Metaphorical Expression Reflection

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Metaphorical Expression Reflection

This strategy was fun to use for math because it switched things up a bit
from our day to day math routine of notes, practice, and homework. This was
fun to apply in math because it includes a lot of language arts skills, which
students dont always practice in math. Math language is so important and
sometimes overlooked when algorithms are brought to the table. A strategy
like this is good to use for vocabulary terms such as the ones I selected in
this lesson. However, 6th graders being the quirky kids they are, felt the need
to constantly question the lesson. There was a lot of discussion between the
students and sarcastic remarks such as Why are we doing this? This isnt
language arts class. This doesnt have to do with math. I knew they were
saying this to be funny, so I just pressed on with the lesson. In the end, the
students had some great discussions regarding rational and non-rational
numbers and will hopefully have a better understanding of what they are.

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