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BEACH HOUSE PREMISE Road Hazard Risk Assessment Form No. 01 Initiated by: Fred Palmer (North Haven Re: t) Date Doc. Downloaded: | 13/08/2014 Duty Holder Name: 1879 Events Management Lid ~ | Date of Assessment: 25/07/2014 Location: The Beach House 2 Pier Point Marine Walk ‘Sunderiand SR6 OPP Date Hazard Identified: | 25/07/2014 4. Identification/Description of Hazard ‘What is the Hazard? No safe route provided for persons crossing roadway Hazard Classification: Road Traffic Accidents Where is the Hazard? ‘The roadway outside of The Beach House, Pier Point, Marine Walk, Roker 2, Consequences: What kind of harm can be caused by the hazard? Persons involved in road traffic accidents could suffer: © Whiplash + Broken bones Bums Head Injuries * Spinal Injuries + Amputations + Fatalities. 3. Persons at Risk Comment (if applicable) Pedestrians/Employees Bd Yes C1 No | Employees crossing over the road to serve drinks and food If Yes, are any of these disabled? | [J Yes [] No | Some pedestrians could be disabled Customers using proposed dining area site across the road Customers {Yes [No | to The Beach House ‘Sight restriction for car drivers due to Bus Stop, Loading Bay Car driverfpassengers Ba Yes [1 No | Area sited across from The Beach House end perked vehicles outside of Pier Point Premises Sight restriction for bus drivers and pedestrians due to Bus Driver and passengers Yes £1 No | Loading Bay Area, Bus Stop, parked vehicles and road fumiture (waste bins, lamp posts, and seating ) ‘What is the Level of Risk? & High 1 Medium Bl Low | 4, Precautions and Controls. Consider the following: Do the measures meet the standards set by a legal requirement? Do the measures comply with a recognised industry standard? Do the measures represent good practice? Do the measures reduce risk as far as reasonably practicable? North Haven Residents 7, Have 1879 Events Management Ltd taken precautions or put in place controls against the risk? Page lof? By No ‘Commence, record and monitor action on the Risk Assessment ‘A request for the Risk Assessment to be viewed was made at PACT meeting held at the Sunderiand ‘Adventure Premise on the 24” July 2014. 1879 Events Management Ltd representative ensured the meeting that a Risk Assessment has been er undertaken and that a copy would be made available to view as requested at the meeting. No Risk Assessment has been made available to view (13/08/2014) See other actions, section 4 Ti Yes | Please provide details Comments: 2. Have 1879 Events Management Ltd provided adequate health and safety actions, information. No Commence, record and monitor action on the Risk Assessment Comments: “There is no visible evidence in the vicinity of The Beach House on Marine Walk (highway and Pedestrian footpaths) of any safety actions (pedestrian crossings/safety barriers ) being undertaken to enable persons to safely cross the roadwa! O Yes Please provide details Comments: 3. Have 1879 Events Management Ltd provided adequate health and safety systems or procedures? TEI_No | Commence, record and montor ation on the Risk Assessment Comments: | There is no visible evidence (notices or warning signs) having been sited. Ti Yee _ | Please provide detais : Comment “4. What other actions can be taken? findings from To enable persons, employees and customers (some customers under the influence of drink having to use the premises WIC) to safely cross the roadway outside of the Beach House premise. Pier Point Premises, 1879 Events Management Ltd, Local Council and Department of Transport should work on the ‘The Assessment of Pedestrian Crossings, Local Transport Notes 1/95 and 2/95 Initiated by: Signature: Date: Fred Palmer (North Haven Resident) Zh J 19/08/2014 ‘Noh Haven Residents Page 2 of2

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