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Multi Genre

English 10
Mr. Bigelow

Derek Jon Bitton

Dear Reader,
Death. Whoever plans on experiencing this cruel torture that is inevitable. Youre born
into this world crying and screaming. You leave this world a pitiful mess. Though for some, they
can choose to leave whenever they would like to leave. They can take what they are a born
with and choose to leave everything behind. This, humans have conceived a most horrendous
word for. Suicide.
I choose to write about this because everyone experiences death within their lives, but
the few, the ones that are truly strong to go through something of this sort, experience
someone committing suicide around them. Not to give props to those who do it, it truly is a
selfish thing to do. Though, those who do it, and come through higher than they were when
they started off, they are a courageous bunch.
This was the first time I had a close family member die, and have an impact on myself.
Just like my uncle, my father and their brother Ronnie, were brothers, I was a brother to his son
by bond. In this, it impacted me more greatly because it made him more of family then just
someone else in my family. Though I may not have been incredibly close to him, this
experience hit me as hard as anything could hit a person.

Piece One
I remember the way you walked.

I remember the way you were always there for them.

I remember the games you played with us.
I remember the food you cooked.
I remember the way my father talked about you.
I remember your downs.
I remember your ups.
I remember the way you lived.
but most of all I remember how you left us.

Piece Two

My heart felt still. Why was it still. Times like this should make anyones heart race,
have them drop to their knees, and cry. But Me. I just stood there. Waiting for
something else to happen. It seemed like a joke, but that face told otherwise. How did
someone in my family do this to themselves. Could this be real. My family was strong. It
doesnt matter if you were an in-law or blood, but this changed when my mother said,
Your uncle shot himself.

Piece Three
Dead? This was reality now. Why hasnt it felt real? He was sitting in a box right behind
those people over there. Maybe it was because I couldnt see him, because his face
wasnt there.

His face I had just seen it a week ago. It was at his house. My dad was there, and my
sister, as well. This was the last time we had all seen him, and now hes not going to be
seen again.

I heard that my dad was the last one he talked to. They were brothers, you know. Not
by blood, that was my mom and his wife, but by bond. They had been since before I was
born. Him, my father and Ronnie.

Ronnie Ive only ever seen him once. That was just a few months ago. Was he here?
Wait there he is. I guess news travels fast, especially if hes here, he lives in California. I
wonder what he was feeling since he hadnt seen him in a few years.

Feeling Such feeling was being shown. Why didnt I show it? I guess this was because it

Sorry, I have to go now. Those last words were going to be real yet but theyre picking
up the casket now and its all becoming real

Piece Four

Sitting in the church, laughing. Laughing at a time like this! Unheard of. People
walking by giving us the strangest looks because of the circumstances we were in.
I was happy he was laughing. It showed he hadnt died as well.
She walks by. Ooooo does she irritate everyone shes around. She comes up to
us, Why are you laughing?! You stop that! You dont laugh at funerals! she said. She
walked away and were all like, What the hell! Its a good thing his son is laughing.
Everyone comes to sit down and talk about my uncle. There were many people
my uncle touched, but the one who stood out most was a deaf person. He came up to
the front with his translator. I knew my uncle had known many people, but this one I
didnt recognize. When he started signing he spoke of my uncles life. He spoke about
how my uncle impacted everyone around him. He talked about someone whom Ive
never met, but completely knew.
He went on with this for a while and then sat down. Other people, my father, his
father, my aunt, his mother, went up and spoke, and then surprisingly my cousin, his
son, went up to talk. Everyone watched as he walked up to the front. Seemingly forever,
there wasnt one word spoken. When he got up there he spoke of the time he had with
his father. The goods, the bad, the happy, and the sad. When he finished they took the
casket to the burial site.

Piece Five

That was something never thought of.
Who would have thought you would do it.
That is what you had become.
That is how you left your family.
What would happen after.
That was the new that had to be broken.
Why did you do this to them.
That what you became when you killed yourself.

Piece Six

Beloved son. Favored father. Needed uncle. Treasured family. He lived his life
taking care of the ones around him. Doing what he could for the ones around him.
Brought two children into this world, raising them to the fullest he could.
Father. Friend. Loved one. Making those around him smile. Brightening the
room wherever he visited leaving a wake of his presence. Becoming known wherever he
That was how he lived. Though he left us more swiftly. Quickly. One brief noise.
One moment of, Oh shit What was that?! Upstairs, bedroom on the right. Revolver
to his head. Gone. Leaving his family, friends and loved ones. Brought darkness to the
world with him. One pull of the trigger. Dead.
End Notes
Piece One: I chose to write a poem for my first piece that would connect to everyone up
to the final line. It would establish a connection that would help lace the rest of the
pieces together.
Piece Two: I chose to write a prose for my second piece so that I could establish a very
intense change in one moment. To show how when you first hear a traumatic thing it
doesnt seem real.
Piece Three: I chose to write a dialogue for this piece to show how my mind processed
things; To show the incomprehensible being comprehended through a teenagers mind.
Though it may seem a bit scattered, I feel that it gives vital information on my subject
and the overall story.
Piece Four: I chose to write a prose for this piece so that I could show the importance
my uncle had for many people in his life. To show that he impacted everyone around
him, and to give more of a relating point to the reader.

Piece Five: I chose to write a poem for this piece to establish the foreignness of what
had happened, and to show the confusion a lot of people have when they are
confronted with death.
Piece Six: I chose to write an exposition as my sixth piece to, sort of, bring all of the rest
together. I give a more blunt or straight forward approach to the subject, so that the
reader completely understands what happened.

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