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First of all, I would like to say greatest thank to ALLAH SWT for all of the
blessing given and also for the mercy, so that I can finish my thesis well. I also
say thank to Muhammad prophet SAW for the guidance.
The second, I would like to say thanks to my parents, Ayah and Ibu. Thank
you for praying for me and also always give me support. I love you both.
The third, I would like to say thanks to advisors, ______ and ______ thank
you for guiding me. Thank you for your suggestion. Then, thank you for the
examiners team, and also to the leader of English Department _____. Not forget
thank you to headmaster of SMK Kepanjen, Djumadi, BA. for the opportunity to
conduct the research there and also English teacher of SMK Kepanjen, Rr.
Suhartatik S.Pd for the guidance and your.
The last, not forget to my Special Fiencee, Suciati who always gives me
support, single prayer and accompanies me to finish my thesis. I love you so much
honey. I realize that we are far, but actually we are close to each other.
For my Little Darling, Vito Kenzhi Nugraha and Rensa Adi Putra
Pangestu that always give me trouble. I love you both. For Bejo and his wife,
Ayu, for my sister Novi and her husband, Yanto, love you so much.
My friend Habib Toha and Habib Lewo and all of my friends whom I
can not mention by names, thanks for your support. Thanks for all guys, it is
wonderful. I love all of you so much.

The Reasercher


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