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The Development in Science & technology has brought tremendous change in

business strategy. The globalization has its own inspect on the industrial environment
making it competitive. Hence, to survive in the market the Captains of the industries
perforce have to keep themselves addressed with changing environment and adopt new
techniques of their resource management.
The human resource in any organization is not important but Valuable to any
organization. This significant resource. Warrant due consideration executives and
managers right from the beginning. They have to take into account organizational
deployment and adopt new strategies for recruitment of the best talent available. The
talent available in the marketing is plenty but requirement is to recruit a suitable talent as
per the job requirement and the requirement of the organization. The different organ may
choose their own systems but the and result by selecting the best will go a long way to
fulfill the organizational goals.
The function of Human Resource Executive/Personnel managers does not end
merely at selection stage rather it begins from that step because the talent so selected is
required to be developed to fulfill the organizational interest or the goals so that there is
an overall prosperity of both the organization & the individual. Towards this end the
importance of recruitment & selection of the desired talent enhances the potential and
opportunity for the organizations to and achieve its objectives.

The success and failure of the organization largely depends on the human or
employees working in the organization. So recruitment and selection both are very
important and they are concerned with obtaining, organizing, and motivating the
human resources required by the enterprise.
Research was carried out to understand the practices of recruitment and
selection followed by ABC ltd, Rajpura. To understand the formulation of
recruitment and selection policies in the company and to give the suggestions for
improvement in recruitment and selection procedures currently followed by the
Through this report I was also able to understand, recruitment is sometimes
confused with employment. The two are not one and the same. Recruitment is just
one step in the process of employment. Similarly recruitment and selection are also
different in nature. The function of recruitment precedes the selection process.
Recruitment is concerned with developing suitable techniques for attracting more
and more candidates while selection is the process of finding out the most suitable
candidate for the job.


Amrit Banaspati Company Ltd., a Company that is Synonymous with purity
and goodness, is poised on the threshold of the new millennium today. In a country
as diverse as India, nature has showered her best, in full measure. Amrit Banaspati
Company has stayed close to roots nature. Its special understanding of nature and
ties ways have enabled it to grow from vanaspati Company to a multi-product
organization producing a whole range of edible oils and fats.
Today ABC ltd has installed Capacity of 10,000 metric tons per month as
compared to mere 3,000 metric per month in its first years of operations. This
stupendous growth has been possible because Amrit Banaspati Company Ltd., has
continuously endeavored to bring new products to the Indian consumer and to that
end its Research and Development Played a key Role.

Company Profile
Amrit Banaspati Company Ltd., Rajpura is an ISO 9001-2001 certified
company. It has an history of five decades in business of edible oil product. Today,
it is one of the largest manufacturing unit of edible oil products. Today, it is one of
the largest manufacturing unit of edible oil in the country. Its main brands are
1) Ginni
2) Gagan
3) Bansari
4) Suntieri teer
5) Merrigold and Sunflower Oil
Which are very popular and virtually common household names in various parts of
the country.
In terms of turnover ABC Ltd., Rajpura has been sated amongst 100
companies of India. Late Shari Laxmi Narian Bajaj set up Amrit Banaspati
Company Ltd. in Years 1940. It Was Ninth Company of the country
established in Banaspati Industry. These are 475 Department and about 250
contract Laborers
The main Branches that are under Amrit Group are :a) Amrit Banaspati Company Limited, Ghaazibad (U.P)
b) Amrit Paper Sailkhurd, Hosiarpur (Punjab)
c) Amrit Banaspati Company limited, Rajpura (Punjab)

a) Amrit Banaspati Company Limited, Ghaazibad (U.P) :In Ghaazibad, Amrit Banaspati Company Has a Corporate Office .
b) Amrit Paper Sailkhurd, Hosiarpur (Punjab):One of the leading produces of the print paper in the country.
The Production capacity from 10,000 meters in 1980 apprx. 24,000
meters at present.
c) Amrit Banaspati Company limited, Rajpura (Punjab) :The Company made a humble beginning in 1969 with inauguration of stone lying
ceremony by H.E. Dr D.C PAVETTE , Governer of Punjab on 6th march 1969. The
unit the Capacity of 100 metres per day of Banaspati (Hydrogenated Vegetable oil)
which has now increased to 450 metre per day. The Success Saga of ABC Ltd,
Rajpura can be best described as an enterprise that has evolved from Single to
multi product Company. Its turn over is 800 crore p.a approximately.

Company Products
Amrit Banaspati Company Ltd, Rajpura is producing different products and
various types of refined oils and fats. ABC Ltd has Introduced a Range of Refined
oils namely, Groundnut, cottonseed, mustard ands sunflower products are :
1) Gagan Vanaspati
2) Bansari Refined Vegetable Oil
3) Ginni Refined Sunflower oil
4) Ginni Refined cottonseed oil
5) Marigold Bread Spread
6) Sunheri Teer Vanaspati
7) Ginni Refined Groundnut Oil
8) Gagan Rice
9) Gagan Salt
Beside these ABC ltd also produce BAKERY SHORTENINGS and
CONFECTIONERY FATS AND OILS. among other products. During 200509 company has launched Soya Products named GINNI CHUNKS AND

Vision And Mission

The company aims at successfully meeting the varied needs of the Indian
consumers. The Company has continuously Endeavored to bring new products to
the Indian Consumer the Company stayed close to its roots nature and it has been a
platform for its success for several years.
Mission Statement
The mission statement of Amrit Banaspati Co. ltd. Rajpura is To produce
and sell goods and service to achieve the highest return on sales in the Industry to
total satisfaction of customers , employees and Share holders in that order.

Rajpura Branch of ABC ltd has a good Quality control system together with
Research and Development which is comparable to its best in the Industry. It is to
the Credit of its good Quality Control system and efficient R and D Department,
that ABC Ltd, Rajpura has been honoured and awarded .THE AMERICAN

Various Slogans Used By Company

- GAGAN RAHO MAGAN--- Banaspati


-ITS NOT BUTTER , ITS BETTER Merritreat Bread Spread

Job satisfaction
Job satisfaction is in regard to one's feelings or state-of-mind regarding the
nature of their work. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors, eg,
the quality of one's relationship with their supervisor, the quality of the physical
environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc.
Few people claim to be happy workers, or satisfied with their company or job.
Since most of our waking hours are spent at work, it is imperative to find out the
factors that determine job happiness. Evidently, it is all about the gap between
reality and expectations, but the issue is much more complicated than it appears.
While job satisfaction is found to be low wherever expectations are very high,
most people also believe that they can do better in other organisations. They are
haunted by the grass-is-greener syndrome, and find their own work a grind. The

key to job happiness is finding the right equation between one's mindset and
external factors. This is of particular significance for the Indian IT/ITeS industry
where job-hopping is common, notwithstanding the salary hikes and a fairly
evolved Human Resource system.
Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from
the appraisal of ones job an affective reaction to ones job ; and an attitude
towards ones job . Weiss (2002) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but
points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive
evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and

behaviours. This definition

suggests that we form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our






Most experts agree that job happiness is a culmination of both external factors and
the individual's mindset. Says Human Resource expert , 'During the initial stages of
a career, work satisfaction gets governed more by the external set of factors such as
the workplace environment, benefits, facilities, opportunities to work overseas,
compensation, etc, but as one moves along intrinsic factors become more
important.' But he concedes that it is more contingent on one's socio-economic
background, and the motivation profile which varies from individual to individual.
A person's state of mind and external factors cannot be separated. In fact, external
factors affect/alter an individual's state of mind to a great extent. Companies need
to monitor both, and can use individual mindsets as a barometer of external factors
It is obvious that the pay packet is a key to job happiness, particularly in the
early stages of one's career when money is the sole motivator. As one climbs the
career graph, other factors start gaining equal significance.

a large extent

satisfaction/happiness is directly related to the salary. 'If we build a hierarchy of

factors for employee satisfaction/happiness, in today's era of consumerism and

materialism, salary will form the base of the pyramid.' He asserts that the pay
packet continues to be relevant even at later stages as it is consider a yardstick of
curbing attrition, increasing employee morale and productivity, finding
the right job fit, etc. All these factors are directly related to the happiness levels of
'The Human resource department is the custodian of employee satisfaction. It
conducts the satisfaction survey and communicates the results to a select/broad
population of the company. In companies where Human resource processes are
matured, the department suggests remedies for satisfaction improvement and
drives various initiatives for it,' says He adds that real success in improving
employee satisfaction will be achieved when the Human resource department can
successfully involve middle and top management to implement employee
engagement processes and build a transparent, retribution-free culture. Human
resource managers need to be seen as role models for the values professed by the









Page notes that though Human resource can play a very important role in ensuring
employee empowerment, in most organisations Human resource people are more
occupied with carrying out routine activities than engaging themselves in valueadding activities. 'Also, mid-sized organisations have low expectations from
Human resource, and often the CEOs themselves are not much aware of the
proactive role which Human resource can play.'
It is a tough task for today's Human resource department to ensure job
satisfaction among staff. Employees are not just happy with a fat pay cheque, a
good position and perks; they also want a constant feeling of well-being, demand
better work/life balance, and look to the organisation for fulfilling even their
community needs.

One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne
studies. These studies (1924-1933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the
Harvard Business School, sought to find the effects of various conditions (most
notably illumination) on workers productivity. These studies ultimately showed
that novel changes in work conditions temporarily increase productivity called the
Hawthorne Effect It was later found that this increase resulted, not from the new
conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed. This finding provided
strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which paved the way
for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction.
Scientific management

also had a significant impact on the study of job

satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylors 1911 book, Principles of Scientific

Management, argued that there was a single best way to perform any given work
task. This book contributed to a change in industrial production philosophies,
causing a shift from skilled labor and piecework towards the more modern
approach of

assembly lines and hourly wages. The initial use of scientific

management by industries greatly increased productivity because workers were

forced to work at a faster pace. However, workers became exhausted and
dissatisfied, thus leaving researchers with new questions to answer regarding job
satisfaction. It should also be noted that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott,
and Hugo Munsterberg set the tone for Taylors work.
Some argue that Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory,
laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek
to satisfy five specific needs in life physiological needs, safety needs, social
needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. This model served as a good basis
from which early researchers could develop job satisfaction theories.
Job satisfaction refers to the general attitude of employees towards their
jobs. Job satisfaction probably is the most widest studied variable in OB. When the
attitude of an employee towards his or her job is positive, there exists job
satisfaction. Dissatisfaction exists when the attitude negative
Job satisfaction often is a collection of attitudes about specific factors of the
job. Employee can be satisfied with some elements of the job while simultaneously
dissatisfied with others for example; a lecturer may be satisfied with the
management of the institution but may derive dissatisfaction while handling a
course on OB in the class. Different types of satisfaction will lead to different
intentions and behavior. An employee might complain to the supervisor when
satisfied with low pay but not with co-worker satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is important for management as it has impact on turnover,

productivity, absenteeism and other related aspects


Frederick Herzberg, in (1986)
Job satisfaction, its causal factors and its effect upon organisational health
are all part of the various factors under study for this assignment. Job satisfaction
for an individual can be influenced by a number of factors that include first the job
itself, the salary, the promotion policy of the company, the attitudes of the co
workers, the physical and mental stress levels involved, the working conditions,
the interest and challenge levels. These various factors are just indicative of the
many factors that contribute or take away from job satisfaction. Sometimes, even
changing the colour of the furniture fabric can lead to higher levels of job
satisfaction. While job satisfaction is not quite the same as motivation the two are

closely linked and many times motivating actions also increase satisfaction levels.
Most organisations periodically measure job satisfaction among employees Human
Resource mainly quantitative techniques using rating scales.
Numerous research studies on job satisfaction and reasons thereof have, as
the following excerpts shows, ended in a number of very interesting findings, We
view job satisfaction as emerging from a variety of factors, including
characteristics of the organizational environment, specific features of the job, and
the personal characteristics of the worker. Higher job satisfaction has been linked
with employees who are able to exercise autonomy Sekaran (1989) and with those
who have a higher level of job involvement Mortimer and Lorence (1989). Women
have been found to report significantly higher job satisfaction than men Hull
(1999); Sousa-Poza and Sousa-Poza( 2000), although this gender gap appears to be
narrowing (Rose 2005). Some researchers have noted that older workers tend to
have a higher level of job satisfaction, although a number of studies have shown
that the age variable might be more a proxy for experience Janson and Martin
(1982); Kalleberg and Loscocco (1983); Brush, Moch et al. (1987). Older workers
also tend to be situated in higher-level positions, which might be more fulfilling
than the less exciting entry-level positions of those just entering the work Danziger
and Dunkle,( 2005)
Literature review of the subject issue with a discussion on current thinking
on motivation and job satisfaction and then move to allied topics like the use of IT
in work places, the problems associated with bullying in the workplace and how
tweaking of job characteristics can increase motivation in the workplace, in order
to get a firmer handle on the many perplexing variables.
1. Current Thinking in Employee Motivation

Any discourse in workplace satisfaction and employee motivation needs to

necessarily start with Maslows theory of hierarchical needs. Abraham Maslow
proposed his hierarchical theory of five important needs more than 60 years back,
in 1943. The theory gained ground over the years and because of its innate logic
became widely accepted and part of compulsory reading for every management
student and Human resource professional. Over the years it has been questioned,
analysed and thought by later thinkers to be inadequate in certain respects but there
is no denying its basic merit in understanding human and employee behaviour in
the workplace. His basic premise concerns the meeting of human needs which
progressively move up the value chain as simpler and more basic needs are met.
Maslows theory opines that humans have five progressive sets of needs, the first
set being purely physical needs, also called physiological needs. These include all
the needs a person needs just to stay alive like food, water, air, the maintenance of
body temperature and the necessity of voiding of natural human waste. It is only
when this basic need set is satisfied that the next set of needs will be thought of for
The five need sets are in sequential order are physiological needs, safety and
security needs, love and belonging needs, status and prestige needs and
actualisation needs. Humans work to satisfy these needs and as people and
societies move up in life their need sets also change. This is true of all people
situations, individually, in progressively larger groups and could apply to whole
countries as well. Growth of the individual or group causes the needs to shift
upwards whereas the opposite cause a downward movement in need fulfillment
desire. The other need sets can of course be broken up further, similar to what was
shown for physiological needs.
Thus safety needs can be broken up into physical safety, family security,
monetary security and employment security and love and belonging needs can be

broken up into parental love, love between partners, siblings and children. It is
easy to understand why these needs were classified as hierarchical, with
physiological needs at the base and actualisation needs at the apex of a hierarchical
Between esteem and self-actualization needs was added Need to know and
understand, which explains the cognitive need of the academic The need for
aesthetic beauty, which is the emotional need of the artist Self-actualization was
divided into Self-actualization, which is realizing one's own potential, as above.
Transcendence, which is helping others to achieve their potential Maslows
Hierarchy,( 2006) A number of opinions have been voiced on the limitations of
Maslows theory and the need to look at the issue from multiple perspectives
before accepting a particular position.
Maslow's model of human needs is also more true of men's/boys' lives than
women's/girls'. Theories such as Maslow's, contribute to inequities when they
become a dominant view posing as truth or portraying reality when alternate
theories and critiques of theories are disregarded. Such a treatment of theories can
contribute to cultural as well as gender inequities. A white, western male viewpoint
evidenced in many psycho social theories cannot help us understand other cultures.
For instance, Maslow and Kohlberg may not help us to understand Asian, Indian,
and First Nations' values regarding moral decision making or hierarchy of needs.
Any differences between or within cultures are silenced by considering only one
view. When one view dominates, people's experiences that do not fit the model are
silenced. Peterat and Fairbanks, (1993)
Frederick Herzberg, in (1966), published an article stipulating that two
groups of factors ultimately led to job satisfaction and motivation in the work
place. Called the two factor theory, Herzbergs postulates stipulated that certain

Hygiene factors needed to be present in the workplace to prevent dissatisfaction

among employees. These factors were in the nature of basic needs when a person
worked and comprised of issues like the job, company, salary, status, security,
working conditions, quality of supervision, company policies and administration
and interpersonal relations.
These were necessary for job satisfaction but not for motivation and their
absence would result in dissatisfaction for the employee. Their presence ensures
that employees feel encouraged to join as well as to stay on and while not direct
motivators do work in preventing demotivation.
The Motivation factors are intrinsic to the job content and consist of
factors like achievement, recognition, responsibilities, interest in the job,
advancement to higher levels and growth. The presence of these factors in an
employment situation motivate workers to try for superior performances; their
absence may not demotivate them if hygiene factors are strong enough but will not
spur them to extraordinary effort levels. Job situations will normally have
combinations of motivation and hygiene factors. The ideal situation would of
course be a combination of high motivation and high hygiene factors which is
present in very few situations. Similarly the worst scenario of low hygiene and low
motivation factors is rare as it would result in demotivated and dissatisfied
employees and migration of the work force at the first opportunity. There are a
number of companies which have grown over long periods of time with the gradual
evolution of hygiene factors whereas rigid rules and bureaucratisation have
eliminated or substantially curtailed the motivation factors. In these companies
employees stick on for interminable periods getting all benefits but without any
incentive to work. On the other hand exciting start ups provide high motivation
factors but lesser hygiene elements as the company makes its way towards
achieving its goals. In such situations employees will stay on with the company

and wait for their aspirations to come true with corresponding improvements in
hygiene conditions. Besides the two factor theory, Herzberg is also quite well
known for his KITA theory, an acronym for a kick in the . Herzberg feels that
the KITA, basically a sign of employer frustration does not really work effectively
and ends up in movement rather than real motivation.
David McClelland, an American behavioural psychologist who taught at
Harvard and Boston, in his book on The Achieving Society in 1961 wrote of
Human Resourceee basic human needs which motivated people to strive and
succeed. These were the need for achievement, N-Ach, the need for power, N-Pow,
and the need for affiliation, N-Aff.
These need level would vary from individual to individual and again from
society to society. It was inconceivable that each individual would have the same
levels for all Human Resource needs, which would vary with the background,
society, culture and education of the individual.
McClellands theory came to be known as the Human Resource need theory
and is also referred to as the learned needs theory as it stipulates that most of these
needs are shaped over time and depend upon the experiences of the particular
individual. The results at the workplace depend upon a proper matching of job
requirements and putting in a person with high achievement needs in a slot ideal
for a person with high affiliation needs is going to result in a mismatch and
possible underperformance. People with high affiliation needs, for example, will be
ideally suited in co-operative and people environments and tend to do very well in
customer service and public relations.
The process approach in motivation works on the reasons, how and why
people choose certain behaviour to achieve their personal goals. Process theories

define in terms of a rational cognitive process and focus on external influences or

behaviour that people choose to meet their needs. The two process theories are
Vrooms expectancy model and Adams equity theory.
Victor Vroom, in 1964, stipulated in his theory of expectancy that The force
motivating a person to exert effort or to perform an act in a job situation depends
on the interaction between what the individual wants from a job (valence) and the
degree to which he/she believes that the company will reward effort exerted
(expectancy) on that job with the things he/she wants. Individuals believe that if
they behave in a certain way (instrumentality), they will receive certain job
features (Vroom, 1982) Vroom, examines the motivation behind why people
choose a certain course of action and writes of Human Resource variables,
Valence, Expectancy and Instrumentality, which are significant in this context.

Valence is described as the importance an individual places upon the expected

outcome of a situation.
Expectancy can be said to be the intrinsic belief that output from the individual is
linked to the success of the situation
Instrumentality is the conviction that the success of the situation is linked to the
expected outcome of the situation
In the Equity theory Adams argues the people are motivated by inequity and
keep on comparing their efforts with that put in by others around them in the
workplace as also the rewards being meted out o them.
Equity is likened to a perception of fairness involved between efforts and
rewards given to co workers in the workplace. A fair situation where all employees

are treated equally obviously envisages similar outcomes for similar inputs and if
some employees feel that others are being given higher rewards for similar work
they will obviously hold back some of their efforts. An employee putting in hard
work may see an inefficient and unproductive colleague being rewarded with the
same salary and would probably feel demotivated to put in the same level of work
continuously. Motivation is thus very difficult without the establishment of fairness
in the appraisal and reward process.
2. The Importance of Job Characteristics
A proper understanding of Job Characteristics and its application for
increasing employee motivation is one of the major objectives of this research
Hackman and Oldham (1976) originally proposed their Job Characteristics
Theory as a Human Resource-stage model, in which a set of core job
characteristics impact a number of critical psychological states, which, in turn,
influence a set of affective and motivational outcomes. The five actors that make
up the first stage are as under.
Skill Variety: Employees use a variety of skills to complete their jobs, skills that
have been acquired by long years of study and/ or experience and are the
primary reason for their employment and work allocation in a business
Task identity: Involvement of the worker in all steps of the job, thus providing
identification with the task
Task Significance: The significance of the job being properly executed to the well
being of the organisation

Autonomy: The freedom to do the job with responsibility and by oneself

Feedback: The provision of feedback providing information about the excellence
of performance of the job
3. Harassment in the Workplace
It is estimated that as many as 8-10% of European employees may suffer
from exposure to bullying and harassment at work. It prevails in both private and
public organisations and finds its victims among men and women alike. Studies
also show that exposure to bullying at work is a severe source of stress at work and
may be a crippling and devastating problem for those exposed.
A victim of bullying at work seems to produce severe emotional reactions
such as fear, anxiety, helplessness, depression and shock. It appears to alter the
victims perceptions of their work-environment to one of Human Resource danger,
insecurity, and self-questioning, which may result in pervasive emotional,
psychosomatic and psychiatric problems.
Moral harassment also has negative effects on the organisation and lowers
productivity in the workplace.

Bullying refers to all situations where one or more people feel subjected to
negative behaviour from others at work over a period of time and in situations
where, for different reasons, they are unable to defend themselves against these
actions. Typically, a victim is constantly teased, pursued, and insulted and
perceives that he or she has little recourse to retaliate in kind. We may distinguish
between work-related bullying such as being exposed to unreasonable deadlines,
unmanageable workloads or other kinds of behaviour that make the work situation

difficult for the victim, and bullying that is primarily related to the person, such as
insulting remarks, excessive teasing, gossip and rumours, social isolation and
exclusion. This kind of behaviour is common and has been experienced by most
people at work from time to time.
In actual fact workplace harassment is an omnibus list of unfair and uncalled
for persecution in the workplace that can take many forms in its expression and
execution. It is not limited to sexual harassment, per se, though sexual harassment
is a major component of the harassment that goes on in offices and other
establishments, world wide. It could relate to and be caused because of sex,
religion, creed, ethnicity, physical appearance or just plain dislike. It is a form of
offensive treatment or behaviour, which to a reasonable person creates an
intimidating, hostile or abusive work environment. It may be sexual, racial, based
on gender, national origin, age, disability, religion or a person's sexual orientation.
It may also encompass other forms of hostile, intimidating, Human Resource
atening, humiliating or violent behaviour, which are offensive or intimidatory in
Some examples of behaviour, which can be said to definitely constitute
moral harassment, are as follows:
Even the detailed list of examples of harassment is not exhaustive and
perpetrators can constantly think up new ways of tormenting their victims.
Harassment can occur in numerous ways, some of which will be obvious but there
will be others, quite subtle and difficult to explain.
Further examples of harassment are the withholding of information which
can affect the victims performance, ignoring views and opinions, setting
unreasonable/impossible deadlines, giving unmanageable workloads, humiliating

staff in front of others, being shouted at or being the target of spontaneous rage. As
such, harassment can take various shapes and forms and can manifest itself in the
unlikeliest of situations.
There has been extensive research work and study on the issue, some of
which reveal that while bullying is a very real problem for a large number of
people at work, the extent of bullying appears to be a particular problem in some
sectors, For example, a nationwide study of staff in the NHS found that Human
Resource in five people have witnessed bullying at work in the past two years.
(Unison, 2003) Reports suggest that it is becoming increasingly common the
education, police and voluntary sectors. A survey carried out by Staffordshire
University in 1997 found that two thirds of members had experienced or witnessed

4. Improvement of Job Satisfaction

Every organization improve the job satisfaction levels of employees as
much as possible within their particular constraint and resource allowance. As can
be seen from the number of theories, illustrations and conditions, most of which
are extremely fluid, there appear to be numerous motivator and demotivators that
can improve or reduce satisfaction levels and thereby hurt both motivation and
A proper salary and reward system that is beneficial to employees, eminently fair,
impartial towards gender or ethnicity and which promises rewards, in terms of
money and career progression is the first and foremost requirement for ensuring
job satisfaction in the workplace.

The provision of a workplace which is co operative and where employees are

cherished and wanted is essential for job satisfaction. This requirement is
omnibus in many ways and includes the prevention of harassment, involvement
of employees in real goal setting, planning, and problem solving, showing
respect for diverse ideas and opinions, giving and taking honest and
constructive feedback, arranging for mentoring facilities, and sharing as much
information as possible with employees
An atmosphere at work that continuously works towards employee progression
and advancement, in skills and responsibilities, by way of using the full range
of employee knowledge and skills by providing opportunities for challenging
assignments, considering reassignments so that employee strengths align with
position requirements, providing meaningful work with restructuring of
positions if necessary and possible, providing public recognition of efforts and
achievements, giving employees additional responsibilities and the freedom to
take action, explaining why assignments are important to the accomplishment,
providing opportunities to learn new things and supporting developmental
assignments and on-the-job training.


Sources of job satisfaction







Job scope

Promotion chances

Work group


Companies policies

Working condition

Interesting work



Salary. The old adage "you get what you pay for" tends to be true when it
comes to staff members. Salary is not a motivator for employees, but they do want
to be paid fairly. If individuals believe they are not compensated well, they will be
unhappy working for you. Consult salary surveys or even your local help-wanted
ads to see whether the salaries and benefits you're offering are comparable to those
of other offices in your area. In addition, make sure you have clear policies related
to salaries, raises and bonuses.
Promotion chances :Permotional chances considerably affect the job satisfaction
because of following reasons
Promotion indicates an employee worth to the organization which is highly
morale boosting .this is particularly true in the case of high level job
Employee takes promotion as the ultimate achievement in his career and
when it is relised, he feel extremely satisfied
Promotion involves positive change eg.high salary ,less supervision ,more
freedom,more challenging work assignment,increased responsibilities, ststus alike
Company and administrative policies. An organization's policies can be a great
source of frustration for employees if the policies are unclear or unnecessary or if
not everyone is required to follow them. Although employees will never feel a
great sense of motivation or satisfaction due to your policies, you can decrease
dissatisfaction in this area by making sure your policies are fair and apply equally
to all. Also, make printed copies of your policies-and-procedures manual easily
accessible to all members of your staff. If you do not have a written manual, create
one, soliciting staff input along the way. If you already have a manual, consider
updating it (again, with staff input).

You might also compare your policies to those of similar practices and ask
yourself whether particular policies are unreasonably strict or whether some
penalties a++++ re too harsh.
Work environment in which the employees have to be earlier
years working environment of the organisations was given least consideration
.Employees used to work under adverse working conditions .but the passage of
time the work environment also improved.there are some factors relating to the
working environment effect the job satisfaction
Supervision. To decrease dissatisfaction in this area, you must begin by making
wise decisions when you appoint someone to the role of supervisor. Be aware that
good employees do not always make good supervisors. The role of supervisor is
extremely difficult. It requires leadership skills and the ability to treat all
employees fairly. You should teach your supervisors to use positive feedback
whenever possible and should establish a set means of employee evaluation and
feedback so that no one feels singled out.
Interpersonal relations. Remember that part of the satisfaction of being employed
is the social contact it brings, so allow employees a reasonable amount of time for
socialization (e.g., over lunch, during breaks, between patients). This will help
them develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. At the same time, you should
crack down on rudeness, inappropriate behavior and offensive comments. If an
individual continues to be disruptive, take charge of the situation, perhaps by
dismissing him or her from the practice.
Working conditions. The environment in which people work has a tremendous
effect on their level of pride for themselves and for the work they are doing. Do

everything you can to keep your equipment and facilities up to date. Even a nice
chair can make a world of difference to an individual's psyche.
Also, if possible, avoid overcrowding and allow each employee his or her own
personal space, whether it be a desk, a locker, or even just a drawer. If you've
placed your employees in close quarters with little or no personal space, don't be
surprised that there is tension among them.
Before you move on to the motivators, remember that you cannot neglect the
hygiene factors discussed above. To do so would be asking for trouble in more than
one way. First, your employees would be generally unhappy, and this would be
apparent to your patients. Second, your hardworking employees, who can find jobs
elsewhere, would leave, while your mediocre employees would stay and
compromise your practice's success. So deal with hygiene issues first, then move
on to the motivators:
Work Group: The nature of work group will have effect on job satisfaction in the
following ways
A friendly and co_operative group provide opportunities to group members to
intract with each other .it serves as a source of support ,comfort, advice and
assistant to individual group members.if the people are difficult to get along with
,the work group will have negative impact on job satisfaction
Perhaps most important to employee motivation is helping individuals
believe that the work they are doing is important and that their tasks are
meaningful. Emphasize that their contributions to the practice result in positive
outcomes and good health care for your patients. Share stories of success about

how an employee's actions made a real difference in the life of a patient, or in

making a process better. Make a big deal out of meaningful tasks that may have
become ordinary, such as new-baby visits. Of course employees may not find all
their tasks interesting or rewarding, but you should show the employee how those
tasks are essential to the overall processes that make the practice succeed. You may
find certain tasks that are truly unnecessary and can be eliminated or streamlined,
resulting in greater efficiency and satisfaction.
Job scope: It provide the amount of responsibility,work pace and feed back.The
higher the level of these factors,higher the job scope and higher the level of job
Variety: A moderate amount of variety is very effective. Excessive variety
produce confusion and stress and a too little variety cause monotony and fatigue
which are dissatisfier
Interesting work: A work which is very interesting the challenging and provide
status will be providing satisfaction to the employees as compared to work which
is boring and monotonous
Recognition. Individuals at all levels of the organization want to be recognized for
their achievements on the job. Their successes don't have to be monumental before
they deserve recognition, but your praise should be sincere. If you notice
employees doing something well, take the time to acknowledge their good work
immediately. Publicly thank them for handling a situation particularly well. Write
them a kind note of praise. Or give them a bonus, if appropriate. You may even
want to establish a formal recognition program, such as "employee of the month."

Responsibility. Employees will be more motivated to do their jobs well if they

have ownership of their work. This requires giving employees enough freedom and
power to carry out their tasks so that they feel they "own" the result. As individuals
mature in their jobs, provide opportunities for added responsibility. Be careful,
however, that you do not simply add more work. Instead, find ways to add
challenging and meaningful work, perhaps giving the employee greater freedom
and authority as well.
Advancement. Reward loyalty and performance with advancement. If you do not
have an open position to which to promote a valuable employee, consider giving
him or her a new title that reflects the level of work he or she has achieved. When
feasible, support employees by allowing them to pursue further education, which
will make them more valuable to your practice and more fulfilled professionally.
1. The work group will be even a stronger source of satisfaction when member
have similar attitudes and values
Age: With age, people become more mature and realistis and less idealistic so that
they are willing to accept available resources and rewards and be satisfied about
the situation.
Tenure: Employees with longer tenure are expected to be highly satisfied with
their assure job security, which is highly satisfaction to the employees. They
can easily plan for their future without any fear of losing thie jobs.
Achievement: One premise inherent in Herzberg's theory is that most individuals
sincerely want to do a good job. To help them, make sure you've placed them in
positions that use their talents and are not set up for failure. Set clear, achievable
goals and standards for each position, and make sure employees know what those
goals and standards are. Individuals should also receive regular, timely feedback on

how they are doing and should feel they are being adequately challenged in their
jobs. Be careful, however, not to overload individuals with challenges that are too
difficult or impossible, as that can be paralyzing.


High job satisfaction may lead to improved productivity, increased turnover,
and improved attendance; reduce accidents, less job stress, and lower unionization.
PRODUCTIVITY: The relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is
Not definitely established however in long run job satisfaction leads to increased
productivity. On the other hand job performance leads to job satisfaction and not
the other way round. However there are some conditions under which high
productivity more clearly leads to job satisfaction one condition is that the
employees perceive that intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are contingent upon there
productivity. The second condition is that the extrinsic rewards to be distributed
equitably. In equitable distribution fails to convince the employees that there is a
close relation ship between hard work and rewards. However, the adage a happy
worker is a productive worker is not always wrong there may not be a relationship
between job satisfaction and productivity but performance may be affected
indirectly by absenteeism or turnover which is related to satisfaction.
High employee turnover is of considerable concern for employers because it
disrupt normal operations, cause morale problems for those who stick on and
increase the cost involved in selecting and training replacements. The employer
does what ever possible to minimize turnover, making the employees feel satisfied
on their jobs, being one such.
Unlike the relationship between satisfaction and productivity the connection
between job satisfactions to employee turnover is established beyond doubt. It has
been demonstrated that who have relatively lower levels of satisfaction are most

likely to quit their jobs and that organizational units with the lowest average
satisfaction levels tend to have the high turnover rate.
Job stress is the bodys response to any job-related factor that tHuman
Resourceeatens to disturb the persons equilibrium. In the process of experiencing
stress, the employees inner state changes. Prolonged stress can cause the employee
serious ailments such as heart disease, blurred vision, lower back pain, dermatitis
and muscles aches.

It is proved that job-dissatisfaction is a major cause for


dissatisfaction with wages, job security, French benefits, chances for promotions
and treatment by supervisors are reasons which make employee join unions.
Another dimension is that satisfaction have an impact on the tendency to take
action with in the union such as filing grievances and striking.


Affect Theory
Edwin A. Lockes Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most
famous job satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction
is determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has
in a job. Further, the theory states that how much one values a given facet of work
(e.g. the degree of autonomy in a position) moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one
becomes when expectations are/arent met. When a person values a particular facet
of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively (when
expectations are met) and negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to
one who doesnt value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy in
the workplace and Employee B is indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A
would be more satisfied in a position that offers a high degree of autonomy and
less satisfied in a position with little or no autonomy compared to Employee B.
This theory also states that too much of a particular facet will produce stronger
feelings of dissatisfaction the more a worker values that facet.
Dispositional Theory
Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory. It is
a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause
them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of ones
job. This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of
evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and
jobs. Research also indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job

A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was
the Core Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge
argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine ones disposition
towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and
neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of self-esteem (the value one
places on his self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in ones own competence)
lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one
has control over her\his own life, as opposed to outside forces having control)
leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher
job satisfaction.

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