Mmedford Test 2 With Rubric Cae 213 2016

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Test 2


Megan Medford
Intro to Adult Ed. (CAE213)
Dr. Jarvis Crosby
22 April 2016
TEST 2 with Rubric (CAE 213)
DUE: April 22nd by 5:00 PM
Short Answer Questions (Pick 3 of the 5):
1. Identify by name/phrase the 6 core principles/assumptions of andragogy AND expand on
what each refers to?
(1) The learners need to know refers to the importance of understanding why a person should
learn something. If an adult doesnt understand why it is important that they learn a subject, they
are not going to care enough to put in the effort necessary to understand it. By recognizing their
need to know, the adult is in essence opening their mind to the new subject. (2)The learners selfconcept is an adults ability to be self-directed and responsible for their own decisions. By the
time a person reaches adulthood, they typically are able to recognize what works for them and
what doesnt. If a teacher/educator comes in and tries to force a different learning style on them,
they will likely grow resentful and unhappy, gaining nothing for the experience. Adults have a
subconscious need to be independent and self-directing, a teacher/educator has to accept and
allow this in order for their adult students to learn. (3)The role of the learners experience refers
to the biases that have formed over a persons lifetime. An adult is going to have a more develop
worldview that will shape how they interpret and understand new information and experiences.
This can be both a positive and a negative thing as it can lend itself to better understanding of
new things that coincide with what they already know, or cause closemindedness if it doesnt. (4)
Readiness to learn refers whether or not something is appropriate and relevant to the students
life. It could also be described as the relationship between a subject and the students current
position in life. If a subject is not useful or relevant in real-life, an adult is not going to learn it

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easily. (5) Orientation to learning refers to the fact that adults are problem or task-centered when
it comes to learning. This means that they will typically only learn things as they apply to
problems in their lives. It is more effective to teach in the context of the learners everyday lives.
(6) Motivation, Adults are more likely to be motivated by internal factors (job satisfaction, selfesteem, and desire to grow and develop) rather than external factors (promotion, or raise).
Though they can be motivated by both, it is typically found that those with more internal
motivation do better and go farther.

2. Name and define the six philosophies of education that were discussed. Which one do you
prefer? Why?
Analytic wants to broaden the students awareness (knowledge, insight, and understanding), as
well as increase their ability to communicate this awareness. Liberal focuses on organized
knowledge, and the development of intellect in hopes of providing a well-rounded education.
Their overall goal is to produce scholarly, virtuous people. The behaviorist aims to promote
correspondence with societal standards and expectations through behavioral changes. This is not
to force conformity, but to try to form competent and skillful people that can work together to
build a society that minimizes suffering. Progressive tries to develop practical knowledge and
problem-solving skills to promote peaceful societal change. Their end game is reform in cultural
and societal structure. Humanistic is all about personal growth and development, and moving
toward self-actualization. They focus on self-direction, and improving the individual. Radical
wants to bring about major social, cultural, economic, or political change through education. In
educating people, they hope to generate social action that will lead to recreating the structures of
society and reducing oppression. When I took the test, I scored as a behaviorist. I definitely see

Test 2


how that is, and it honestly fits me the best, but I would prefer progressive. With behaviorist, I
really like the idea of promoting competence and skill development, and producing people that
can work together to minimize suffering. What I dont like as much is the aim for behavioral
changes, and compliance with societal expectations; it seems a bit stifling. Progressive seems to
have the things I like about behaviorist philosophy, while removing that part I dont like as
much. I like the idea of peaceful positive social change, as well as the gaining of practical skills
and the ability to problem solve. I think the main reason I still fall more into behaviorist is
because (in my opinion) the schools I attended growing up were more behaviorist, which shaped
the way I think about learning and education into unconsciously being more behaviorist as well.

3. What does Adult Education offer in the US context?

Adult education in the US offers many different things to many different people. The main types
of people that adult education serves is the working poor and unemployed, youths, and
immigrants. By providing education to these adults, you are allowing them, and often their
children, the chance for a better life. The working poor/unemployed, and undereducated youths
can gain more marketable skills, more experience, better qualifications, and potentially more
confidence through various adult education programs. This can lead to them earning a better job
or a promotion, which can reduce poverty, raise their quality of life, and increase their jobsatisfaction. It is a similar story for immigrants. It is not uncommon for people to move to the US
knowing little to no English. This can greatly affect their ability to find a job, and can potentially
hinder them from connecting with their new community. Using ESOL classes to break down the
language barrier can help immigrants better use the skills and knowledge that they already have
to find a more suitable and satisfying job. Learning English will also help them better engage

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with the English-speakers in their community. Not being able to communicate easily can be
frustrating and isolating. Adult education can ease that, and help immigrants live happier lives.
Regardless of the people group, adult education has been show reduce poverty, lower rates of
chronic diseases, make communities safer, create more earning potential, and help children have
more academic success.
"Adult Ed Facts." World Education. World Education Inc, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.


Provided a complete
answer to the question

Provided a well-written answer

with professional quality layout

Turned in on

Essay Question (Everyone answers this one):

Imagine that the adult educators that were presented were able to sit down and discuss adult
education. Pick four (3 plus the one you presented total 4).
I wasnt entirely sure how you wanted us to do this. I briefly answered the question, then wrote a
paragraph from the view of the adult educator as if they were talking about their career. In the
paragraph I marked where I incorporated each questions answer.

Booker T. Washington
1. What is your most important contribution to adult education?

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He was one of the earliest people to show that oppressed people, specifically African Americans,
could learn and be successful.
2. Who are/were you trying to help?
Freed slaves
3. What is the purpose of education in society?
To help create social change and move toward equality
4. How will educating freed slaves bring about racial equality?
It will allow for financial independence and cultural advancement
During my lifetime, I worked hard to build a solid foundation for racial equality. The key
to gaining racial equality is education. (3) Education leads to social and political change. We (2)
freed slaves need an education if we ever want to be treated as equals. (4) Education will provide
us with the tools we need to achieve financial independence and cultural advancement which will
raise our status in the eyes of the whites. I know you have been told that you cant learn, that
youre not smart enough, or that youre too old and set in your ways, but that is not true. (1)
Adults are just as capable of learning as children, and freedmen can learn just as well as any
white men.
"Booker T. Washington." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.

Paulo Freire
1. What is your most important contribution to adult education?
Dialogue, praxis, and conscientization

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2. Who are/were you trying to help?

Oppressed people all over the world
3. What is the purpose of education in society?
To inspire and bring about actions that transform oppressive social structures
4. How important is the role of the oppressed in reducing oppression?
Their critical reflection is key in promoting change
I worked for years to find the best way to teach the (2) oppressed and illiterate to read.
Just as I was making significant headway, I was arrested and then kicked out of my home
country of Brazil. That didnt stop me from continuing my work though. I travelled all over the
world studying and teaching adult education. Many colleges and universities wanted me to visit
so I could teach them about my new ideas on (1) dialogue, praxis, and conscientization. While
some of these may not be new, I have a unique spin that will help further adult education. For
example, we all know that dialogue is a good way of learning, but it is improved when there is
mutual respect and people are working under the presupposition of equality. Simply being able
to discuss and learn about issues is not going to solve much though. This is where praxis and
conscientization come in. It is gaining awareness of ones social reality, critically reflecting on it,
and then moving to action that leads to (3) removing oppressive social structures. (4) None of
this can happen though without the full participation of the pupil. Attempting to liberate the
oppressed without their reflective participation in the act of liberation is to treat them as objects
that must be saved from a burning building (Freire).
Smith, Mark. "Paulo Freire: Dialogue, Praxis and Education." Infedorg. YMCA George Williams
College, 11 Dec. 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2016. <>.

Test 2


Malcolm Knowles

What is your most important contribution to adult education?

The concept and assumptions of andragogy


Who are/were you trying to help?

Adults in general, but he spent a long time as a professor for various colleges/universities

What is the purpose of education in society?

To improve the person


What led you to the idea of andragogy?

Seeing patterns while charting the adult education movement, as well as my experience teaching
(4) The earlier part of my career focused on informal education, and mapping the
development of the adult education movement in the United States. This, along with my
experience teaching adults, led me to form some ideas about how adults learn best, and how it
differs from childhood learning. During my time teaching at Boston University, I was able to test
many of these ideas. I had a living laboratory in which to test the andragogical model; by the
time I left, I had refined it to the point that I felt it was at least a sound basis for further research
and theorizing" (Knowles, 1989). In (1) developing the andragogical model, I have furthered my
goal of using education to (3) improve the lives of (2) adults from a variety of backgrounds. I
have also helped pave the way for future educators.
Smith, Mark. "Malcolm Knowles, Informal Adult Education, Self-direction and Andragogy."
Infedorg. YMCA George Williams College, 01 Jan. 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.

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Bates, Chad. "Malcolm_Knowles." N.p., 2009. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.

Stephen Brookfield
1. What is your most important contribution to adult education?
Researching how to best facilitate critical thinking across various cultural contexts
2. Who are/were you trying to help?
Adult educators and students with different cultural backgrounds
3. What is the purpose of education in society?
To broaden awareness and create the possibility of a positive transformation
4. What role does critical reflection play in transformative learning?
Critical reflection is a necessary but not sufficient condition for transformative learning
(Brookfield). You can reflect critically without letting it change anything.
My years as an educator has shown me that critical thinking is important for everyone
involved in education. (2) Both the teacher and the students must be willing to participate in
critical reflection in order for effective learning to take place. I believe that it is necessary for (1)
the teacher to evaluate their students cultural backgrounds so that they can know the best ways
to help their students move into critical thinking. It is important that the student learn to be
critically reflective as this allows them to become more aware of who they are and how they
interact within the world. I have seen how (3) gaining this awareness through education can

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bring about a positive transformation in people. It is important to realize however, that (4) just
because someone knows how to think critically, does not mean they can or will make a change
within their life. (3) The important part is that they are able to make fully informed decisions on
their own.
"New Interview with Stephen Brookfield." OLA Media Project. EdLab Publishing Network, 28
June 2010. Web. 22 Apr. 2016. <>.


Contribution Which people

of Ed

Question for


















Short answer questions ____/ 60

Final Essay

+ ____/ 40

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