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Anticipation Guide Journal Entry

Choose one of the statements on the anticipation guide. Write 2 paragraphs to explain why you
agree or disagree with the statement. You must connect the statement to your own life and
include 3 pieces of textual evidence (quotes) and cite them using the I.C.E. acronym (see
handout/doc). 15 points - Rubric provided

We may believe we live perfectly, with no flaws, and we are

as successful we can be. The U.S has good protection, a good
economy, and health care. However this is not the case, for we
are having trouble controlling the amount of immigrants that
come into the United States. This may be one tiny flaw, but we
have not completed the idea of a utopia. The story, Animal Farm,
proves that even after countless attempts of trying to form this
utopia it is impossible. In the beginning of the book Animal
Farm, an old pig named Old Major presents a speech to an entire
farm of what perfect utopia they could create. Old Major explains,
Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. No animal
must kill another animal. All animals are equal (4). After the
rebellion they were able to try and fulfill their promise to making
all animals equal and not killing other animals. Yet, the animals
kill other animals and they create separate classes of animals. In
present day, presidents may try to fulfill their promises they made
when trying to become president, but in the end they will not be
able to stick with this idea to make their society a utopia.
Also, Animal Farm may think they are a perfect utopia, but
there were some rebellions, so they have not created a perfect
society. The hens start a rebellion after being informed that 400 of
their eggs were to be taken away each week. The narrator tells
us, The hens made a determined effort to thwart Napoleons
wishes (36). With conflicts on the farm, doesnt that not make
them a perfect society? With a country, or farm, divided you can
not stand united, which in this case does not you union a utopia.
Lastly, Napoleon, Animal Farms leader, became what he said he
would never or the farm would never be. They resembled

humans. The narrator explained, The creatures outside looked

from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man
again (68). A perfect utopia can not be formed if you are
becoming what you said you wouldnt. When trying to create a
utopia you change what you do not want to do, but if you end up
doing what you purposely said you wouldnt do than it is just
making things worse again. In all, creating a utopia is nearly
impossible to achieve.

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