Leadership Book Presentation Educational Principalship Debbie Morgan

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Leadership Book Presentation

Debbie Morgan
Educational Principalship
Kent State University

Meet the Authors

Lee G. Bolman is an author, teacher, and consultant. His
earlier work on organizational leadership awakened his interest in
the spiritual underpinnings of life at work. He earned a Ph.D.
degree in organizational behavior at Yale University. He holds the
Marion Bloch/ Missouri Chair at the Bloch School of Business and
Public Administration at the University of Missouri- Kansas City.
Terrence E. Deal is an author, teacher, and consultant. His
explorations of the world of spirit evolved from his earlier interest in
the role symbols play in contemporary organizations. He earned his
Ph.D. in education and sociology from Stanford University. He is the
former Irving R. Melbo Professor of Education at the University of
Southern Californias Rossier School of Education.
The two of them met over 30 years ago when they were
paired to teach a course at the Harvard Graduate School of

Genre and Style

Novel- About a man named Steven, a once successful businessman
who finds himself in a professional and personal slump. A friend
introduces him to Maria, a woman who had lived for many years in
Japan and who serves as a mentor and spiritual guide as she
challenges him to take a journey to rekindle meaning in his work
and life.
Self-help- Each chapter is followed by an Interlude which assists the
reader in applying concepts learned to ones own situation. Here,
the authors provide direct instruction on the concepts presented in
the novel and tie it into the present real world.

The Journey Begins

What is Soul? What is Spirit?

My soul is from elsewhere, Im sure of that, and I intend to end
up there. ~Rumi
Soul is personal and unique, grounded in the depths of
individual experience. Spirit is transcendent and all embracing.
It is the universal source, the oneness of all things. Adherents of
the worlds great religions name it Allah, Brahman, the Buddha,
God, or Yahweh. Others find this source in love, nature,
humanity, magic, or an ineffable sense of oneness with the
cosmos. ~ Bolman, Lee G & Deal, Terrence E.

Soul and Spirit

Soul and spirit are rooted in hope and faith- the things we
believe even if they cannot be proven. Hope is the faith that
dies last, the stubborn belief in new possibilities and a better
tomorrow. ~ Bolman & Deal

The Interludes
Reclaiming Your Soul- Finding the treasure from within yourself instead of
seeking it through affirmation of others. Tap into your spirit source to
rekindle your soul. For me, this means daily prayer, reading and reflecting on
scripture, and regular fellowship with fellow believers.
Leaning into Your Fear: The Courage of Conviction- Facing the dragons to
free your heart and mind from their burden.

Community and the Cycle of Giving- Connecting and being a blessing to

Expressing the Spirit- through music and song, art, the sharing of stories,
ceremonies, and rituals.
The Cycle of the Spirit- Choosing hope and seeking wisdom. Finding it within
ourselves and sharing it with others.

The Journey Continues

Gifts of Leadership


Trusting people to solve problems generates higher levels of
motivation and better solutions.
The leaders responsibility is to create conditions that promote
Individuals need to see their work as meaningful and worthwhile,
to feel personally accountable for the consequences of their
efforts, and to get feedback that lets them know the results.

Love is the true hallmark of great leaders- love for their work and
for those with whom they work.
Five words, to love and to achieve. And the second will never
happen until you do the first. Paul Galvin, Motorola founder on his
business philosophy

Hoarding power produces a powerless organization. People
stripped of power look for ways to fight back.

The gift of significance lets people find meaning in work,
faith in themselves, confidence in the value of their lives and hope for
the future.
* Sharing special occasions is vital in building significance into
collective life.
* In successful organizations, peoples sense of significance is rooted
in shared stories.

Corporate Community
Authorship, love, power, and significance
only work when they are freely given
and genuinely received.

The End is Only the Beginning

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