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Design for Learning

Instructor: Ms. Sansom

Lesson Title: Alabama Geography
Curriculum Area: Social Studies

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Date: April 7th, 2016
Estimated Time: 60 minutes

Standards Connection:
8.) Identify geographic links of land regions, river systems, and interstate highways
between Alabama and other states. (Alabama)
Examples: Appalachian Mountains, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Interstate Highway
65 (I-65), Natchez Trace Parkway (Alabama)
Learning Objective(s):
Students will proficiently identify the location and function of the: Appalachian
Mountains, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Interstate Highway 65 (I-65), Natchez
Trace Parkway when given an exist slip.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:
Students, today you will be learning about four geographic features in Alabama. You will
learn how they connect to other states surrounding Alabama.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
To be considered proficient students must correctly answer 100% of the questions
correctly. If students answer 3 or fewer questions correctly they will receive additional
instruction by the teacher.
The teacher will engage the students by activating their prior knowledge and
conducting a picture walk through the four elements of Alabama geography that
they will be exploring.
Good morning students! Today we will be studying the geography of our wonderful state
of Alabama. It is so important to know about the state we live in. Can anyone raise your
hand and tell me what the term geography means? Student A? You are correct. It is the
study of the physical features of the Earth. That includes what is in the world around us.
If we were to visit Alaska can anyone guess what kind of geography you would see? Do
you think it would be hot? Cold? Flat land? What do you think? If we were to all take a
little trip to Alaska we would find that the temperature or climate is very cold. There is
often snow and is very mountainous. What is we were to take a trip to Florida? Do you
think you would still see snow? Or mountains!? No! The climate in Florida is often very
warm and humid and the land is flat. Geography is different everywhere you travel.
Geography also includes mountain ranges, rivers, and even extended roads, which we
call interstates. In Alabama were we live there are the Appalachian Mountains, the
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Interstate 65, and Natchez State Parkway. Today we are
going to be learning WHERE we can find these geography features and WHERE they
lead us too. We are going to start by taking a picture walk to see what these geography
features look like. Teacher pulls up powerpoint. Raise your hand if you can guess what
this is a picture of. Yes these are mountains. Specifically these are a piece of the
Appalachian Mountains. They are beautiful. We are going to be learning where this
mountain range begins and where it ends. Teacher goes to the next slide. What do we
think this is a picture of? Raise your hand if you have a guess. Yes! This is a picture of a
road. This is actually a very LONG road known as an interstate. This is interstate 65. I

actually drove on interstate 65 on my way here this morning. In this lesson we are going
to be learning where this interstate leads us. Teacher goes to the next slide. What do we
think when we see this picture? Yes! This is a picture of a river. The Tennessee-Tombigbee
Waterway. Isnt it beautiful? We are going to figure out where this waterway in located in
our great state of Alabama. Last one friends. Teacher goes to the next slide. Any guesses
to what this is? It is another road yes but we call this a parkway. We will be learning
where it is located and what the difference between and parkway and an interstate is.
This is what I want you to all understand listen carefully: all of these geographic
features that we just viewed lead to other states. The whole United States in connected by
a web on roads, rivers, mountain ranges. We are going to investigate where some of these
webs lead us.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will utilize visuals to support her explanations of the four geographic
features of Alabama. The teacher will give the students a note-taking guide to aid
them in their learning throughout the teaching. The students will make the teaching
interactive for students by stopping for class discussion, exploring Google Earth,
and engaging students in demonstrations to create a visual of the geographic
Students, like I have said it is very important to know about the geography in the world
around us. We need to know what major interstate,s mountain ranges, rivers, and
parkways are near us. Can anyone think of why this is so important? Student B? Yes! Of
course we need to know these things because we may need to use them one day. The neat
thing about the four geographical features is that they connect to other states. Interstate
65 isnt ONLY in Alabama it runs through other states too! We are going to be learning 3
main things about each of these geographical features. How many things are we going to
learn class? Thats right 3! We are going to where each BEGIN, where they END, and
what they are used for. Ill say that again. We are going to learn where each of these
BEGIN, END, and what they are used for. We are going to study the Appalachian
Mountains first! I dont know about you but I LOVE the mountains. What are some things
that we can when we are in the mountains? Student C? Yes! We can go hiking. Many
times there are national parks in mountain ranges that you can visit. You can also camp
in them. If you are in a designated camping area of course! The Appalachian Mountains
BEGIN in Central Alabama. Then the mountain range runs through 14 states! That is A
LOT of states. I want to do a little demonstration to get an idea of what fourteen states
looks like. I need some volunteers. The teacher uses the equity sticks to call the students
to the front. When I call your name I need to QUIETLY walk to the front and form a line
going this way. When you come to the front I need you to stand like a statue. That means
you are standing straight up with your hands by your side. If I have to ask you to stop
talking or get back in line I will have you go sit back down. If your name does not get
called then I will let you participate in the next demonstration. Thumbs up if you
understand. Teacher calls students one at a time. Ok, so these friends are representing my
fourteen states. So we are going to start with Student A! Student A is Alabama. The
teacher hands to student a card with Alabama written in it. Then the teacher continues
to pass out cards for each state that the mountain range is in. Ok so you can all see my
14 states. The teacher picks up a picture of a mountain range. The Appalachian
Mountains begin in Alabama and stretch ALL the way to Maine. Teacher walks in front of
the line of students. That is a VERY large mountain range isnt it? YES! It is about 1,500
miles in length. Miss Alabama I will take your card and you can walk back to your seat.
Mr. Georgia I will take your card and you may go back to your seat. The teacher
dismisses the rest of the students to their seats. So the Appalachian Mountains BEGIN in

Alabama and END in Maine. Make sure you fill in the blanks on your graphic organizer.
How do people use the Appalachian mountain range you may ask? It is used for hiking,
camping, traveling, tourism, and some people even live in the Appalachian Mountains.
Next we are going to study the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. Waterway is one of
our vocabulary terms. Can anyone raise your hand and tell me what a waterway is?
Yes Student B? Yes! A waterway is a body of water that people can travel through. Now
everyone look at this map right here. See this arrow. This is the Tennessee-Tombigbee
Waterway. This Waterway connects to Tennessee River and Tombigbee River. The
Tennessee-Tombigbee waterway begins in Mississippi and ends in Alabama. People use
this river to travel. It is sort of like a short cut river. I need two more volunteers. Teacher
give one student a card that says Tennessee River and then the other student a card
that say Tombigbee River. The Ten-Tom Waterway is the connector between the two.
The teacher has attached a piece of yarn between the two rivers. Thank you volunteers
you may go sit down now! Now we are going to study interstate 65. I am very FAMILIAR
with interstate 65! I am sure most of us have traveled on part of I-65. Can anyone remind
me what an interstate is? Student B? Yes! And interstate is a highway that connects
between states. Great Job! Interstate 65 begins in Mobile, Alabama and ends in Gary,
Indiana. People use interstate 65 to travel. Lets view interstate 65 on the satellite map.
The teacher pulls up Google Earth and shows part of interstate 65. Ok our very last
geographic feature is the Natchez Trace Parkway. Now remind me what a parkway is? A
parkway I a long road surrounded by forest. A parkway is different from an interstate
because it is less busy and is in the middle of landscape, which is just another word for
trees and forest. So we have studied FOUR geographic features that are apart of
Alabama and lead other places. Student B name one for me. Yes! Appalachian
Mountains. Student C? Name another for me. Yes! Natchez Parkway. Student D name one
for me. Interstate 65 yes! The last one has the funny name! Student A! Yes! TennesseeTombigbee Waterway. You guys did such a wonderful job listening and participating!
Now its time for you to practice your knowledge.
II. Opportunity for Practice:
Students will create a poster that illustrates and explains the four geographic
features. Students will also identify where these features begin, end, and how they
are used.
Students I would like for you to place your notes in your desk. We are going to practice
what we just learned. I am going to give you a packet that has directions for the super
fun activity that we are about to do. Student A will you please pass each student a
packet? Thank you! I will read you the directions and we will discuss what you will be
doing. The directions say: Create A Poster!
You are now a graphic designer! You have been given a job where you have to create a
poster with four geographic features of Alabama to put up all around City Hall. What
you need to include on your poster is

A colorful illustration of each feature

Explanation of where the feature begins, ends, and what it is used for
You can add any extra facts or information about these four features on your
Students please flip to the next page. This will be your poster page. Each geographic
feature has two boxes. In the first box you will draw and color a picture of the feature. In
the second box you will answer the three questions where does it begin, end, and how is
it used. This will be a very fun activity for you all. Is there any questions? Ok, please get
out your crayons and markers and remember to be creative. I will give you a few minutes
to complete this assignment.

III. Assessment
Students will complete an exist slip that prompts them to identify where the
geographic features begin, end, and how they are used.
Students we are going to close out our lesson today by answering a few questions. You
will be given an exist slip. The directions ask you to read the question carefully and then
look in the word bank for the correct answer. Fill the answer in the blank provided. Do
you have any questions! Wonderful you may begin when you get your paper.
IV. Closure:
Students will review the four geographic features by returning to the picture walk
and discussing what they have learned about each as a class.
Students let close out our lesson today by revisiting the picture walk we started with. The
teacher goes to the first picture. Students what is this a picture of? Yes! The Appalachian
Mountains. How many states does this mountain range travel through? 14! Great job!
Now what is this? The Ten-Tom waterway. What two rivers does it connect? Yes the
Tennessee and the Tombigbee! Class what is this a picture of? Yes! I-65, which runs from
Mobile, AL to Gary, Indiana. Last but not least the beautiful Natchez Trace Parkway!
This begins where? Yes! In Natchez, Mississippi and runs to Nashville, Tennessee! Great
job class! You did a wonderful job learning today!
Materials and Resources:
Google Slides
Smart Board
State index cards
Guided Notes
Waterway illustration
Google Earth
Create-A-Poster Practice
Exist Slip
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Extension: The teacher will utilize choice boards in order to enrich gifted learners and
extend their learning. The choice boards will foster independence and initiative in
Accommodations: The teacher will accommodate learners by frontloading vocabulary
terms. The teacher will allow students to learn the vocabulary terms with flashcards prior
to the lesson. The teacher will also offer supportive videos and texts that will reinforce
main concepts.

Data Analysis:
I taught a total of 19 students during this lesson. The assessment guidelines were:
Green: Students will correctly identify the where each of the four geographic patterns end
and begin and how they are used.
Yellow: Students select 2-3 correct terms.
Red: Students to do not select
Overall, the students did very well. There was a total of 19 students during the lesson.
15 of the students scored in the green category with a perfect score on their assessment.
2 of the students scored in the yellow category scoring 2 out of 3 questions correctly.
2 students scored in the red category scoring 1 out of 3 and 0 out of 3. On the students
scoring in the red category is an ELL student. When reflecting back I think it would have
been beneficial for this student if I gave her written directions on the assessment that
were more clear and explicit. Looking back on the lesson, I would have tried to spend
more time explaining each geographic feature in greater detail. Ideally, I would love to
teach this lesson over a span of four days, spending one day on each geographic feature.
Overall, I felt that this lesson was a success. I think the strong points of the lesson were
the visual representations and demonstrations. The pictures and maps seemed to really
click with the students, and I could see them making connections to these geographic
features. I also felt that the practice was an engaging exercise for them to practice their
knowledge. The student seemed to enjoy pretending to be a graphic designer and
designing a poster of the four geographic features. I think the practice was challenging
for them because they had to write out difficult names such as Natchez. Throughout the
practice I saw that the spelling was an obstacle for some so I allowed them to use their
guided notes to help them. I think a weak aspect of my lesson was the assessment. I had
the students do a exit pass as the assessment but they recorded their answers on an index
card. I think it may have been difficult for some of the students to transform their
thinking from looking at the Smart Board and recording their answer to the index card. I
think it would have been better to have a fill in the blank exit pass for students next time.
The students behavior was excellent throughout the lesson and they stayed engaged and
participating throughout.
Peer Feedback
Video Observation
Notetaking Tool
Observers name Whitney Locke
Lesson observed Julia Sansoms Geography Lesson
Purpose: To provide a framework for reflection and collaborative conversations about
teaching and learning.
Directions: Read over the guiding questions below. As you view the video, jot down notes
about what you see and hear. Note any examples or evidence to support answers to the
Student Engagement/Classroom Involvement


1. How are students involved in the lesson?

What is the extent of student involvement?

The students answer questions and are in

that the teacher uses to help students und

2. Were there opportunities for students to

ask questions? What kinds of questions
were they asking?
How did the teacher help students make connections to what they
were learning?

I did not see students ask any questions.

3. Describe the interaction in the classroom.

The teacher is having more of a discussio

just lecturing. The students are comment
answering her questions.

Student Learning
1. What evidence do you see that indicates student learning?
2. Was the learning outcome explicitly conveyed to the

The students are correctly answering que
in the lesson. The learning outcome was e
students at the beginning of the lesson.

3. What evidence did you see that the learning goals were
4. How did the teacher monitor student progress?

The students were able to complete their

teachers help as well as do the exit slip.
The teacher asked questions throughout t
practice she circulated the room to make
understood what they were doing.


1. What is the teacher doing? (Facilitating, lecturing, colearning, etc.)

2. How was content/concepts presented to students? Was there
adequate explanation of the concepts to ensure student

The teacher is lecturing as well as facilita

The teacher explained the content to the s
them demonstrate some of the content by
with her.


The teacher asked questions that had the


What kinds of questions did the teacher ask?

What questions provided opportunities for students
to explain, defend, compare, evaluate?
Did the teacher wait for responses? Probe for
deeper understanding?

The teacher gave adequate wait time for

each question.

4. What tasks are students doing? Did the students have the
opportunity to practice their new knowledge or skill? Did
the practice help support the learning outcome?
5. How did the teacher manage the learning environment?
(Procedures, securing attention, time on task, etc)

The students were able to practice what t

creating a poster as a graphic designer. T
of the information that they learned abou

The teacher used equity sticks to call on s

demonstrations. She also went into great
the students understood what kind of beh
them during the lesson and for the demon

3 Affirmations based on the observations and evidences above
1. The demonstrations really helped the students to visualize what they were learning, and it
got them moving!
2. Using visuals was a great way to show them exactly what Interstate 65 looks like.
3. The posters were a great way to integrate art and the content that the students learned in
a fun and engaging way!
2 Questions for Consideration
1. Could the students have worked in a small group on the poster and actually do it on a
poster board and then present their board to the class?
2. Could the students have done something during the teaching to help them practice what
they were learning as they went? Maybe turn and talk?
1 Recommendation
Perhaps include some questions that probe for deeper understanding instead of only using
recall questions.

o Iestablishgoodeyecontactwithmy
o IfItendtoteachpredominantlytoone
o Imakeaconsciouseffortatalltimesto
o Idividemystudentsintosmallgroups


o Irecognizethatthesegroupsshould



o Iarrangetheseatinginmyclasstosuit


o Iconsiderthephysicalcomfortofthe


o WhenIneedspecialmaterialsor


o Myhandwritingontheblackboard




o Ispeakloudlyenoughtobeheardinall lessonasinteractiveaspossiblebyincludinga
o Ivarytheexercisesinclass,alternating
o interestlevelintheclass.
o Iampreparedtogiveavarietyof
o Ihelpthestudentsformworking
o Studentsusenewskillsorconcepts
o Iplanfor"thinkingtimeformy




o Iamawarethatculturaldifferences


o Ikeeptheculturalbackground(s)ofmy


o Iworkforanatmosphereof


o Itellstudentswhentheyhavedone
o Myactivitesarevaried,somemore









allstudentsanopportunityatsomepointtofeel followedawellthoughtoutplan.Thelesson





Video Link

Samford University
Design for Learning

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