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Lauren Rodgers

Instructor D. Jizi
UWRT 1102-010
2 March 2016
Double Entry Journal
Sahraian, A, A Gholami, A Javadpour, and B Omidvar. Association between Religiosity and
Happiness Among a Group of Muslim Undergraduate Students. Journal of Religion and
Health. 52.2 (2013): 450-3. Print
Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #)


The result confirms that individuals with a Religion was founded on the facts that
more religious attitude experience more followers wanted salvation from horrible lifes
to enjoy the luxuries of heaven. This would
bring satisfaction to devout followers.
happiness includes three components:
degree of positive affect or joy; level of
satisfaction; and the absence of negative

I understand how all of these connect to

cover the bases of happiness. I would think
that these are the components of happiness
were. Happiness and negativity go hand in
hand, an absence would represent a better
level of happiness.

In each sample, higher levels of happiness Religion was created for salvation so it makes
were reported in people with religious sense to me that it does inflict happiness onto
attitudes and rituals
individuals or else it wouldnt be fulfilling its
purposed of creation.
religiosity and overall health and found that A majority of people find religious helpful to
two-thirds showed a positive effect of their happiness. Maybe if people are more
religious activity.
religious they might be happier.
concluded that religiosity has a positive Positive thoughts lead to a balance of
effect on physical health. Religiosity also chemicals and less free radicals in the body,
could play a protective role against medical leading to a healthier body overall.
disorders such as cancer, hypertension, and
overall mortality
Only a few studies have shown a negative This may be due to a large population who
link between religiosity and mental health. A may not be religious so the study and its
few studies failed to find a relationship results are irrelevant.
between religiosity and general health
status, and these results have surprised
some researchers
The Farsi version of the Oxford Happiness A standardized and widely accepted test was
Inventory (OHI), which is a 21-item multiple- used to level happiness.
choice instrument, was used to check the

level of happiness
To measure religiosity, we used a Questionnaires may encourage people to be
questionnaire measuring religious attitudes more honest since they were anonymous and
in a Muslim population. The Religious will not be judged on responses.
Attitude Questionnaire (RAQ) is a self-report
40-item instruments with each item rated on
a five-Likert-point scale. The reliability and
validity of this instrument among Farsi
college students has been established
Findings from the current study are in line Many studies back up these findings and
with findings from many previous studies include other religions, not just one religion
employing the OHI.
causes greater happiness in its followers as
compared to individuals who do not believe in
a higher power.

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