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Teachers name: _____________________________________________________________________

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2015 - 2016

Third Grade
Group: __________
Shift: ______________________
Third Evaluation
Students name: ______________________________________________________________________
Roll Number: ________ Marks: _________

1. Read the quotes from a blog. Decide which quote or quotes give the
following advice. (5 points)
a. We will regret the things we dont do rather than our mistakes. ____________
b. We should trust ourselves. ____________
c. We would be happier f we didnt dwell on the past. ____________
d. People who focus on regrets don't live their lives to the fullest. ____________
e. Difficult times are good for us. ____________


Mark the sentences T (true) or F(false). (5 points)

Dr Dyer wants people to take chances. ____________
Wilde thinks many people waste their lives regretting. ____________
Mero thinks that everything that happens n her life has a positive effect.
d. Bell thought that we miss opportunities because we focus on the past.
e. Rene thinks we should not follow our impulses. ____________
3. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. (5


Studying hard now will pay off in the long ____________

Smoking is just ____________
The movie wasnt good. It was just a____________ of time.
I'm going to save my money for a ____________ day.
All these exams are ____________ you out.

Label the situations CO (complaint) or CR (criticism). (5 points)

The secretary was very rude to me. ____________
You should have called us yesterday. ____________
You shouldn't have been late. ____________

d. I had to wait for two hours to see the doctor. ____________

e. You should have studied before your exam. ____________

5. Read and complete a part of a story with the correct form of the

verbs in parentheses. (5 points)

6. Match the half sentences. (5 points)
a. If she runs,
b. If the bee stings you,
c. If we don't call our parents,
d. If they play soccer all day,
e. If she doesn't remember,

___ theyll be tired.

Ill remind her.
she won't be late.
it'll hurt.
they'll be worried.

7. Rewrite the sentences as reported speech. (8 points)

a. "Caada is a beautiful country."
She said ________________________________________________________________.
b. "The holiday was fantastic."
He told me ______________________________________________________________.
c. "I am planning to go again next year."
He said _________________________________________________________________.
d. "I have just developed some photos."
She said ________________________________________________________________.
8. Read the anecdote and underline the best title. (1 point)
a. At Uncle Berts
b. The Party Piece
c. My Nuclear Family

9. Read the text again and write what relationship these people have to
the writer. (4 points)
a. Linda ________________________
c. Blair ________________________
b. Mary ________________________
d. Bert ________________________

Underline the correct options to complete the sentences. (4 points)


The writers sister used to pretend she was older / believed in Santa.
The writer has two / three brothers.
The writer is the oldest / youngest in the family.
The party piece was the cousins singing and playing music together / an
act that the kids did.

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