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1. What is genetic engineering?

2. How might scientists use their knowledge of DNA?
3. How can we extract DNA from a cell?
4. What is the role of restriction enzymes in genetic engineering?
5. Name one restriction enzyme.
6. EcoR1 cuts DNA at the base sequence____________.
7. Name the technique used to separate & analyze DNA.
8. What do you mean by sticky ends of DNA?
9. What kinds of information might the bands from two different DNA sources provide?
10. How do scientists make recombinant DNA?
11. Expand PCR. Write its definition.
12. How is genetic engineering like computer programming?
13. Write a paragraph that explains, in your words, how molecular biologists determine the
order of bases in a segment of DNA molecule.
14. Write definitions of seven vocabulary terms you learned today
When done: Illustrate the process of gel electrophoresis with the help of well labeled

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