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Concussions in the NFL Outline

Fernando Cortez

Josh Alvarez
Felipe Leal
-A concussion happens when there has been some trauma that affected the
-The brain moves rapidly inside the skull and hits some of the walls of the
-Concussions have been known to be the cause of CTE (Chronic Traumatic
-CTE symptoms include memory loss, depression, and dementia which have
led players to commit suicide.
-There are many concussions in the NFL, about 206 in 2015.
-Most players return to the field asymptomatic.
-Recent research done on former NFL players has shown that 87 of 91
players tested have brain disease.
-In total 96% of deceased NFL Players, and 79% of Football Players have
tested positive for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or CTE.
-The Veterans Affairs-Boston University-Concussion Legacy Foundation Brain
Bank has diagnosed CTE in 131 of 165 men who played football before they
died- either in school, college, as a semipro or in the NFL.
-Concussions have much greater affects than just harm the brain, the effects
of concussions destroy lives and go well beyond the actual incident and
ostensible recovery.
-From 2010-2015 six former NFL players are living with Lou Gehrigs disease,
and nine have committed suicide.
-Speculations have arised of the NFL hiding extensive evidence of the
problem and have been under investigation the past few years.

-Concussions are a very dangerous injury that should be taken

-As a result, return to play protocol from a concussion should be a part
of every athletic program.
-The return to play protocol, begins with a doctors clearance to return
to normal practice activity.
-Then, is followed by an athletic trainer working the athlete into normal
activity without symptoms of concussion relapsing again.
-Usually, this period lasts between 5-10 days under the supervision of a
professional athletic trainer.

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