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Rubicelia Salgado

Edu 2800
Spring 2016

The guidelines posted by The North Caroline Department of Public instruction explains the
guidelines in which teachers can use technology where they will not violate with the law. The Fair use act
and the copyright laws are very similar to each other but are also very different. In this assignment Im
going to attempt to explain some the differences and how it works with the school district.

The fair use act is used to protect the individual from getting sued for using other peoples
publications, videos or electronic production. According to the guideless there are a couple of ways that it
protects teachers and allows them to use. Copyrights materials are to be given credit and cited when
teachers or users use their materials. The border line between copyright and fair use is when the
individual loses control of the usage and expands the distribution either over the internet or media.

A teacher is allowed to use the fair use act when she uses a production with the intentions to use
as a teaching device or a face to face curriculum instruction. An example of this is to display a you tube
video about a history lesson or read aloud book. Another way would be using different websites tutorials
to demonstrate how to create multimedia production, like Glogster, Prezi or Kahoot it. Last, a teacher
can present information for presented at conferences as long as she/he is not using for the purpose of
distributing or selling of the product. In many seminars and classroom, professors can display a chapter
and make it available but distributing copies of the entire book would be violating the fair use act.

Some guidelines to help teacher from crossing that border of what is fair use and copyright
violations is cited on this website. Instructors can use 10% of copyright text, 3 minutes of media or video
presentation, unedited, no more than 30 seconds of a song. Downloading sites or using internet domains

show be carefully used and gain permission. Certain permissions are required, in the case of multimedia
projects for commercial and duplication or distribution.

Producers should respect the work of other produces because its the copyright law of publication
and multimedia works. It clearly states that its:

A form of protection provided by the laws of the United States for "original

works of authorship", including literary, dramatic, musical, architectural,

cartographic, choreographic, pantomimic, pictorial, graphic, sculptural, and
audiovisual creations. (

In other words it is illegal to take any media or publication that was created
from an original work and not give proper recognition, credit or ownership to the
original source. The reason being that these law have been stablish to protect the
user and origin of production from infringing ownership of the material produce.
According to this article Copyright and Multimedia products bye Irini A. Stamatoudi,
Copyrights, as a substantial and concrete form of protection, has been stretched to
cover a large variety of works
As Educators its important to be aware of the limitation and resources is
available. In doing so knowing the limitation and difference between fair use act and
copyright can be beneficial in the education field and a protection from breaking the

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