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1. Diploid human cells have___ chromosomes.

2. Name one prokaryote.
3. Prokaryotes have only _____ chromosome.
4. Compare DNA in a bacterium to a rope jammed into a back pack.
5. What is Chromatin?
6. What are histones?
7. Explain structure of a eukaryotic chromosome.
8. What is each DNA-Histone complex called as?
9. What is DNA replication?
10. What is a template with regards to DNA replication?
11. What is replication fork?
12. What do you mean by unzipping of DNA molecule?
13. Base sequence in one strand of DNA is AGGTCCAAGCTGCAG. What will be the base
sequence in corresponding strand?
14. What is the role of DNA polymerase during DNA replication?
15. How are histones related to nucleosomes?
16. What is proof reading of DNA?
17. Write definitions of five vocabulary terms you learned today.
When done:
18. Make a Venn diagram that compares the process of DNA replication in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes. Compare the location, steps and end products of the process in each kind of

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