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Meagan Knight

Word Count: 240

[Title] Kindness is a Virtue
[Kicker] To be like Christ is to be kindyou never know how your actions may
affect others. Kindness never hurt anyone. Kindness can only do you good. Kindness
builds the kingdom of God. (Im still thinking of good kickersfeel free to suggest
[Highlights of the source article]
Kindness is the heart of greatness, the pathway to new opportunities, and the key to
lasting relationships in both friends and family. In the 2005 General Conference talk
titledentitled, The Virtue of Kindness, [] to learn more about the
spirit of kindness.]
by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin [I cant find his bio on, so Im going to keep
looking and ask Brother Gardner], it is made apparently so.
Kind words can lift our spirits just as quickly as bad words can devastate them.
Occasionally, we may make critical remarks or act negatively without thinking of the
consequences that follow. The tone of our voice, the anger or calmness of our words,
and the gestures we make towards one another are detected by all who interact
with usespecially children.
Being kind to everyone all the time may be challenging for some. However, Elder
Wirthlin reminds us, Each one of us will travel a different road during this life. Each
progresses at a different rate. Temptations that trouble your brother may not
challenge you at all. Strengths that you possess may seem impossible to another.
Never look down on those who are less perfect than you.
The church is a place where imperfect people are able to gather together and
support one another with kindness as we work towards the return to our Heavenly
Father. Elder Wirthlin ends with words to remember:If you are criticizing others,
you are weakening the Church. If you are building others, you are building the
kingdom of God. As Heavenly Father is kind, we also should be kind to others.
Read Joseph B. Wirthlins article, The Virtue of Kindness
[] to learn more about the spirit of kindness.]
Source: []
[Byline]Meagan Knight, Mormon Insights

Commented [JM1]: Needs to be consolidated. I love the

first sentence and I would use it alone.

Commented [JM2]: After that long introduction to the

article, I almost forgot what it is referring to. Change it
to kindness abounds or we read about the importance
of kindness as a Christ-like attribute.

Commented [JM3]: I read in our Dictionary of

American Usage that in every case, toward without the
s is more formal. Both are acceptable, but towards with
the s is informal.
Commented [JM4]: Elaborate here. Including a
sentence about children and how kindness applies to
them will broaden your audience and draw an emotional
connection with your article and topic. Your word count
limit allows for at least another sentence.

Commented [JM5]: You can leave this, but I think

these memorable words sounds a little better.

Commented [JM6]: Why is this bracket here?

Pull Quote: The Church is not a place where perfect people gather to say perfect
things, or have perfect thoughts, or have perfect feelings. The Church is a place
where imperfect people gather to provide encouragement, support, and service to
each other as we press on in our journey to return to our Heavenly Father.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Each one of us will travel a different road during this life. Each progresses at a
different rate. Temptations that trouble your brother may not challenge you at all.
Strengths that you possess may seem impossible to another.
Never look down on those who are less perfect than you.
[Info for the Web Team]
[Tags:] Joseph B. Wirthlin, kindness, virtue, Christlike
[SEO keywords:] Joseph B. Wirthlin, kindness, virtue, Christlike

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