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Lesson Plan Documentation:

Teachers Name/Room: Miss. Longjohn

Length of Class:Period 1 & 2 (8:45-9:55)

Class/Subject: Math

Topic/Theme: Measurement- MASS

Date/Time of Class: Thursday, April 7, 2016.

Specific Outcome: Student is able to demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of ordering and
Student Friendly: I can order objects by mass and explain how I ordered them.
Objective: Students are able to order objects and explain how they ordered them.

Time Frame:

Introduction & Anticipatory Set: :

15-20 minutes

Review what MASS means and what words we use.

-heavy, heavier, heaviest
-light, lighter, lightest

You and a partner have 1 minute to order 5 objects in either lightest to heaviest or
heaviest to lightest.

Whole Group Activity:

Go around and observe some groups ordering: do you know how they ordered their items.

Small Group Activity:

Page 4 and 5 in Mass Booklet.

-Using objects around class, students will see which one is heavier than the other.

-Which is heavier?

Introduce about the same as. What does your balance do when you put 2 things on it that weigh
the same??

Students to try and find 2 objects that are about the same in weight.

Individual Practice:
**Only use the terms we have practiced using: heavy, light, heaviest, lightest ect

MASS assessment: go over first page and let students find their 4 objects they want to
use and complete page


Go over back page: students are to find 5 objects: order them off their own ordering rule
(heaviest to lightest OR lightest to heaviest). Once they have ordered their objects they
are to draw them in the big square ( You go around and label the objects so I know what
they are). Last they write their ordering rule on the bottom.


If done early: they can go on IXL Math and complete Measurement section or play
Measurement games (shared with them on their drive in the Math folder.

Snack at 9:57


Observations of students: listening while they are completing activity sheet

Responses to questions

Remainder of
period 1 & 2

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