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It Is Not Just Visual

Experience comes to us largely through
the senses
The poets language is more sensuous
than ordinary language
It is rich in imagery
Imagery may be defined as the
representation through language of sense

Image suggests a mental picture,
something seen in the minds eye
There are several types of imagery:
Visual colour, motion and shape

Auditory sound

Olfactory smell

Gustatory taste

Tactile touch hardness, softness, wet,

cold, heat

Organic internal sensation such as
hunger, thirst, fatigue or nausea

Kinesthetic movement or tension in the

muscles or joints


Imagery is a particularly effective way of

evoking vivid experience
Conveying emotion and
Causing mental reproduction of emotions
Consequently it is an invaluable resource
of the poet.

Work Cited
Arp, Thomas, and Greg Johnson.
Perrines Sound and Sense. An
Introduction to Poetry, 11th Edition. Boston:
Thomson Wadsworth, 2005.

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