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St Pauls Unlimited Community Partnership

Planning Sub-Group

Present: Pete Bullard (chair) Francois Jensen, Lisa Blackwood, Andy King, Ray Bowden, James
and Deni, Sarah, Abby.

Matters arising.
− 87 Ashley Rd. Still to do. Question to Coordinating Body: why partner organisations (eg P4P)
are not discussing planning applications with this group. Pete
− Planning list. Francois to circulate the whole list. Francois
− A bulletin will be circulated by e-mail with links to all the task group activities. This should
contain a link to the planning group's agenda. Francois
− 84 Stokes Croft. Pre-app last month by Bentleigh. Ray to send our response and to put it on
the website (and maybe newsletter). Francois/RB
− 5 Pritchard St. RB to check the condition about reverting to previous use is on the planning
consent. RB
− Campanile Hotel. To do. Pete

Employment Space. Coordinating Body supports the group’s policy of resisting loss of Emp
space. Penny Germon to press Sarah O'Driscoll to make sure the sites in the NP are listed on the
Site Allocations DPD (Policy DCS8 in the Draft BDF is a lot more detailed than Policy BCS3 in
the consultation draft. Should we press for the reinstatement of DCS8?) RB

50/52 Brigstocke Rd. (change to 2 maisonettes). No comment.

37 Brigstocke Rd. Change of use from HMO to flats. This should be two maisonette family units.

51 Stokes Croft. Lift installation. PB to write in support. Pete

St Nicholas Pub. No planning app. They are converting to flats. Ask Land Reg for owner's

Next meeting: Dec 15th. 4.30. with mince pies?

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