Wpa Outcome Statements

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Kennedy Quarders

Joanie Foster
Comp II
10 May 2016
WPA Outcome Statements
Outcome Statement: Learn and use key rhetorical concepts through analyzing and
composing a variety of text.
In class, we looked at how certain thing in writing makes the audient feel different ways,
even if the message was the same. The particular message we looked at said I will always find
you in a creepy font and in a sweet font. The message is the same, but the interpretation is
different because of context.

Outcome Statement: Understand and use a variety of technologies to address a range of


One of our major

assignments required us to create
our own PSA. By doing this project
we were given a lot of freedom on
how and what we create. In my
PSA, I created a flyer over
childhood hunger. I formed this using my computer; however that was not the only means of
forming this assignment. Mrs. Foster said we could hand-draw, create with a computer, or video.
Also what we created was also up to us. What we created; however, was very important because
it speaks to certain audiences. Like a flyer in West Hall would not reach people of the community
very well.
Outcome Statement: Locate and evaluate primary and secondary research materials,
including journal articles and essays, books, scholarly and professionally established and
maintained databases or archives and informal electronic networks and internet sources.
Our class had several library days setup to help us find good sources for our papers. John
the Librarian even created a site to help us find articles online that could come from creditable
sources. Also we did a little workshop over Caitlyn Jenner and finding proper and credible
sources. http://researchguides.ualr.edu/rhet1312foster
Outcome Statement: Use strategiessuch as interpretation, synthesis, response, critique,
and design/redesignto compose test that integrate the writers ideas with those from
appropriate sources.

1,200-1,400 words (6-8 pages)
Minimum of four sources
All work cited (including a Works Cited page) in MLA
Issue Question: due Tuesday, March 15
Working Thesis and Because Statements: due
Thursday, March 17
Rough Draft: Thursday, March 31


objective was accomplished mainly with our research paper. We were required to use at least 4
sources for the paper and use the sources to help build our argument.
Outcome Statement: Develop a writing project through multiple drafts.
In class, we were had to bring our rough drafts to get peer reviewed. In most cases, I
changed a lot of my paper compared to the first draft so it was helpful.

Outcome Statement: Learn to give and to act on productive feedback to works in progress.
Like I mentioned above, we gathered in groups to peer review each others rough drafts.
This was helpful because I was able to get feedback from my peers on what I should do with my
essays. I would have really bad writers block, and only have a page or two, and could not come
up with anything to write about, but my classmates would comment what was good and what
needed work, so I would have a better idea of what to continue on in my paper.
Outcome Statement: Understand why genre conventions for structure, paragraphing, tone,
and mechanics vary.
We explored this concept when we wrote our letter to the editor. In class, we discussed
how when you write a letter you
do not always have to be so
proper and have all the research
you would for a research paper.
Especially in tone, you do not
always have to be so serious, it
can be funny. We saw this when
we reviewed a letter to The Forum.
Outcome Statement: Learn common formats and/or design features for different kinds of

We learned different
formatting and design features
when we wrote the letters to the
editor. Letters have a different
format from most types of
papers. The letter is less formal
the research papers and
sometimes directly addresses the audience. It has a very specific format that one can obviously
tell, so our class looked at the proper way of writing them.

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