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Stephany Vargas

English 102
Professor Deadrick
A Learning Experience
When I ventured into English 102 I was skeptical about my abilities to do well. I
was afraid I would fail; I had doubts and misapprehension about the teacher and the
course outlines. Furthermore, I thought I was not going to get good grades, I was
extremely doubtful about my ability to do well. I felt unready and afraid to fail; I did
not want disappoint my parents. Thus, English 102 wasnt just a class; it was a
challenge to my scholarly potentials. As the semester progressed, I discovered my
hidden strengths, which motivated me; from that moment, I realized English 102
wasnt going to defeat me. Afterwards, I was certain that I was not going to fail
English; I knew I would be victorious. English 102 is an extremely difficult class that
requires perseverance, determination and drive; nevertheless, I finished the class on a
strong note, had As and Bs on my assignments.
English has never been my strongest subject; Ive always struggled with writing
ever since I came into this country. Coming from a foreign nation made difficult to
adjust to the writing style and writing methods. My transition from a Spanishspeaking nation to the American school system wasnt easy; I had to learn new
writing strategies and a new language. Hence, when I embarked to take English 102, I
had to readjust my way of thinking, which made it challenging. Moreover, as time
passed my writing improved and developed faster than I had expected; I became a

fluent speaker and an expert writer. English became one of my strongest subjects; I
became a master at writing. Henceforth, English 102 was evidently hard, but not
impossible; it was assailing, but not appalling.
My ability to seek for help has enabled me to learn from my mistakes, I always
ask people to critique my writing materials and to give me constructive criticism.
Likewise, Montgomery college has a writing center dedicated to helping students
prosper in their writing journey. Likewise, the writing center is filled with marvelous
helpers who give you the best analysis and critics on essays. There I often find a
helper that reads, edits, and dissects my essays with me. It's a process, which I like
because it's an instant learning strategy. Furthermore, my perseverant nature has
empowered me to sustain any hardship that may come my way; in my English class
we had to write challenging essays that demanded tremendous amount of willingness
and thinking. Prior to attending Montgomery College, my writing skills were not at
college level, they were a little shaky; thus needing some remedy. The professor in
my English 102 class pushed me to my limits and she prompted me to study late
hours at night and to be defiant.
One of my difficult moments in English 102 happened when my teacher asked the
whole class to write an essay about Eportfolios. My naivety was tested; eportfolio
was a foreign topic to me, never before had i heard about it. I was intrigued to learn
but afraid to get a failing grade on the assignment. My ambitions were tested; and the
assignment required me to research the topic deeply. Furthermore, eportfolio was a
difficult topic because it was hard to examine whether eportfolios were visuals
arguments or not. The assignment required us to identify and explain whether

eportfolio were visual arguments or not; such a task was not easy for eportfolio has no
intention to persuade its readers. In the contrary eportfolio is a fact base virtual world
that represents people.

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