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The 14th original colony

Where is yorksylvania?


Yorksylvania is located in the
southern region of the New
York colony, near the border
of northern Pennsylvania. It
would be considered part of
the Middle Colonies. Like the
other Middle Colonies, the
soil in Yorksylvania is
fertile for farming, and the
weather is favorable with warm
summers. There are thick woods
and forests that provide land
for hunting and fur trade and
many trees for lumber trade.

Participation in transatlantic trade

- Merchants involved in the fur
business will trade their goods
as a part of the transatlantic
- Furs will be sent as exports to
England and various European
countries to be cleaned and made
into various articles of

Laut, Agnes Christina.The Fur Trade of America. (1921).

Chosen Occupation

Fur Trade

Fur trade would be a

profitable occupation to
choose in the 14th colony
of Yorksylvania. Through
the use of trade ledgers,
upcoming slides show
possible profits gained in
this occupation.
Vowinkel, C. (n.d.). 7th Grade Humanities. Retrieved
May 3, 2016, from here.

Types of fur traded

Value of Fur

Pre-federal Consensus and Statistics, from

How much money would we make?

From Economic History Society,

at http://www.hrvh.

(in current United States Dollars)

The Flag of Yorksylvania

The colors we chose for our flag represent the land and the
trees, which are important natural resources in
Yorksylvania. The Bear represents a staple of our colonial
economy as its fur serves as the main export in the
Transatlantic Trade.


To listen to our constitution, click here!

Yorksylvania Constitution
We the colonists of Yorksylvania, in order to form an
absolute colony, and establish justice, secure the liberty
and blessings of our members, establish this constitution
for the Yorksylvania Colony.
We the people of Yorksylvania, believe that:

All Yorksylvanians are created equal and have the right to life, liberty and the
security of their person.
Each colonist has the right to own property.
Yorksylvanians should not be subjected to interference of their privacy, home, or
Every man and woman has the right to fair and equal trade.
Each person has a the right not to be subjected to cruel and inhuman punishment.
Yorksylvanians are entitled to equal protection against the law.

Our semantic web (throughout the process)

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