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Lesson 1

Close Reading
To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 12

Circle words/phrases that indicate how Scout views code switching.

Underline words/phrases that indicate the reasons Calpurnia gives for code switching.

That Calpurnia led a modest double life never dawned on me. The idea that she had a
separate existence outside our household was a novel one to me, to say nothing of her
having command of two languages.
Cal, I asked, why do you talk nigger-talk to theto your folks when you know
its not right?
Well, in the first place Im black
That doesnt mean you hafta talk that way when you know better, said Jem.
Calpurnia tilted her hat and scratched her head, then pressed her hat down
carefully over her ears. Its right hard to say, she said. Suppose you and Scout talked
colored-folks talk at homeitd be out of place, wouldnt it? Now what if I talked whitefolks talk at church, and with my neighbors? Theyd think I was puttin on airs to beat
But Cal, you know better, I said.
Its not necessary to tell all you know. Its not ladylikein the second place,
folks dont like to have somebody around knowin more than they do. It aggravates em.
Youre not gonna change any of the by talkin right, theyve got to want to learn
themselves, and when they dont want to learn theres nothing you can do but keep your
mouth shut or talk their language.

What is Harper Lee showing readers about racism through Scout and Cals
dialogue in this excerpt?


Lesson 2

Character Traits





Page #



Lesson 2

Through Atticuss Eyes . . .

*Answer: What can you infer about the point of view of To Kill a
Mockingbird that enables readers to see racism as Harper Lee may want us
to see it?


Character Profile Template

__________________________________________________________ Lesson 3

______(Characters Name)___________
Image of Character:

4 Noteworthy Quotes:



How has my character been developed?
Pick either Dialogue or Point of View.

How has my character been effected by racism?

Point of


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