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Desiree Jenkins

Jenkins 1

Professor Abbott
LBS 400
Science Standards Reflection
After reading the science documents, the knowledge that I need to teach science in an
elementary classroom is I need to design a lesson plan that will give the students a hands on,
minds on experience.
The classes that I have taken has prepared me to be a competent teacher to teach science.
Classes such as Biology 102, General Biology Lab, Physical Science for Teachers, Math
207(Mathematics for Elementary Teachers), Science Capstone and SMT 416 (Earth Science for
Teachers) has well prepared me to apply my knowledge to teach my future students. My students
will be assigned hands on assignments, cooperate with other students to make predictions and
communicate information.
The areas that I feel well prepared in is in Biology. I enjoyed taking Biology and had and
have the thirst to learn more. The General Biology course that I took at Santiago Canyon
College, required the completion of many experiments and observations. This course
strengthened my thought process to make predictions, helped me created cause and effect charts,
and interpret the information that was given and what could be found.
The areas where I feel less prepared in is Chemistry, because though the subject was
touched up on in previous classes, I was not educated in a specialized class in Chemistry. It is

important for teachers to have a clear understanding of the subject that they teach so lessons
dont get lost in translation. If Chemistry is embedded in a lesson plan, then I should have a clear
understanding before I start my lesson.
Artifacts and work samples that I plan to share in my portfolio is physics lab work that I
constructed in past classes. The artifacts conclude that the lessons that were covered, were
understood. I was able to make predictions, create data and summarize the experiments
Work samples connect to my learning and my personal experience in teaching and
learning because my teachers in the above courses required that I learn and share the same
experience as if I was an elementary school student. I engaged in group work, presented
information that I deciphered and made conclusions. My teachers were inspirational to how I
would like to teach, and the classroom environment was an example of how I would like to see
my class operate, while incorporation California State Standards.

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