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T-Hawk Micro Air Vehicle

Hailey Fries


T-H aw k w as designed to m eet the requirem ents for supporting dism ounted soldiers in
the fi

The T-H aw k M AV conducts aerialsearches for roadside bom bs and inspects suspicious
targets from a close range to provide situationalaw areness.

The drone can be used for various m issions, including hom eland security, target
acquisition and dam age assessm ent and civilian purposes.

It w as deployed extensively in the Iraq and Afghanistan w ars and w as successfulin

conducting trials.

Forw ard speeds up to 80 m ph have been achieved, but the G -M AV is operationally

restricted to 57 m ph by softw are.

The T-H aw k has been used by the British Arm y, Afghanistan, & for the dam aged
Fukushim a nuclear pow er station.

Engine Electric C ontrolU nit

T-H aw k M icro Air

Vehicle (M AV)

Avionics Pod
Flight M anagem ent
U nit
Air D ata Sensors

G im bal
EO or IR
D ucted Fan N acelle

Source: H oneyw ell

Radio Pod
RF C om m unication Suite

JP-8 or
G asoline Engine

T-H aw k Video

California vs. Ciraolo

Police received a tip that Ciraolo was growing marijuana in his backyard.
A fence blocked the view of the yard, so they flew an airplane 1,000
feet above his house, enabling them to see marijuana with a naked eye
growing in his yard.
The court found the acts of the police constitutional
This case can be applied to the T Hawk because police are allowed to
use the drones in airspace above homes

Effect on 4th Amendment

Many drone searches were conducted without search warrants
Drones can gather a lot of intimate information which would
previously have been impossible to acquire or illegal without a
Assembly Bill 54 would place regulations on law enforcement use of
drone surveillance by preventing law enforcement from deploying
drones without a warrant.
The House of Representatives approved an amendment to the
National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 to prohibit information
collected by Department of Defense drones without a warrant from
being used as evidence in court.

More Information
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have many capabilities including
law enforcement, land surveillance, wildlife tracking, search and
rescue operations, disaster response, border patrol and
California AB 856 prohibits entering the airspace of an individual in
order to capture an image or recording of that individual engaging
in a private, personal, or familial activity without permission. This
legislation is a response to the use of UAS by the paparazzi.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
estimates as many as 30,000 drones could be flying in US skies by

The Original T- Hawk

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