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1. Who is called father of evolution?

2. Name the book written by Darwin.
3. What is artificial selection?
4. Explain artificial selection with the help of an example.
5. List four organisms that are developed by artificial selection.
6. Explain survival of the fittest with the help of an example.
7. What are adaptations? Explain with the help of two examples.
8. What did Darwin mean when he described certain organisms as more fit than others?
9. What do you mean by descent with modification.
10. How can two species that look very different from each other be more closely related
than two other species that look similar to each other?
11. How is artificial selection dependent on variations in nature?
12. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains, in scientific terms, how living
things evolve over time. What is being selected in this process?
13. What types of evidence did Darwin use to support his theory of change over time?
14. Write a paragraph to summarize Darwins theory of evolution.
15. Write definitions of five vocabulary terms you learned today.
When Done:
16. Write a newspaper article about the meeting in which Darwins and Wallaces
hypotheses of evolution were first presented. Explain the theory of evolution by natural
selection for an audience who knows nothing about the subject.

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