the following link: Demonstrate to students how to play the
game, so they know how to play it in the first half of investigation. Ask, which choice 1, 2, 3 (on
the game) would fill the container more and which least? What measurement concept are we
looking at in this game?
Their task is to find out how many pours it takes for each choice, to fill up the container and the
experiment with all three choices.
Send students off to sit at their tables, one table at a time, firstly I will tell students to record an
estimation for the game and once this is sited as being recorded, the pair will be given a laptop.
Instruct all of the pairs to:
1. log in on the laptop, click on the internet browser and go onto google.
2. Type in can you fill it and click on the first link.
Verbally say the instructions and also demonstrate on the smartboard how to access the online


Development/investigation (Part - INVESTIGATING):
Students take turns in playing the game and investigate how many pours are needed for each
choice (on the game) to fill up the container and then experiment with all their choices. Students
compare the item which required the most amount of pours to least amount of pours.
After playing the game for about 10-12 minutes, have students switch to using the iPad and go
onto the explain everything app, to write an explanation of the measurement concepts and

include a statement in relation to something they learnt about one or all of them (measurement
While students complete learning activities using the laptops and iPads, I will be roving around to
ensure students are on task and are only on the specified game website and app.

Extending prompt: Students play the game for the measurement concept of mass.


Plenary and conclusion (Whole REFLECTING and GENERALISING):
Students gather on the floor in a circle. Class discussion to share findings from the game. Pairs
share an explanation of the measurement concepts that they formed on the explain everything
app and state something they learnt about the measurement concepts.

Post-lesson review and evaluation (to be completed once the lesson is taught):
Student Achievement
-In the tuning in activity, most students were able to recall and identify the measurement concept
names and units which were missing from the table.
-Students were able to make an estimate, prior to playing the game.
-Students were able to follow instructions to get onto the online game and explain everything app.
No one was off task, on other apps or websites/games.
-Students statements of something they learnt about the measurement concept/s made new
knowledge and understanding was apparent.

Teacher Effectiveness
-Demonstrating how to play the game and how to access the game. Clear instructions, using the
smartboard to demonstrate visually and verbally.
-Online game and app engaged students.
-Roving around to ensure students were on task and only on the online game and app set for this
lesson. Monitoring the appropriate use of ICT.
-Good tuning in whole class activity which gave an insight into students knowledge of the
measurement concepts.
-Effective questioning.
-Ensuring students made an estimate prior to playing the game which is an improvement on a
previous lesson delivered, where students went straight into the hands-on task without making an
estimate. This gives students awareness that estimation is an important aspect in measurement.

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