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St Pauls Unlimited Community Partnership

Planning Sub-Group

Present: Pete Bullard, Francois Jensen, Andy King, Bentleigh Burgess.

Apols: Lisa Blackwood.

− 87 Ashley Rd. Pete to contact chair of housing group Pete

− 84 Stokes Croft. Apologies to Bentleigh that a note was not put in the Feb newsletter,
after this pre-app. Francois
− Employment Space. This issue needs to become part of the St Pauls submission to the
Neighbourhood Partnership area plan. Francois
− St Nicholas Pub. Building continues in spite of refusal. PB to write to planners. Pete
− Kango Site. Pete to ring to ask why this was refused. Pete
− Brunswick Cemetery. Public Art proposal controversial!
− 126 Ashley Rd. Approved. Why? Francois
− 13-15 Dean St. FJ to contact Steve Mardall about 2nd pre-app. Francois

− Planning Apps
− Criterion Pub. 155 Ashley Rd (00004/F) Pete
− access to back garden seems wide open to street.
− Bin store issues.
− 3 Grosvenor Rd. Pete
− opening hours. Why close at 6pm? (not 8). Pete

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