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Assignment: Write a paragraph about your least favorite animal and why you hate them so

Possums. All possums can die, thats real talk. I remember the movie over the hedge and how
cute the possums in that were. Then I remember seeing a real life possum for the first time about
2 years ago. My stepdad had lost his cat because my dumb sister decided itd be a good idea to
let the cat outside. Shes not some dumb infant who doesnt understand how animals work,
either: Shes currently 20 years old. Stupid. Anyways, my stepdad decided to set up a trap with
some catnip in it to catch the cat. A possum got in there instead of the cat. It was the ugliest
creature I have ever seen in my entire life, the image made me want to vomit. It still does. My
stepdad took it out, and it kept hissing and clawing and just being a monstrosity. He took it out,
set up the trap again, and ANOTHER POSSUM GOT IN THERE. Idiots. What a dumb animal.
And apparently theyre greedy. Tyler, the Creator described them perfectly in an interview. He
said the scariest thing is a black guy who isnt afraid to go to jail, because theres so many things
that we do to avoid going to jail, but they dont care. He then said thats basically a possum. Im
not saying I support genocide, but I will say that I would not care at all if every possum ever just
up and died out of nowhere.

Assignment: Ask a dog or a cat a question. Write the answer for them. They cant talk.
Q: Are dogs really a mans best friend?
A: Hell no! Who do you think you are, mere mortal, disturbing the alpha male with this
nonsense, this poison to my ears? You peasant, you heathen. The end of days will come for
mankind, mark my words. God will come for your soul, as foreseen in revelations. During those
days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever; and they have no rest day or
night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. The
great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the
whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. But the cowardly, the
unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the
idolaters and all liars they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the
second death All hail!
Q: Aww look, hes wagging his little tail and barking! So cute cx

Assignment: Write what happens when you die in 5 words.

You return a trump supporter

Assignment: Write the worst thing to hear in a dark alley alone in 5 words.
Your moms names Debbie, right?

Assignment: Make a list of the top five things (objects/concepts) you love most in the world not
including human beings or dogs.
1. The English language. I love everything about it. I recognize that its structured in a way
that makes absolutely no sense and that the language is dysfunctional and borderline
broken, but I dont care. I love playing around with words.
2. Music. I hate the majority of it, but I would literally be dead if it werent for hip-hop
3. Basketball. I am absolute garbage, Im really not good at it at all. I still love playing it. I
only shoot 3 pointers for some reason, and no matter how many I miss, Ill still leave my
release hand up and smile whenever I hit a shot.
4. Pizza. Not much to explain. Its dope. The best pizza is from pizza hut.
5. Lasagna. Again, not really much to explain here, its dope

Assignment: Rewrite the pledge of allegiance in a very surreal way. ^~^

I pledge allegiance to this swag of the United States of get money, playa. And to the republic, for
which it *Haaeh (ye)*, one nation, under me, indestructible, with liberty, AND that mixtape
homie, yall already know what it is man, we out here, The 06 Commissary King, I had the most
tunas in the house, Rice game, soup game ridiculous man, I had all a dat man, Soap, deodorant
on stack, Ask about me man, Two buckets under the bed man, we out here

Assignment: Write a song about someone you see frequently, but are not too familiar with, and
sing it to them.
I did mine about April Morales. I recorded it as a song, as well. Heres the lyrics:
April Lyrics
My rap skills are better than my people skills
So this assignment is really up my alley
Ima come in straight with the point like Im jousting
*Hold up, let me introduce myself first*
Hey, Im Korey, AKA Kasey
Human equivalent of a KFC 8 piece
Other than rapping, my list of hobbies is lacking
So I just feel really badly for any woman whod date me

Lately, Ive been in a charisma position

Like all my writtens been hit and stricken, with a friggin rhythmic sickness
Sitting with a bic pen, bickering, spitting
About this girl thats shifted my lyrical composition like a chemist
Your name is April, right?
I was born on April 9th
Idve thought that you were Aphrodite in the day of light
Im the opposite: been repulsive my entire life
Im without a match, like I give myself the left swipe
But opposites attract, that's no false belief
Our friendship wouldve had some good qualities
An Aries and April was predicted by astrology
Happiness would spread like a bagel with some cottage cheese
Guarantee itd be sweet, knock on mahogany
Cup runneth over, my holy grail has no bottom piece
I got more doh than Homer, honestly
Homie Im a prodigy like Homers Odyssey
I'm an oddity, there is no controlling me
I wrote about you in first semester poetry
Nobody liked it, I was depressed openly
Guess I'm an April fool for the moment, see
Your initials are a.m., and I'm a morning person
But this is like I woke up too late to go to work
It's hard, as a human race we're all flawed, but I know you're perfect, it's odd, cuz I know these
words will come off, as a joking verse but it's not, I mean not on purpose, you're hot and dope in
person, they think I do dope in person but I've not, been smoking herbs, I'm a lot to cope with,
earnest, I'm a progress in the works, so in regards to our friendship I know that I don't deserve it
I can tell my homies that it was because I'm black
But the fact is that I'm last in the pack because I'm wack
So if you need me, I'll be in the back of the class
Trying to picture our future if I hadnt ruined my past

Assignment: Write out an argument you recently had with someone.

Me: Ay bro, you wanna spit for this talent show?
Diz: Yeah, I think I want to perform Sunday Acres
Lemme get a verse
Nah bruh, Im going solo
Nah fam, come on. We cant go duo, catalyst style?
No, Im solo on this one
Dude come on, you cant do me like that. Why dont you want to tag team this?
I just want to do my own thing.
You know were better as a team, our tracks together always sound better
Not always
This isnt even about me, its actually in your best interest to team up. Itd work out better
for you. You and I both know that Im better and you have a bad reputation. If you stack
up against me, you already know that people are going to prefer mine and put you down.
What do you mean maybe?
Ive been getting better
Yeah, I guess. You produce better than I do, but I write better rhymes and production
doesnt matter when its a live performance
True, but still
Are you trying to say you write better than I do?
Not saying that, but Im not going to say youre better than me
N*igga Id body your @$$ any given Sunday, n*gga, the f*ck are you talking about? How
many times have we battled? How many times have I beat you? Ive won every single one.
My pen game ridiculous, n*gga, you out yo cotton picking mind.
Im still going to go on my own with this one
N*gga, you can get this work/ Straight up, if you go and do the talent show solo, Im going
to go up and spit over the exact same beat that you use, just as a bonus f*ck you. Im the
Well see
Dumb @$$ n*gga, finna get marked out for some sh*t like that. Watch me kill it.

36 questions reflection:
I just did the 36 questions with Elizabeth. I wanted to do it with April really badly but I was too
scared and socially awkward to ask. It went oddly. Im just a naturally awkward person in
general, so my asking the questions in my awkward, monotone cadence I feel like affected the
experience as a whole. It went by really quickly. Like, 20 minutes, maybe. Everybody else was
talking about how long theirs went on, so I was really surprised by it. I feel like a monster if Im
being honest. Half the time I was thinking about April and how shed respond, I was mentally
like a bunch of ants scattering across a picnic. I was thinking about April and how shed respond,
but also about how Id respond, since in my head I came up with some hilarious responses. I
wanted to switch roles, or be asked by someone else. I know this is probably really selfish, as
nothing would really probably come from that. Like, itd just be me cracking a bunch of jokes,
most of which would fall flat. When I was asking the questions to Elizabeth, I made quite a few
jokes but only one got a light giggle. I dont really know what Im supposed to write about the
experience. It didnt feel too much like an experience. Side note, I just noticed that I kinda
write like Im giving an explanation to someone. Lolz that was random. I also like adding the z
to lol, it looks a little funnier. I see humor on a relative scale, like saying something a certain way
can make it incrementally funnier than something else. Sorry, ADHD. I feel like I wasted the
opportunity or the moment that I was supposed to have and I feel terrible and I feel like I need to
re-do it, but I also feel like itd be the exact same situation with everyone. Either the same or
worse. Even my best friend, Derrian. I can easily picture him saying something to piss me off
like him saying he wants to become the best rapper in CVHS history or he plans to win the talent
show, which would lead to a verbal and/or physical altercation. I feel like if this were a movie,
itd jump cut to me in AA or some program to improve myself. All in all, I regret the experience.

Assignment: Write to a beat

Intro bit: Back to this again, huh? Talking to yourself on the track? This is the first beat you ever
made, and you're gonna ruin it for this? The hell is the matter with you, man? You think you
gonna make it like this? You garbage, you aint nothing! Name one person that's gonna be
bumping this: exactly, nobody. Aw, I'm supposed to care because you struggle with suicidal
thoughts? Homie kill yoself! You a disgrace, you don't even matter. Go ahead and spit yo stuff.
And these bars better be hot, too.
Hit em with a sick beat
Reload yo soul if you missed me
Killing my city, no Whitney
But I am dope, so just don't hit me
Speaking of, who's next on my hit list?
Psh (laugh), don't get me started
Ima take over like I'm Walmart
And make everybody my target, ima Black alien, Trevon Martian
Or maybe I'm E.T.,

I'm Emmett, Till I collapse

Ima stay bloodthirsty, I'm Dracula
With a rap, im attacking anyone in my path, ima savage, lash me when I lose strength till I come
back packing a pad and a mac strapped to my back laughing, this is where Lou Gehrig's turns
Lazarus, turned Lucifer, turned lab rat trapped in a labyrinth with a map and some max ammo,
mad maxing, my heart is closed caption, soul is closed casket, prone to go spazzing

Assignment: Go without your phone for a day and write about the experience
I dont know what to write or say exactly. It was just terrible. I couldnt write bars as well since I
like to write on a phone. That aspect of it sucked. I was told that I could just be without a phone
for the parts of the day where I was able to. During classes it sucked because depending on the
class Im usually just in the back of the room with headphones in. I couldnt do that. The silence
was suffocating. I was humming and half-rapping rap songs in my head and out loud softly, but it
still sucked. On the 1 hour bus ride I either listen to a podcast or listen to some rap music, while
writing some more bars if I feel like it. I obviously couldnt do that in this situation, so I just sat
on the bus for an hour staring at the back of the seat in front of me. It was miserable. I regret the
experience, although I pulled the assignment out of the bowl so I didnt really have a choice.

Assignment: Write a letter to someone who you feel is under appreciated. Tell them how they are
important to you.
I did five of these:

To Dominic Madera,

Im not sure how many people you know of at Carnegie like this, but there are those
people that just seem to be A+ magnets. Like Anna, apparently she can just get hundreds on
things with ease, and of course Amrith who as far as Im concerned is Jimmy Neutron. I have
70s in every class except for Creative Writing. For me, academically, I feel envious of them and
what theyre able to do. I feel the same about you in the writing aspect, although I dont know if
youre the making it rain 100s all over grade speed type. I forgot what assignment it was, but I
remember you were getting praise and such for writing a poem that was multiple pages long. I
forgot which and I forgot the length. I think it was six? Hopefully you know what Im talking
about. I remember just being in class overhearing this, wondering what type of performance
enhancing drugs you were taking. The light bulb above my head was just flickering miserably
like a goddamn horror flick. How is that even possible? I write poems that are a page long, and
thats only because I only write raps and when writing raps, I go to the next line after each bar so
that its easier to flow to when Im reading it out loud. Six pages? Nah fam, thats not human. I
remember when Derrian and I dropped our first mixtape. It was I think 7 tracks in total, none of
them longer than about 3 and a half minutes with Derrian always trying to insist on the amount
of bars we each spit being perfectly even. We spent about a month on it, writing the bars and
sending the tracks back after we recorded our parts. After that month of only writing 7 tracks, we
were both lyrically exhausted. On the last track we wrote for, we were lyrically like a pack of 6th
graders making flatulence jokes. Then we were done and happy to rest, but days after a close
friend who is a producer asked us to rap over a beat of his. When Derrian and I had to write that
one, we were about to cry. We couldnt think, we were scavenging our old bars that we never
used trying to make them work, it was pathetic. If you combined all of the lyrics we wrote during
this period of time, maybe 4 pages without skipping lines. 2 pages short, and we gave ourselves a
month to write. Thats just not fair. Im going to take a break from writing this letter thing and try
and take a walk and reflect, thinking about how you can write like you do. If its drugs, I want


To April Morales,

Im going to start this one off by describing an aspect of my psyche. In regards to me as a

person as a whole, my self-esteem/pinion of myself is pathetically low. Im pretty sure Ive got
more or less nothing to offer society. I say more or less because while I see myself as a waste of
space pretty much, my opinion on my rapping is sky-high. My ego when it comes to my writing
is so high, Im legitimately concerned about it. I never get impressed at other rappers anymore
because I always feel like I could write just like they do, i.e. multi-syllabics and wordplay and
things like that. Even rappers like Eminem. Ill enjoy listening to him, but Im never impressed.
When I rap I tend to be quiet afterwards because in my head Im thinking with my ego, and I
dont want to actually express that outside of my own lyrics. That all said, your poetry is on
another level. I listen to Jay-Z and never bat an eyelash, Shakespeare is straight up boring af, but
Im really jealous of your writing ability. Im the human equivalent of Ambien so I dont really
say much unless Im around someone I know really well like Derrian, but I dont get how there
isnt a standing ovation or a parade or something when you read to the class. On the day we had
to read chap books, I wanted to read yours but I didnt because I already knew it was going to be
so incredible that I would afterwards be rethinking my own decision to pursue writing when
theres people out there with a pen game of your caliber. I guess Im just lucky that you dont
make everything you write rhyme because if you decided to rap with the same skill as the poetry
youve written, Idve quit already. I remember making that track for you for the creative writing
thing when Mrs. Harris said I should since I had no proof of rapping it irl. Btw, I write really
dramatically. I meant for it to be more about how I feel like our personalities are such that wed
be really good friends if I hadnt have done things to make interactions with you (and some other
people) awkward due to my peculiar social skills and blatant openness. When I was recording
and mixing the track, I dumped so much time and effort into it because I knew it had to be my
absolute best to even be worth doing since you obviously write better. I know success isnt
always a factor of skill (just look at Lil Wayne), but if youre not making it rain with money you
got from writing, Im screwed. Also, you could do modeling if you wanted to. If Im not rapping,
McDonalds it is. Life isnt just a bitch, life is YOUR bitch. Theres a lot more I couldve/wanted
to say, but I dont want this longer than a page. Basically, youve got this :)


To Alicia Selvera,

Youre cool and smart. You use big words and complex sentences with proper grammar. I
doesnt. Usually when people use big words and sound smart, Im in my head thinking of ways
to leave the conversation without being rude. When just saying your name, you initially remind
me of Lisa Simpson, Eliza Thornberry from the wild thornberries, and Velma Dace Dinkley from
Scooby-doo. In person, however, you have the swagger of someone cooler, like Princess Leia
from star wars, Hermoine from Harry Potter, and Jennifer Lawrence in real life since shes just
cool in general. Youre one of those people like April or Arif that I wish I could hang with more
if my social skills werent the equivalent of solitary confinement. Im changing my entire
podcast now because Jonathon and Sadie called you racist and they were being mean and I felt
like I had to put them in their place and reveal racism in everyone in the class just to discredit
what they said. I did my research on some things, Im prepared to roast the living hell out of
them on Thursday. I dont know of anyone else Id be willing to do that for other than Derrian
and April. Derrian because hes the only person I feel comfortable enough with to be myself
around him and to really conversate naturally with. April because Im a tad bit envious
of/attracted to her. You because youre cool. Also, I hate poetry. I only connect with raps or
poetry that rhymes. That said, I still really enjoy your writing. I read poems like I read raps out
loud, with a set flow to them and all that, and the cadence of your poems is really intriguing.
Makes me want to read more. I re-read your chapbook a few times on the day we got to read
chapbooks, yours was straight fire. I didnt dislike anybodys, but I didnt really enjoy anyone
elses like I did yours. And youre creative af. Basically, life is a bitch and you got her on lock
like a chastity belt. Live ms.


To Jennifer Flores,

I really had to think about what I was going to say here. I had quite a lot I felt like I could
say, just narrowing it down to what I wanted to say was difficult. I dont really talk to you as
much since I dont really talk to anybody, due to my pathetic social skills. Nevertheless, I feel
like Ive been around you enough to give an honest opinion on things Ive noticed about you.
Ima first go ahead and say that this is weird for me because I associate you with April, and my
opinion/feelings towards her are insanely complex and strange, even for my standards, and you
being linked to her in my head makes things difficult with my ADHD when writing this because
my mind shifts to her occasionally, even when Im doing things I dont associate her with. Thats
not to discredit you. To me, you seem like a leader. Like Thor, except a bit more low key (see
what I did there? Thor, low-key, or Loki?). You seem to have a way of drawing people towards
you, and a way of knowing the right thing to say and do in the right situations. Youve also got a
really bright, bubbly personality. Kinda like Meha, but shes so nice and upbeat when I talk to
her that I tend to feel like I ate something that was too sweet and that Im going to vomit from it.
With you, youre nice and also chill, so usually I really want to give you a hug and smile with
you rather than leave the room. Thats saying a lot, because I dont really smile since it doesnt
pair with my persona or my generally gloomy mindstate, and in the past 5 years Ive only hugged
one person, and that was Nathalia in freshman year because Sarah dared her to. Youve also got a
diverse set of skills. Im black, I play basketball, I only care about my shoes and not the rest of
my clothes, and I rap. How original. You can sing, play rugby, write, take a joke, etc. Thats SO
badass. It sucks there arent many people like you at Carnegie, let alone the world. At Carnegie,
most people seem to lack creativity and only care about grades, or they only express their
creativity in one way while diminishing their intellect. You seem to have a perfect balance of
both, with multiple creative outlets. It seems like you dont really get recognition and credit for
being as chill as you are. I work nonstop making sure nobody ever says that Derrian is a better
rapper than me, if I were you and I werent getting the credit I deserved, Idve started a riot. I
guess just add self-control and reasoning to the list of assets you have that I didnt even scratch
the surface of.


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