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Ungerer 1

Tania Ungerer
LBST 2101
Prof. Sinclair
April 13, 2016
The Visitation: Rotary
When I was a child, my dad was my best friend. We would explore the back
roads in South Africa, travelling somewhere new every weekend. My dads job
brought us to North Carolina in 2007. He is a very busy man so we dont get to
spend much time together. Every Tuesday he goes to Rotary, an international
service club, which meets in Monroe at the Rolling Hills Country Club. I was eager to
attend this meeting with him so that I could experience Rotary for myself. When I
arrived at the country club we were directed towards the ball room where they hold
their weekly meetings. As you walk into the room there is a table for the
members/visitors to sign in. Along the back wall there is a buffet and set up in the
middle are tables for you to sit. My grandfather, who is also a member, had saved
us a seat. I felt like I was at a fancy restaurant. Waiters came to our table refreshing
our beverages and then taking away our plates when we were finished.
Once we were done eating they called the meeting to order and said a
prayer. Each week someone new prays. There were twenty members and five
visitors. Some had been part of Rotary for longer than I have been alive. To start the
meeting off they played a game where you told the group what makes you happy
and then Rotary would donate money to their local charity of the month. I thought
that this was ironic since the reason I was attending the meeting was so that I could

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see how they were living a good life and spreading happiness. Next, they welcomed
all the guests and one by one we stood up and introduced ourselves to the group.
During the meeting they discussed what they have done for the community recently
and what upcoming events they had planned.
Every week they have a speaker come and talk about an organization or an
important event taking place in the community. Pat Kahle is a member of Rotary as
well as a director at South Piedmont Community College in Monroe. Pat presented
on the Connect NC bond that was going to affect her school greatly. If the bond
passed SPCC would be getting their infrastructure repaired. She also went into
detail about how the bond would allow for UNC-Charlotte to build a new science
building. At the end of the meeting they announced that my grandfather had
received the Distinguished Rotarian of the year award. He was not aware that he
would be winning this award and was honored to have received it. He takes part in
as many events as he can fit in his schedule and has been a member for over
fifteen years. When the meeting ended I was given a Rotary pen as a thank you for
visiting with them.
I am so happy I was able to experience a Rotary club meeting. I think it is
amazing that very busy and important businessmen and women make time in their
hectic schedule, so that they can give back to their community. In Haidts Happiness
Hypothesis, he mentions the ethic of community and how it is important to putting
the community before the individual1. I believe that the members of the Rotary club
do a great job of putting the community before themselves. They make it possible
for those in their community to have a good life which brings them happiness. I

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would describe the Rotarians as being altruistic 2 because they do for others without
expecting anything in return.
1. Haidt, Jonathan. "The Pursuit of Happiness." The Happiness Hypothesis. New
York: Basic, 2006. 188. Print
2. Haidt, Jonathan. "The Pursuit of Happiness." The Happiness Hypothesis. New
York: Basic, 2006. 171-175. Print

Word count: 648

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