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Name :_ Emojis: What state are you in?

Grade Level:___ 4-5th grade
Length:_3 class periods
Topic: Mental Health
I. Objective:
Students will learn how to effectively become more aware their mental
health on the day-to-day basis and to be conscious of the mental
health of those around them. By having the students use their devices
to choose an emoji to identify their emotions, they will be able to make
the connection in their every day vernacular.
II. Preparation
The purpose of this lesson is the reason for teaching the lesson: to
introduce, to give information, to help organize information, to
demonstrate knowledge, to provide enrichment or a chance for
creative application.
Computer, Construction paper, scissors, markers, glue, any additional
materials from home the students wish to bring
III. Procedure
A. Anticipatory Set:
Students will be introduced to the topic of mental health. They will
shown a short video that discusses the symptoms of depression and
how to properly identify those emotions in others. Students will then be
given direction on how to identify their own emotions and choose an
emoji to recreate based on that emotion.
B. Body of the Lesson/Input:
In addition to the video that will be shown at the beginning of the
lesson, students will be given a short lecture on how to become more
aware of their own mental state.
1. Outline and label steps in the lesson
1. Day 1
a. Show students video on symptoms of depression
b. Give short explanation of what mental health is and it is
c. Show examples of project/how to demo
d. Students will begin to choose an emoji that they think best
describes their mental state
2. Day 2
a. Students will begin to create their emoji using paper, markers,
and any items they may have brought from home
3. Day 3
a. Students

2. Content and Key Questions

Students will understand how to self-identify their emotions through
use of emojis. How does this feeling affect the way you act? By the end
of the assignment, student will have understanding of the concept of
mental health and its effect on their behavior.
C. Closure:
Student will walk away from assignment with the proper knowledge of
mental health. Student will be informed that taking care of mental
health is just as important as the physical health and sometimes your
physical state is directly linked to your mental state.
D. Follow-up activity: Independent Practice, Enrichment or
Once student has completed assignment, they should write a short
paragraph on what they walked away with from this assignment.
Paragraph should include what information they have been given on
the topic plus their current thoughts on what they plan on doing to
take care of their mental health moving forward.
E. Evaluation of the lesson and the teaching process:

Work Habits

Student was
able to to show
of lesson
completion of
Student showed
creativity with
use of colors,
materials, etc.
Student stayed
on task through
out entire work

Student was able
to complete
requirements for
project but did
not show much

Student did not
Student was
unable to show
understanding of

Student was able

to follow
majority of the
time allowed for

Student had
trouble staying
focused during
assignment and
was unable to
complete task


Student partially
engages in
and engaged
critique of peers.
during critique.
Student used
presented in
the assignment.

by due date
Student does not
participate in
class critique.
Student does not
have finished
assignment by
the time of the
due date

XI. Interdisciplinary Connections:

115.6. Health Education, Grade 4. (b) (8) the student will learn about
mental health state and how to be more conscious of their health.

XII. References & Resources:
117.114. Art, Grade 4,
(a) Statements that contain the word "including" reference content
that must be mastered, while those containing the phrase "such as"
are intended as possible illustrative examples.
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(1) Foundations: observation and perception. The student develops and expands visual
literacy skills using critical thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore
the world by learning about, understanding, and applying the elements of art, principles
of design, and expressive qualities. The student uses what the student sees, knows, and
has experienced as sources for examining, understanding, and creating artworks. The
student is expected to:
(A) explore and communicate ideas drawn from life experiences about self, peers,
family, school, or community and from the imagination as sources for original works of
XIV. National Art Standards
4th VA:Cr1.1.4a Brainstorm multiple approaches to a creative art or
design problem.
4th VA:Re7.2.4a Analyze components in visual imagery that convey

5th VA:Cr3.1.5a Create artist statements using art vocabulary to

describe personal choices in art-making.

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