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Reflection of the play and the movie


What did you think about the play?

In general the play it was awesome, i think i really enjoy this play it was because
before the play miss pam explain us about the history ,the main idea of the teather
and the propuse of it , so i feel confident because i was prepared, so i think this is
one of main reasons i enjoy this beatiful play . What i like more of this play was the
actores i mean i admire how they interpreate the characters because is not easy
to take roll of a character , but when i see the play they make it look easy so i
admire them too much.

2.What didnt you like about the play?

I like everything of the play.

3.Who were your favorite characters?

my favorite character of this play it was caterina , she was the shrew of the play ,
she was my favorite character because i think the work of the actor it was
awesome i mean how she interpreate caterina whooo inspire me because she
made her look as if she were caterina as if caterina was real .

4. What was the play mainly about? What does it mean to be "a shrew"?
basically the play is about a family problem , the father of bianca and caterina
baptista a rich gentleman does not let his daughter bianca get married until his
sister caterina get married frist , but the problem it was that no body likes caterina
because of her attitude finally she was the "shrew " i mean be a shrew is been a
person how always see the bad things of the situations and gets angry easily so
been next to he or her is stressful because they always fight for everything.

5. Do you like theatre? Why or why not?

yes , sure i love it because i think that the theater is a way to give a important
message to the audience i mean you can change the way of thinking of someone
by this art . i love how the actors take the roll of a character i always think that this
is dificult because you need to interpreated someone who is not you so take this
roll is dificult .

6. What other theater plays have you watched? What did you think about them?
well the only theater i remember i went it was in the castellana ,this is a place in
bogota where people go to see plays, is very nice, i went to this theater because
when i was little i love michael jackson music and when we died i was so sad so
my mother give me a surprise and she invite me to this theater to see a memorial
for the death of this artist , i love this play and how they interpreated all the live of
michael jackson so in that moment i start love the theaters because i feel that this
is a art .
7.what did you think about the movie?
when i see ten reasons i hate you i realy enjoy this movie because this was de
same history but in diferent time i mean in the movie the things was more moder
than in the theather . i think i prefer the movie than the play because of the end
finaly in the movie kat and patrick they become a couple and that real love make
kat the shrew become a better person so i understand that the real love really
exists. and in the end of the play you can notice that caterina and petruchio they
were not a real couple i mean you can notice that they do not love each other real
so that it was a false love
8. Are the characters in the movie similar to the characters in the play?
No the characters were differents for example:
Bianca: This was very different from the Bianca of the movie ,because you can see
that the bianca of taming Caterina gets influenciate from Caterina Biancas
attitude towards her marriege makes Caterina discover the power. But Bianca
knows how far she can gets if she wants to
Bianca ( movie):She was a very cut girld, she takes advantage from cameron at
the begining but she had something that i like more than the bianca of the theather.
It was that she didnt change in a bad way and finaly she loves Cameron i can
notice the true love.
Caterina: This Caterina physically it was more beatiful from the other one, but so
far you can notice she do not love petruchio because they alway fight and
they(both) always appared to be a other person they are not only for they own
benefits. So i like more the other one .
Kat (movie):She at the begining has exacly a shrew but at the end she change for
love the love of Patrick it was so powerful that makes her change in a very good
way and finaly loves each other, i realy like and impacts me how love can change a
person .
Petruchio: I did not like this carcter because i think he only marries only to have
the fortune of his father and he wants to take advantage of others .

Patrick: He is very differents from petruchio he is a bad boy, he is a person that

takes advantage of all , but he has something diferent from petruchio and he finaly
loves kat and he made both change in a good aspect because they really love
each others.
9. Name the differences of the play and the movie in a chart.
Well , about the characters like i already say they were different how they act and
how they think , in the play they wear thinking aboute married and live a life and in
the movie it was about dating someone and parties , and finally one of the bigest
diferences is the time in the movie you can notice that is a moder culture and in the
play dont

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