Halls Newsletter Issue 2 2016

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Massey Manawatu

Halls Newsletter
Issue 2. May 2016
Greetings all,
This is a busy time of year with assignments and tests. Keep trucking along
as semester exams are in mid-June. Hopefully youre already in the habit of reviewing
notes regularly to better prepare yourself for exam revision. There are a few of workshops as
part of the Study Up Programme to help you prepare for exams. Check out the following link for
more information: http://owll.massey.ac.nz/pdf/StudyUp_Schedule_sem_1_2016-FINAL.pdf
As we head into winter, keep yourselves warm and if you need assistance or advice please see your RA or go
see your doctor. The medical centre are still doing flu vaccines so be sure to take advantage of this to avoid getting
sick in the midst of the exam period.
Balance your Massey experience by remembering to take some time out of studies and joining in the events we hold for
you. One of these events is the Tree Planting Event held on the 28th of May at Pit Park. This is an opportunity to get
involved with the Palmerston North community and be a part of developing this park. Massey has been involved with the
project for around 7 years now and it is great to see how much the park has developed over this time.
Another upcoming event that many residents look forward to is the Residents Ball which will be held in early August.
Some great ideas are beginning to flow within the Ball Committee, if you want to have your say be sure to catch up
with the rep/s from your hall.
It is very close in the hunt for the Gumboot Shield, but it is early days and plenty of points are still up for
grabs. If you want to improve your hall points tally, make sure you get involved in all the events we have.
Its not only a great way to get to know each other better, but its also a chance for you to contribute
to your hall community in a positive way.
Enjoy your read,
Koli Sewabu
Acting Manager
Accommodation Services

Accommodation Services
Level 2, The Student Centre. Ph Xtn 84163

Inside this Issue

The Rotorua Trip Report
Hall Events
Student Life Info & Events
The Gumboot Tally




Massey Manawatu Graduation Ceremonies

The Regent


MUSA Movie Night: Shawshank Redemption

MUSA Lounge

Free movie, free snacks, free refreshments of the juice and other
kind: whats not to like? Come with a friend and munch out!



The F******* Word: The Female Gaze

MUSA Lounge

Is there such a thing? The Debate Society will try to convince you
one way or the other, two councilwomen chat about whats
different for female politicians and there will be baked goods you
pay for according to what youre worth and other eye openers



Day for Girls Sewing Bee

MUSA Lounge

Save money and the environment! Days for Girls is an organisation

creating reusable menstrual pad sets. Create your own set, or make
one to donate to girls and women in less developed countries who
don't have good access to menstrual products and may have to
stay at home on days that they are bleeding. All materials will be
provided, there will be a number of sewing machines for you to use
and lunch (vegetarian and vegan options as well) will be provided.
Please email clubs@musa.org.nz if you have special dietary



Body Balance, Free Rec Class @ MUSA Lounge

MUSA Lounge


Youth Week BBQ: Giving Back is Giving Forward Concourse


Love Shouldnt HurtLeslie Elliot

MUSA Lounge

This is going to be a huge event so get a seat early!



Tree Planting at Pit Park

Pit Park


Pick-Up for Halls Residents from RSO Bus Stop


The 21st29th of May is Youth Week and this years theme is

Giving Back is Giving Forward, so come along and give back to the
Palmerston North Community, enjoy the music, get your hands dirty,
take to the slippery slopes of the water slide, and round it all off with
a good munch on Pizza.



Manawatu Striders Marathon, 10/5km Walk

Rec Centre

All week

Semester 1 Social Leagues Finals

Rec Centre

All week

Stress Less Study Week



Relationships Workshop

Student Centre L2

Rotorua Trip Report

A four-hour bus ride with 20 international students,
two Residential Advisors and an Accommodation manager
brought us to Rotorua. Arriving just after lunch time, we checked in
at the recently name-changed backpackers, The Backyard Inn. Residents were
then given lunch and three or so hours to wonder the city and see what makes Rotorua
a popular tourist destination.
Quarter to five in the afternoon, international students and the management team got ready to leave
for Mitai Maori Village about 10 minutes from where we were staying. This Maori village offers an insight
in to Maori village life pre-European discovery. From the beautifully cooked hangi, great company, amazing
entertainment and glow worms, to the history talks and the astounding service, this was an amazing
experience. For the International students it was a chance to find out what makes New Zealand unique in a
sense of its rich history and culture.
After a good nights rest, the second day brought us to the famous Skyline New Zealand where residents got to ride the
Gondola up to the top of the mountain, test their skills at riding the luge, and get some decent photos taken of them
with the amazing scenery put on show.
Fast forward 2 hours and we were on our way to another famous spot in New Zealand, The Huka Falls. This place
is not only known for its great and beautiful landscape but an amazing look at one of natures greatest features in
New Zealand.
Arriving from Huka Falls in to Taupos centre, students were then given three hours to shop, have lunch, explore
and make memories with fellow travelers from Massey before the bus ride back to Palmerston North.
Post Rotorua trip, the feedback has been nothing but positive. Happy to have taken a look at
New Zealands rich history, partake in learning its culture, making friends and creating new memories
with those newly made friends as well as taking some time off studies to enjoy what also
brought them to study in New Zealand.By James Panuve, Moginie RA
This trip was provided to residents during the mid-semester break by
Accommodation Services & The International Student Support Office.
Keep an eye out for the next one
More pics on the events page

Hi Residents!


How was your ANZAC Day? Many of our staff
attended services around the Manawatu.
Lest we forget:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Semester Two Payments

Just a reminder that if you are paying your fees by either full semester
or two upfront payments with weekly direct debits, your second payment
is due 1st July. You will have been sent an invoice at the beginning of the
year detailing how much you need to pay, but if youre not sure come and
see us; email at campusliving@massey.ac.nz; or phone 3505056

Campus Living Villages

Residential Services Office
Cnr Rehab Rd & University Ave
Turitea Campus
Massey University
Palmerston North 4442
Email: campusliving@massey.ac.nz
Phone:+64 6 3505056
Fax: +64 6 3557952

7:30am-6pm Mon-Fri
11am-3pm Sat-Sun

Mid-Year Break
Semester One Only Residents:
You must move out on or before the 26th June, and hand your key in by 10am that day.
Totara Residents:
You must totally vacate your rooms for holiday breaks, and hand your key in. The next break is the
26th June, and your key must be in by 10am that day.
Full Year Residents:
You are able to stay in the halls during the break, however if you are planning to be away during this
period, please let your RAs know. If you are in a catered hall, you can receive a credit on your account for
your meals, as long as you hand your key in to the RSO on or before the 27 th July, and do not collect it
until the 15th July or later. This only applies for the mid-year break, not semester breaks.
Please note: If you are paying your accommodation fees by weekly direct debit, your payments
will continue over the semester break

The best way to prevent locking yourself out is to keep your key with you at all times!
If you do lock yourself out of your room between 9am and 5pm Mon-Fri, Campus Living can let you in.
If you spot one of our cleaners around in the aqua shirts, theyre more than happy to help out.
Otherwise you can pop into our Residential Services Office (the RSO) and we can sort it out for you.

Recently weve had quite a few unnamed/partly named parcels turning up at the RSO which means we
cant contact you to let you know its arrived. Please make sure your full name is on all packages and
parcels so that we can alert you that its here.

The Dastardly Black Mould

As we are coming into colder weather, its vital that you remember to air your room out. Black mould is
nasty stuff, and it loves warm/damp rooms. Open your window for a while during the day to help keep your
walls and curtains mould-free. And if you notice it invading, let us know!

Black Mould, it starts like this...

and can turn into this...

If theres anything we can fix
about your room that rates
above a three on The Bother
Scale (see image), please make
sure you fill in a maintenance
report. If we dont know, we
cant change it. You can even do
it online! If you dont know how,
just ask our friendly staff.

Hi everyone,
Right now you are no doubt in the thick of assignments, and may feel like you are just churning them out with no time to
rest in between! It can be hard to find the stamina to keep going.
One way of looking at it is to see yourself as an athlete in training, only you are training your mind not your body. You
are training your mind to absorb concepts or facts, to interact with this information, and apply it. This skill is vital for
your future, whatever you end up doing. Each time you complete an assignment or test, you have strengthened your
ability to learn and apply knowledge. That's a great thing - so hang in there!
If you're struggling with the term and want some support, or just to chat and have a break from study, come in to The
Centre for a cuppa and a chat with one of us. We'd love to see you! :)
All the best with your mind training!
The Chaplaincy Team

Hall & Community
Its been another fun and busy month in the halls.
Along with the excursion to Rotorua and Taupo during
the mid-semester break, residents have had the
opportunity to form stronger bonds as they team together
for social leagues, express their talents and interests in
committees for Ball Planning, and Food & Accommodation, and
get alongside their RAs in planning and carrying out Hall events.
A big CONGRATULATIONS to City who took out the Quick Rip Rugby
competition! Thanks to Mike Pettman and the team at Manawatu
Rugby for putting this on.
Thank you to all of you who have offered your time and talents
to representing your halls in the Ball committee, social league
organisation, and Food & Accommodation meetings.
We believe that resident involvement and voice is
key to our providing an environment that
allows you to thrive. Continue to get alongside
your fellow residents and RAs in
building our community.

We hope everyone is gearing themselves up for our

annual Tree Planting event at Pit Park. An opportunity
to take a short break from your studies, get some
fresh air, and give back to the community.
With this years event falling in line with Youth Week,
with its ever so pertinent theme Giving Back is Giving
Forward, we want this year to be bigger and better
than ever before.
This is a Massey-wide event so come along, bring your
mates, your tutors, coaches, the more the merrier! It
will be happening rain or shine so wear clothes you
dont mind getting dirty in, and prepare once again to
take on the slippery slopes of the Massey Water Slide.

Pit Park: Saturday 28th of May

A bus will be leaving from the RSO stop at 12.45pm
for all Halls residents, otherwise, well meet you there
at 1pm. The car park is down a little driveway off the
eastern end of Featherston St.
Pit Park is one of Palmerston Norths hidden treasures,
join us as we add to its continual development.


The BASE+ common room is open, 8.30am 4.30pm, Mon to Fri

A comfortable, quiet space to relax or study
Kitchen facilities include microwave and free hot drinks
All BA students are welcome!
The common room is only one of the ways the BASE team are supporting BA students. The team also runs regular development
sessions (in the BASE+ common room) and assignment sessions (in the library) for small groups.

BASE+ Development Sessions

Keeping Momentum strategies for overcoming
Benefits of Volunteering a chat with Massey careers
advisor John Ross about improving your employability.

Monday 16th May,

1.15pm 1.45pm
Monday 23rd May,
1.15pm 1.45pm

BASE+ Common Room, SSTE5.49

EXAM strategies a chance to share your best tips as

well as looking at resources available to you.

Monday 30th May,

1.15pm 1.45pm

BASE+ Common Room, SSTE5.49

BASE+ Common Room, SSTE5.49

If you would like to know more about BASE+ and how we can support you, email BASE@massey.ac.nz or join our BASE@Massey
facebook group.
See you there!

They've got no morals, no culture and no clue,
and now they're super-powered. Nathan,
Aleisha, Curtis, Kelly and Simon were your
average going-nowhere, off-the-rails young
offenders, but after a freak storm hits and
things start to go crazy, mind-reading and
manslaughter is the new normal.
An adaptation of the hit TV show, Massey
University Drama Society's Misfits is an
outrageous, filthy new comedy to gleefully
delight the delinquent in us all. With non-stop
action, drama and the battle between good and
terrible, see what happens when self-obsessed
meets superhero. This show is definitely not for
the well-behaved and polite, so sneak out and
hang with the kids you were always warned
about. Student tickets $10
Join the event and book tickets through:

Hello to all international Halls students.
We hope your study is going well, and that
you are finding the answers you need. We are
now over half way through the semester and
exams are just around the corner, so please
let us know if you are having any problems.
Please can you check the expiry date of your
student visa. You need to apply for a new
student visa one month before this expires.
Please can you also check your address in My
Massey. We need a New Zealand cell phone
number for you, your current Halls address,
your next of kin details and a New Zealand contact. The New Zealand contact was
someone you told us about when you arrived. If you dont remember listing someone,
or would like to add this contact to your
record, please email us: isspn@massey.ac.nz
Best wishes for the rest of the semester.
Sylvia, Dave, Jamie, Logan and Dianne

Scary Exam Time
You probably know the feeling you have so much to do that you spend all your time rushing there is no
longer any time to have fun: visit friends, take a break, even go to the gym, take a walk or go to church.
You resent those people who seem to go out drinking every night and still seem to crack the semester
tests. You spend every waking moment at your desk not daring to do anything else. You find it hard to
concentrate; you are grumpy and sleep poorly. Your body feels gross and unfit and you mind seems to
have stopped working. You are faintly aware that your chest is tight, your shoulders sore, you have a dull
headache and sometimes find it hard to catch your breath.
Stress! We need it to do our best but it can also paralyse us and lead us to do less unhelpful and even
downright harmful things such as drinking too much, wasting time, gambling, or spending money we
cannot afford. Stress is triggered by a huge range of life events not just exams and it can be the break
up (or threatened break up) of a relationship, an impending sports fixture, or by a blind date.
There is actually quite a lot we can do about it and simply pretending it is not there, is not one of the
better strategies!
But I dont have time to relax! Relaxing is not necessarily about taking lots of time away from your
studies of course you need to spend enough time at your desk but it needs to be effective time and too
much stress makes that ineffective! Here are a few quick strategies:
Plan your immediate environment so it is not too messy and cluttered and swamps your concentration or
distracts you (turn off email and cellphones, avoid a noisy or cold place, ensure enough ventilation so as to
stay awake)
Organise your time so you know how much you need to do and so that you can know where you are in
the process. Use a timetable.
Remember the 80 / 20 principle it takes 20% of the time to learn 80% of the work but to learn that last
20% is what takes time ask yourself if you have to know it all and perfectly or is 80% good enough?
It is generally more than enough!
Stop. Take a deep breath right deep into your body. Feel your stomach expand against your waistband
as you do so. Now breathe out slowly against your lips as though you were cooling a cup of hot soup.
Continue to breath slowly and regularly for three of four breaths.
Sleep is a time when your mind organises and makes sense of what you have learned. It is part of your
studying and not something to do when you are not studying. You need to have sufficient restful sleep and
it is definitely not wasted time.
Exercise does not have to be an hour in the gym. A brisk walk around the ring road, either alone or with
friends, can rejuvenate you, flood your brain with oxygen and give you a chance to reflect on what you
have learned up to that point.
Eat a balanced diet try to avoid the junk comfort foods which will leave you feeling uncomfortable. Keep
a jar of something tasty such as carrot sticks or apple slices all already cut and ready to nibble when you
find you need something.
Stretch your whole body screw yourself into a tight ball clutching your knees and tucking your head into
your chest, then uncoil slowly and reach as high as you can as you breath out.
If you find that you are overwhelmed, talk to someone who can help there are strategies which can help
(but you do have to actually use those strategies!). It is less helpful (and a waste of precious time) to bemoan the struggles but a far better investment to face them head on and do something to change them!
Both the Centre for Teaching and Learning and the Student Counselling Service run seminars to assist at
this time so keep an eye out for what is advertised and make use of them!
Have a look at www.massey.ac.nz/selfhelp for some great quick tips and some useful resources.

We recommend that you have the flu vaccine to reduce
the risk of being unwell during study and exams!
Contact or pop-in to the Medical Centre to find out if
youre eligible for a FREE vaccine.

RnR Therapy
Because you deserve it!

Make a positive difference to your life through an

individually tailored massage.
Massage boosts immunity, relieves pain,
reduces stress, improves sleep, relaxes and revives
and we are now lucky enough to have our own
MASSEUSE ON CAMPUS, based at the Rec Centre!
Open Mon-Wed from 9-4pm Erina is well-practised
in numerous techniques and while she has set
prices, she understands that students dont always
have a lot of dosh so is open to discuss options.
Learn more at http://www.rnrtherapy.com/ or head
on down to her clinic at the Rec and say hello.

Student Health & Counselling Service

You can now request a repeat prescription online!
The Student Health & Counselling Service Manawatu is
happy to provide repeat prescriptions to enrolled patients
for certain stable conditions.
To submit your request online or for further information go
to; http://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/studentlife/
Please note on submitting your request you may be ask to
come in to see the GP before a script is given, so the GP
can review your progress and help you improve your


Congratulations to the following residents who have been selected as residents of the month for April
2016 for their respective halls. The purpose of this award is to acknowledge the significant contribution
that a resident has made within the hall during the last month. Each will receive a coffee voucher for
their contributions to the community.

Charles Wytenburg

Ngatupuna Jackson-Apai


Rokonaulu Kapaiwai

Lu Bai Zhou (Kevin)


Imogen Redpath

Brandon Jones

Anna Perrins

Paige Ngatai

Mats Olsthoorn

Jessica Collins

Erika Krueger

Erika Herbst

Holly Hender

Luke Connor

Raiyan Khan

George Drake

Profile of the Month: Roko Kapaiwai

Roko attends all of the 3 social league games we have each week, brings
our hall flag and cheers out team on with enthusiasm. He is also at every
hall event, gathering or small social occasion. He is an awesome addition
to our hall and always has something to add! Not to mention his outstanding piano skills!

Gumboot Points
as at the 10th of May 2016
2nd City
3rd Miro
4th Matai
5th CLH & Bindalo
6th Egmont
7th Moginie
8th Colombo
9th Walter Dyer
10th Tawa
11th Totara
12th Atawhai
13th Kiwitea
14th Rotary
15th Kairanga
16th Tararua & Ruahine 19

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