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Ilham Batar
Laurie Oberg
English 11
4 March 2016
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance is recited millions of times a day, by people all across America.
The pledge is a patriotic oath for all Americans, but individuals argue that it is also a public
prayer. But the real issue about the recitation of the pledge for people is the phrase under God.
In 1954, during the McCarthy era, Congress passed a bill that added the words under God into
the pledge. The men who built this nation and government, built it on the principles of the JudeoChristian faith. During some of numerous hardship that this country has endured, the United
States has turned to God for guidance and comfort (through prayers, fasting, etc.) The words
under God should remain in the Pledge due to the fact the United States really is a nation that
is under God.
Many people want the words under God removed from the Pledge because they believe
it violates the Establishment Clause. The Establishment Clause states, Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion. The pledge is recited millions of times a day, but
mostly by students in public schools. The recitation of the pledge every morning forces nontheistic children to either acknowledge God or stand out as a protestor. David Niose, President
of the American Humanist Association said, No child should go to school each day to have the
class declare that her religious beliefs are wrong in an exercise that portrays her and her family
as less patriotic than believers. This is the case for Michael Newdow and his daughter. In the

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case of Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, Newdow (who is an avowed atheist)
wanted to sue on behalf of his daughter, to assert her right to be free from state-sponsored
religion in the public school she attended (Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life). Which
unfortunately was not possible due to the fact that he did not have legal custody of his daughter.
It is in fact, not a violation of the Establishment Clause for school student to recite the
Pledge of Allegiance. They are simply acknowledging the religious heritage of our country
(William J. Federer). The Pledge itself is a statement in which you are pledging your allegiance
to a nation that is under God. Just because an individual isnt a believer of God doesnt mean
they cant pledge the allegiance and be a loyal citizen of a country that does (Common Good
Foundation). Since 1943, the law has been clear that public school student cannot be forced to
recite or otherwise participate in the Pledge of Allegiance against their will. (Emily Garber Students are not being forced to believe in God nor are they being pressured to
have/state their religious belief The pledge is merely a patriotic statement, it acknowledges the
religious aspects of the United States, of the countrys national character, and traditions (Pew
Forum of Religion and Public Life).
During some of the biggest historical events that the United States has endured, the
country was called on to pray and fast in some cases. When Pearl Harbor was bombed, President
Franklin Roosevelt asked the country to pray, and when the astronauts on Apollo 13 were stuck
in space, President Richard Nixon also asked the country to pray (
According to The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), Congress inserted the phrase
One Nation Under God in the Pledge of Allegiance for the express purpose of reaffirming
Americas unique understanding of this truth, and to distinguish America from atheistic nation
who recognize no higher authority than the State. (ACLJ) The United States recognizes God as

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their higher authority because they dont want to be like other countries who have their high
authority be the state.
For these arguments stated above, the words under God should remain in the pledge.
The Pledge Allegiance is a big part of America and its history. Americans are able to express the
allegiance to the United States through the pledge, whether or not they believe in God. Children
in public schools arent being forced to recite the pledge, and/or have or state their religious
statuses. Others may believe that the words under God should be removed, like Mr. Newdow.
Mr. Newdow did not want his daughter exposed to an unconstitutional practice. The pledge is
nothing but a constitutional, patriotic statement. The words under God is an acknowledgement
of the religious history of the United States.

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Works Cited
ACLJ Position Paper on the Pledge of Allegiance. American Center for Law and
Justice (ACLJ). 12 Jan. 2004. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
Baer, John W. The Pledge of Allegiance a Short Story. N.P. Web. 09 Feb.
Elk Grove Unified School District v. Michael A. Newdow. Common Good Foundation. Dec.
2003. 29 Feb. 2016.
Federer, William J. Elk Grove Unified School District v. Michael A. Newdow. N.P. 2003. 29
Feb. 2016.
Garber, Emily. Students Not Required to Participate in The Pledge of Allegiance.
American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
One Nation Under God? A Constitutional Question. The Pew Forum on
Religion and Public Life. 19 Mar. 2004. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.
Remove Under God from the Pledge of Allegiance. Secular Coalition for
America. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
The words Under GOD should remain in our Pledge of Allegiance!
Petition2Congress. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.

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