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Desiree Jenkins

Jenkins 1

LBS 400
Professor Abbott
History- Social Science Framework

After reading the framework of Californias requirements to teach History and Social
Science, I understand that I need to be competent to explain events of our world, America and
Californias past. The past events will include civic values, such as, constitution heritage, and
national identity. Students will need to understand basic study skills and know how to critically
write statements and a detailed analysis of events from Geographic-Historical events.
My classes that I have taken at Cal State Dominguez Hills that has prepared me to teach
history-social science are Anthropology 102, which has given me an understanding of the diverse
cultures in the world and the fundamental understanding of evolution. World Geography 350 has
brought an awareness of the vast geographical features of the world and the array of cultures and
communities that accompany the land/area. United States History 101 prepared me to have the
knowledge of our countrys chronological events that has made America what it is today. History
301 has broadened my knowledge of historical perspectives of family and community, which
leads to an understanding of how places were developed and demographics change. Liberal
Studies 375 was a course that informed students about the California experience, which included
the migration of people to the west, the laws, territory and discovery of our state, California.
These classes are a stepping stone to understanding History. Like the students we teach, I will
always be learning new material, so that I can extend my knowledge for my students.

Areas in history-social science that I feel well prepared in is Geography and California
History. I had an excellent teacher for California History, and she was very passionate about the
subject and assigned fun activities so that the class can enjoy California History as well. The
class has prepared me to feel confident in knowing the subject and how to teach the subject. I
feel well prepared in Geography because not only were my classes and teachers effective, but I
love world travel. I find myself very interested in studying about various countries and the
history behind them. My experience traveling has given me an honorable outlook on the world
and how it is always changing.
The area that I feel less prepared in is Political Science. I have took a Political Science
course five years ago, and I would need to refresh my understanding of the subject to better my
knowledge and to enhance my confidence to teach this subject.
Artifacts and work samples that I plan to share in my portfolio is a map that I created in
my Geography class that illustrates lakes and oceans around the world and labeled mountains
and ranges. My work samples demonstrate the knowledge that I have gained attending
Dominguez Hills and the projects have given me a perspective of the world and the events that
have bordered land that has changed and continues to change.

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