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Ananth Salagundi

Ryan Sze
Harley Busfield
Danny Debs
Marble Sorter Project
POE Block 2
Date Completed: 4/25/16

Design Problem
For this project, we are given an assignment by the National Recreation Park
Association (NRPA) to design a sorting system for recycled materials from their
parks that they have in storage. Our system must be completely automated, it
should only use components from the VEX kits and other materials provided by the
teacher and dispose of the materials into individual container bins. The system
should also run under a 2 minute limit. The recycled materials will be 4 in.
material spheres, or 5 for extra credit, totalling to 16 marbles, or 20 for extra credit,
of different materials.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brainstorm Idea

The main bin contains all 20 of the marbles and is stationed on a level surface. A
cup attached to the chain and sprocket system picks up one marble at a time (the
cup will be the size of one marble) and starts going down a ramp (the ramp will be
steep enough so as to not cause the ball to travel at a great speed, but still keep it
moving forward).
The marbles then meet a line follower that uses the reflection off the marble to
separate them. If the marble is made of wood, then the line follower will activate a

trap door to send the wood marble to a separate bin, via a servo, and allows the
rest of the marbles to continue on their path.
The marbles then are received by an electromagnet which then attracts the steel
marbles. Once the steel marbles are attracted by the electromagnet, they are
further guided by magnets underneath a ramp to the separate steel bin.
The rest of the marbles are then approached by a flashlight-and-line follower
combination; the flashlight shines light off the individual marble and the line
follower receives the reflection. If the light is not reflected, the line follower will
activate a trap door to send the clear plastic marble to a separate bin, via a servo,
and allows the aluminum and opaque plastic marbles to continue on their path.
Finally, the two remaining types of marbles are met with a line follower which then
separates the aluminum and opaque marbles based on the reflection of the light
shined off. The marbles are separated and fall into their individual bins.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Decision Matrix















We decided on the topics based on previous projects; we looked at the truss project
decision matrix and modified it by adding the topics of time and consistency. We
decided on these criteria because time was already given as a constraint and
because we had to make sure that the machine would withstand a test of 20
We then proceeded with the scoring. A 1 indicates poor quality while a 4 indicates
excellent quality. As we started to look at the designs - first mine, then Dannys,
Harleys and finally, Ryans- we graded the design in each of these categories. We
based simplicity on the type and number of mechanisms needed, while cost on the
number of parts required for each of those mechanisms and holistically the number
of VEX components.
Then, we looked at the efficiency, meaning the ease of completing the task
assigned. We looked at whether the design would accomplish the task without

increasing the risk of errors. Overall, I believe we were satisfied with the efficiency
of all of the designs, given that we graded every design except for Harleys a 3.
Finally we looked at the consistency of the design and how much time the design
would approximately take. We then totalled the scores and picked the winning
design (highlighted in yellow).

Final Idea

The motor of the top will push one marble at a time onto a level that will allow the
steel marbles to be sorted out by weight first. The rest of the marbles will fall onto
the belt drive. Then, one marble at a time, they will fall into the light trap. The
light trap will consist of a flashlight and line follower and work together by
flashing a light and catching the reflection off each marble. Since each marble has a
separate value, the rotating cup holder will move to catch each separate marble
based on the value returned by the line follower; the cup holder will be rotated by a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Design Modifications
Major Changes
1. We decided to take out the rack and pinion system and replaced it with
a ramp and a servo-stopper mechanism. We realized that too many electrical
components would create more problems for us while we generated the
software program to control the marble sorter. We also realized that we would

need to control the flow of the marbles, so we designed the servo-stopper

mechanism to do just that.
2. We decided to take out the gear system and instead use ramps. We did
this because we wanted to reduce the amount of electrical components, and
thus the code, to minimize errors and maximize efficiency. We decided to use
ramp so that less external machines would have to do work; gravity and the
laws of physics itself will propel the ball down the ramp.
3. Instead of placing the light sensor underneath the track and the
flashlight above it, we used the light sensor itself as a stopping mechanism;
once the marble rolls down the ramp, it then slows to a halt, resting on the
light sensor. We devised this mechanism because we realized that without
the gear mechanism and an additional mechanism to reduce the speed of the
marble, we would need something to slow down the marble and let the light
trap accomplish its task.
4. To propel the marbles after the light trap, we constructed a fan. The
fan would rotate at its full speed for about .5 seconds (just enough to push
the marble off the light sensor and onto the ramp), theoretically. In the end,
the fan was reluctant to function and did not serve its purpose.
Minor Changes
1. We swapped out a funnel for the bottle because we wanted to increase
the efficiency of the flow of the marbles.
2. We brought the cups module onto the main panel and did not keep it in
a linear fashion, as per the design. This prompted us to design a way to
switch the direction of the marbles so that it would reach the appropriate
cups; hence, we redesigned the light trap and added a ramp to hasten the
speed of the marble once it falls off the light sensor.
3. We moved the steel cup off the floor to the top of the back panel to
increase the efficiency of the steel marbles falling into its designated area
and not having the risk of the steel marbles straying off the track and falling
into unwanted places.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Final Design

Program Snapshot

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Design Process
Define Problem
To understand the problem, each one of us were given a design brief with criteria
and constraints by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). WE read
the design brief and understood what each one of us had to come up with: a
machine that sorts recyclable materials (marbles).
Generate Concepts
To complete the task given, each one of us were formed into groups by our teacher.
In our group, each member was to brainstorm an idea to find a solution to the given
Develop Solution
Once each member was through with their brainstorm, and had a detailed,
annotated sketch of their idea, we then decided which idea to choose. We used a
decision matrix to pick a winner. Once we elected the winners solution, we went
ahead with the construction of the idea.
Construct and Test a Prototype

This portion of the design process was what consumed most of our time. We first
look at the final design and decided to separate the task of constructing; one
member (Harley) worked on the cups module while the rest of us worked on the
entire project. We first started with the base plate and attached vertical plates to
increase the height and fit all the components, aside from the cups module, onto
the back plates. We then constructed a stand for the bottle (soon to be funnel) and
the servo-ramp combo to allow for the flow of the marbles. Initially, we had some
difficulties with the lever (see-saw), but with some ingenuity, we constructed the
lever. We then decided to place the cups module onto the same base plate as the
rest of the components. For the marbles to smoothly flow into the cups, we devised
a solution to make sure the marbles change direction and fall into the right cups. We
then coded for the sorter.
Evaluate the Solution
After we completed the software portion, we began to test the program. After we
began our first test for the light sensor values, we discovered a lot of discrepancies
with the values ranges. So we accommodated for the changes in the code by
inputting the proper values for each material of marble (except for wood; we
decided not to use any wood marbles). Then, we discovered that we had run out of
time for us to complete our testing of the prototype. We realized that we needed at
least one more week to complete the testing and present our final solution; alas, we
had to comply with the time restriction and presented our incomplete prototype
Present the Solution
After the failed testing, we had to properly present our solution. We attempted to
show at least the lever portion, which succeeded. However, the rest of the marbles
were not sorted due to the fan not working and us not properly testing the
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Team Evaluation
Ananth (Me)
We originally all worked on the hardware component of Harleys design, as per
Ryans suggestion. He believed that so long as we had not constructed the entire
design, we should not proceed with the software portion of it. So, we continued on
the physical construction of the design; Harley worked on the cups module and the
rest of us worked on the entire design. I came up with some of the design
modifications and helped out on the entire construction wherever possible.
However, I will acknowledge that I was not present for one half of a block due to our
school choirs, of which I am a part of, competition. I regret not having been there to
complete the construction of the physical portion, but I knew that I had to
nonetheless participate in the competition. All in all, I felt like I did a decent job and
helped my team in any way shape or form.

His design is the one that we elected to construct, so we were naturally inclined to
ask him about any design modifications. He was a massive help to the team and our
goals of accomplishing the task; he was the one, along with Ryan, who design most
of the modifications to the project. Occasionally, he would not give his 100%
dedication to the project, but it was nonetheless dismissable due to the amount of
additions and changes he developed for the design. Overall, I was glad that he was
in our team.

Ryan and I later worked on the coded portion of the project; I created the shell and
he developed it to a greater degree of efficiency. Ryan himself worked on the entire
design initially and was quite diligent at it. However, his one drawback was that he
was somewhat condescending to Danny and was not appreciative of Dannys
presence (Ryan constantly proclaimed that he could not work with Danny); this
attitude towards Danny made him a bit annoying. Nonetheless, I cannot overlook
the amount of effort he put into completing the project on time.
Danny was rarely helpful. He would constantly distract either Harley or Ryan. This
made him very uncooperative and irritating to withstand. However, at times he was
hardworking; he sometimes helped on creating some of the minor fixes and
constructing the solution. In the end, even though he was irritating, I was fine with
him being on my team.
1. What would your team do differently with your design solution and why?
To modify the solution, I believe we would have to complete a thorough test of our
original design. Then, we would look at all the value discrepancies from the light
sensor and fix it by probably providing a controlled environment for the light trap to
function effectively. After that, what I would do is to figure out why the fan was not
functioning in the presentation and then appropriately troubleshoot the program to
find the bugs in the code. Finally, I would straighten the track so that the marbles
would not have to change direction, and thus restructure the cups module.
2. What was the most challenging aspect of this design problem?
I would have to say that the light sensor-flashlight combo was the most
challenging portion of the project due to the fact that the light sensor would
constantly produce different results, possibly due to the environment and/or the
individual material surface of each type of marble.

3. What did you learn?

I learned that what projects we complete in class are very miniscule compared to
what the engineers in the real world do. I also learned that sometimes, just out of
chance, one has to learn how to work with either non-diligent people or just plain
despicable people to accomplish the same goal.
4. What were some of the challenges of working in a design team?
I found out that not everyone will have the luxury of working with the people that
they prefer; in fact, rarely do people in the real world work with their peers. Often
times, we are forced into a team which we may or may not agree with and we then
have to learn how to cope with the situation and strive for success. This is what I
discovered when I was placed with this team. I also ascertained that time, among
others, is the biggest constraint when it comes to finishing a project. The pressure
of not completing the task given in a certain amount of time is always daunting,
especially to those who are extremely time-conscious.

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